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Everything posted by gball77

  1. Hahahaha, that is truly laughable. Mooch probably knows that the Bills have no interest in him so he is gonna make it seem like Oakland is his choice and not his only option. Depressing though, I hated the idea of Grimm but am starting to really lean that way now. Still am having a hard time getting behind Frazier, I just can't take a coach who is going to show no emotion.. It is funny how my standards keep lowering, I started off thinking Shannahan or bust, then started to convince myself that Cowher was the man for job even though I never cared for him, then Billick, both Shots, now Grimm. I think by the end of this I will somehow have convinced myself that the hiring of Rusty Jones as our new coach ain't that bad!
  2. I agree with some of ICE's points on Grimm but am open minded especially if he has a strong candidate in mind as an offensive coordinator.
  3. The article may have won me over, I was in the camp that argued against Grimm due to Arizona's line being subpar at times and running game being non-existant but I also consider what he is working with, mainly Mike Gandy. If Grimm wants to come to Buffalo, I wouldn't hate it.
  4. True, good point. I hate to say it but I just don't want Frazier due comparisons of Dungy and Jauron and any name seems appealing to me. I posted arguments against Grimm and now think maybe he is our best option, that article someone on the board posted got me excited.
  5. Didn't want him at first but now I would like it. I know he struggled in Detroit but who hasn't recently? Insert Wayne Fontes joke. I like my coach to be well-spoken and have charisma and mooch has it, seems like he would get the players respect right off the bat, which is half the battle. My standards are starting to really lower though.
  6. I watch Arizona on a weekly basis and have seen the line play, the line is iffy. Kurt Warner does an outstanding job of releasing the ball and has great targets. I do respect your opinion and fact finding but he coordinates the run game and offensive line only and not the passing game, which is what carries Arizona. Not saying that makes Arizona a bad team but they can not run the ball. If you had a great passing offense, don't you think the running game would be available considering a team wouldn't load the box? What is the biggest weakness of Arizona? The line. What does Grimm coach? How come KC went with Haley and not Grimm? How come Cowher recommended Gailey and not Grimm to succeed him in Pittsburgh? What is a virtual hall of famer??? You are or your not... Great players don't always make great coaches anyways. For the record Mike Gandy gets owned on a weekly basis, watch the Super Bowl last year and tell me how much he has been coached up.
  7. His leadership skills have led to one of the worst rushing attacks in the league, he is the running game and O-line coach guru in Arizona. People like him because he looks the part and his name is always mentioned every time a coaching spot opens up. Krumrie was a badass player and tough guy but I wouldn't want him running my organization.
  8. This is a terrible on idea on paper, he is currently in charge of Arizona's run game and offensive line. Aren't these the two worst areas of the team, that have had a terrible time running and their line is as bad as Buffalo's at times. He doesn't call any plays so why do we want him. I'm sure it's something to do with Pittsburgh and Cowher's greatness rubbing off, you can see how well that has worked with Billicheks(sp?) assistants. Sign B-Shots and lets roll!!!
  9. My problem with Garrett is the same problem I have with Frazier, it's hard to tell how much is coaching versus having a loaded roster. Jerry Jones gives Garrett every player he wants and really Dallas on paper should be one of the better offenses. I like Brian Schottenheimer, he has worked with Brees, Rivers and Sanchez and called a heck of a game against Cincy without much firepower with the exception of the offensive line.
  10. I recall a Dick Jauron lead Bills team beating the Panthers in Carolina this year, you really want him? Had he pulled the plug on Delhomme earlier, the Panthers probably make a push for the playoffs. The Bills don't need another guy in here that is late to making changes that are obvious to most. It drives me nuts that ESPN repeatedly takes shots at Buffalo, maybe the Bills have no interest in Fox at his salary.
  11. Good point, but I think it comes down to who is picking the coach. Has our front office done anything to make you think that they can discover unknown talent? As for me starting up a donation drive, I think the Kelly's do a wonderful job at solicating donations without my help.
  12. I know in your heart you want Cowher to coach here, but why would Adam Schefter go out of his way to say there is a better chance of him coaching than Cowher. Clayton who worked the Pittsburgh beat also was adament that Cowher was not considering Buffalo as an option. I know you can say they are both idiots but I doubt they are both wrong on this one. The billboard would be better suited to be in Cowher's hometown if you wanted him to know how much he is wanted. My point is all the money should have went to the worthy cause not a portion.
  13. Your wrong in that the Buffalo Bills organization have not reached out to Marty with an offer. They did reach out to Cowher and he appears to have declined. The people who want Marty are not the same as the people who are clinging on to hope that Cowher will somehow change his mind. Marty is not going to say he wants a job that hasn't even been offered to him. Maybe he knows Ralph is not fond of him and will deny interest because he knows there is no chance of being offered the job. If you can show me that he was contacted by anyone in the organization about the job and declined, I would accept that he does not want to coach here. I think the billboard idea will never work and that all the money should have went to Hunter's Hope.
  14. I love it, I think it would work. As for why don't we understand that Marty don't want to coach again, he made the same statements before accepting jobs with Washington and San Diego. His original statment was he was put his time in and is done and now states that he won't shut the door on anything unless he has too. I don't think the job has been offered to him and he is not going to say he wants to come back if there really isn't an offer to coach. I think Ralph has put the kaboosh on Marty. I get that bad feeling that we are going to end up with Leslie. Not saying Leslie won't work, just am skeptical about his lack of head coaching experience and working with a loaded roster. I watch a lot of Vikings football and the D has a lot of bend in it at the end of games. They have a hard time putting teams away.
  15. Rex Ryan comes from a coaching family and has made overtures to Brian Schottenheimer that he would allow him to go with his Dad according to John Clayton. The Bills could also name him assistant Head Coach to give him a promotion that would allow him to move.Marty as head coach with Brian as Assistant Head Coach/OC would be the best scenario for me. I would actually prefer this tandem over Cowher, Marty has shown he knows how to rebuild a team. I was very impressed with Brian's play calling against the Bengals.That all being said, it appears that Ralph does not like Marty for some reason. If they wanted Marty they could have had him weeks ago, he has softened his stance with regards to returning.
  16. Horrible choice! He has a loaded D, both Williams, Jared Allen, Henderson, Winfield. Dick Jauron would do well with these players. That D is loaded with talent. We do not need another Head Coach that has no experience to go with our GM that has no experience. Terrible, I would be very disappointed if this comes to fruition.
  17. The Bills should cut him, actually they should have cut him weeks ago. Do you think the Bills winning more games this year will help brighten the future of this club? Another 7-9 season is the worst case, we are a bad team and need top talent. I hate me some T.O., he quits on patterns and only plays hard if he has the ball thrown to him every play. If anything, he causes turnovers, the QB's here force him the ball and get picked. Our QB's are weak and don't have the status in the league to tell him off. He has made Lee Evans a shell of himself and is preventing young players from seeing the field. Young guys should know how to practice at this level, he teaches young players to call out QB's and call out coaches. He is an ass and I can't wait to see him go. He can do his sh*t reality show that no one watches.
  18. Would anyone be against the idea of drafting Tebow with a second or third round pick, where some experts are projecting him? I'm sure Brandon will weigh the positives Tebow may bring with regard to ticket sales and national media attention.
  19. Just because your not a "blue-chip QB prospect" does not mean your going to fail. Warner and Brady weren't on any NFL scouts top ten and ultimately it was their drive and skill that prevailed. It's pointless to debate whether he'll succeed or not, time will tell. He has a lot of pros and cons. Fingon you are exagerrating the numbers, considering his completion percentage, I doubt he threw behind his receivers "hundreds" of times. The term "hundreds" is pretty vague (200-999.) You are attacking someone for judging his career on two throws yet are guilty of skewing the numbers to validate your point. He may be a bust or the next Kelly, who knows.
  20. Not a fan of Tebow's but I watched today's game with interest because of Kelly's comments and he threw two nice long balls. Had nice touch on the ball and it was in tight coverage. I think his NFL potential would be similar to Vince Young's but I think he has proven he is a lot better off maturity wise than Vince Young was upon entering the NFL. I would take Tebow, for that matter, I would be interested in making an offer to Urban Myer, creative offense and seems to have an eye for talent.
  21. Gill made a brutal call at the end, UB was driving with all run plays and are faced with third and 2, first down basically ices the game. Decides to call a pass play with a QB that was ice cold in the second half and has too punt. BG gets to the 40 with less than 10 seconds off the game clock. He would be the perfect coach for the Bills, he figured out how to blow a 13 point 4th quarter lead in heart breaking fashion. How the the star reciever is not double covered is beyond me. Gave UB a shot tonight and safe to say I won't be watching again.
  22. I found it odd that they were so against the billboard when they sit and try to get Dick fired all day. I think radio is more powerful than a billboard. Also find it funny that Schopp took such offense to the billboard while the station constantly plays a song "When will Dick Jauron get fired." Hypocrites
  23. Hate it, corny. Way too long! If you like Dane Cook and Carrot-top then this is funny.
  24. Couldn't agree more about Mendola, he is more annoying than Puff! I am an avid listener of talk radio and he is truly cringe worthy radio. The Trent Edward song is about 2 minutes too long and his voice makes me turn the channel. His bits are just corny. Greg Bauch is pretty good, you can tell he has paid his dues with comedy. WGR should have him or someone edit the morning shows material.
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