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Everything posted by gball77

  1. Yes, Bif will be heading up the scouting department.
  2. Drayton Florence sent Thurman a message along the lines of Marty interested in John Guy's old job? Would this make Bills nation happy if Marty came in to work with Buddy Nix in pro personel?
  3. He looked pretty bad in the playoff game, he looked terrible against Arizona last year. He seems to have anxiety issues with big games, that being said, I would take him because is atleast getting to the playoffs.
  4. Stroud is a big boy and if you add Cody then you got your big tackles. Maybin is a small quick DE so who knows.
  5. I don't think they are selling papers and he lives off his past, his columns are the same garbage, I'm sure he will be writing a story about his friend at the bar who is the eternal optimist. He has a large ego and interjects himself into the story, no need to take Nix at that moment other than to feed his ego
  6. The Buffalo News needs to let Sully move on in, he clearly has an issue with the Bills organization. He states repeatedly that it is very difficult for him to even watch the team and he is not a fan. While a reporter should be objective, Sully crosses the line to slanting everything negative. His ego is clearly getting the best of him, he had to make himself the story yesterday as opposes to reporting it. He has been mailing it in for years, the only time you could tell he enjoyed writing was when the story was about him breaking 100. Please bring someone in new or promote someone who is hungry and wants the job.
  7. I think he mentions not going to the triple option because that is what Paul Johnston runs at Georgia Tech now. I enjoyed not seeing Ralph today, Buddy handles himself well with the media.
  8. Thurman should not be on the radio, he is worse than the Bulldog. I feel uncomfortable listening to him. Sense not since and gailey not faley boss..
  9. I agree about Nix, I keep hearing people reference his age and that he is a first time GM. Weak argument, Andrew Fillipony(sp? who cares he will be working the drive-thru soon) kept bringing up his age. He does not sound old and feeble, he sounds like a guy who knows football. Reminds me a lot of John Butler minus the weird nose thing.
  10. If you go to the Buffalo Bills website they have a 1 on 1 with Chan Gailey interview segment. Call me crazy but he won me over! I am excited to see what he can do. I don't fall in love with names, I'm sure a lot of Redskins fans will tell you how well the big names have done for them. I think this guy with Nix is gonna turn this team around. I really believe Nix is in control of personel decisions now and feel comfortable with a real football making the calls and not Russ Brandon and Dick Jauron. Off the point, I have a feeling they are going to draft Tebow. Nix keeps alluding to wanting a college player who has proven that he can do it year after year, Gailey ran a spread offense and was a former Florida QB and most importantly the Bills need to make a move that will excite the fanbase for season ticket sales and no better way than drafting a franchise QB. Not saying I want him but it sure seems plausible.
  11. He is lucky that WGR does not have the same standard in hiring that he has for the Bills organization. Between the terrible mikes that couldn't pick up the questions at the presser and Bulldog struggling with the English language, it makes me yearn for an alternative. I just can't stand the attitude if it's not a "big name" my heads going to explode. On a side note, it drives me nuts when guys like Jerry Sullivan (who has been writing like he is semi-retired for the last two years), Mike Schopp and Bulldog complain about how horrible it is to cover the Bills, when the majority of us fans give up our recreational time to watch and follow the team. Nothing worse than busting your ass all day at a real 9-5 job and hearing guys complain about how horrible it is too have to talk or write about the Bills.
  12. If we draft Tebow then I'm ok with it, even if it fails it will be interesting and newsworthy.
  13. We didn't seem to be able to figure out his scheme, we couldnt score a TD when we played them. Rex has had a lot more talent to work with in my opinion and much more stable situations. Oakland has been chaotic for quite some time, the D played well enough to win a lot of games, just have no offense and Cleveland was pretty unstable this year. I would prefer other candidates but only two people have agreed to interview and one was clearly a token interview.
  14. Loaded with talent or a malcontent known as Shawn Rogers? I don't see Cleveland as an underachieving D. They are as thin as we are at linebacker. Can't think of a name in their secondary, maybe your thinking about two or three years ago when they loaded up when Crennel was coaching.
  15. I'm sold! hahahaha. Not to mention it would be entertaining to see him give Trent Edwards another concussion.
  16. I'm assuming you mean Mike Smith and not Mike White, the Falcons finished 9-7 this year with their starting QB out for multiple games. He took one of the worst teams and made them competitive, so I think he is doing well in Atlanta. As for Ryan versus Mangini, Ryan got the Jets a playoff win which is something I would take in Buffalo. While he inherited a lot of talent he also had a rookie QB who was erractic and cost the Jets multiple games.I am not saying Ryan is in the elite of coaching but he has reenergized the fanbase in New York. I think you misunderstood my point anyways, I'm not saying the Bills should hire Ryan, just wanted to get a sense of what the board thought of him as a coaching candidate and the fact Buffalo refuses to interview the Ryans, Billicks, Fassels and Hasletts. As for my assignment, your going to have to give me a F, not interested.
  17. If the reports are accurate with regard to Ralph not wanting Marty or any part of him in the organization then you can understand why his son would decline the interview. Especially if his Dad wanted back in but is too proud to say it publicly. Not to mention NY Jets have a rookie QB that will only get better, so there is a chance he is hotter commodity next year. Grimm on the other hand doesn't make a lot of sense, he is in a situation where if the Cardinals lose today, he is going to inherit Leinart or a rookie QB. Head Coaching positons are usually offered to coaches on teams that are on the rise. Arizona will struggle without Warner. He should take what he can get now while the irons hot.
  18. Would anyone have any interest in Rex's brother, for as bad as Cleveland and Oakland were, the defenses seem to always play tough. Don't kill me, I'm not saying I would want him but would it hurt to interview a guy like this, since our options are so limited. Players seem to really like playing for him. If he stunk we would atleast get a lot of good sound bites from him.
  19. I think a team in the AFC East will have a good shot at landing Wilfork and Seymour. I think both men will want a shot at New England and Brady twice a year. Will it be Buffalo? If the coach search is an indication, no.
  20. If true, that really sucks! If we could have had Marty and Brian I would have felt good about this team. I would love to know what Ralph's hang up with Marty is. Ralph is the problem.
  21. He may be the next coming of Jimmy Johnson but could you imagine the response if the Bills trotted out Cameron. It would be a PR nightmare, this fanbase has lost it's patience. I would be impossible for them to make this move without risking losing a large chunk of their fanbase.
  22. I don't have to imagine a pass-happy attack working here in Buffalo in November or December, I can go review tapes of the K-Gun offense. Faulk was used in the same manner that Thurman was. Thurman was never a bruising running back, the pass game set up a lot of what we did in the early 90's with the trap and draws. You could argue our insistence on passing may have cost us XXV.
  23. How come this is not being reported by any national or local media? You would think Mr. Long would be eager to have his name back in the press if he had a reliable source. I'm sure he is guessing like the rest of us. It looks like he is going to be our coach considering no one other the Perry has interviewed and no one else wants to interview with us. If true, Brandon better be a marketing genius because it's gonna get ugly. Not that Frazier is bad candidate, he just got put in a terrible position, with the Cowher talk and other possiblities.
  24. I may argue that the Steelers won that Super Bowl in spite of Tomlin, Dick LeBeau kept his system in place and Big Ben is a franchise quarterback. Tomlin may turn into the modern day Barry Switzer, he won with someone else's team. I could be wrong but this year showed that Tomlin is prone to some very questionable game day decisions. Who knows if Grimm has the same result if he gets the position.
  25. If your point is that good coaches are dry and wouldnt make great analysts then I present to you, Dick Jauron. I'm sure Dick Jauron would also be a riot on NFL Countdown. I don't think it's a case of fans loving a guy as an analyst and thinking it makes him a great coach, it's more a case of being desperate for a candidate with the some experience. For all his faults, he did have good years in San Francisco and comes from the Walsh coaching tree which has fared well. He is not an ideal choice for me, as he is clearly a West Coast guy and probably wants to stay on the West Coast hence his preference of Oakland over Buffalo.
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