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Posts posted by mabden

  1. Says what they think of Johnny Football.


    A PFT stated that the Browns receivers had to correct the play calls in the huddle for Manzel. Other than that he's ready


    During the game they would show Manzel on the sideline chatting up teammates, laughing, basically hanging out enjoying the atmosphere (i guess) and not really engaged in the game or what is going on between Hoyer, OC, and QB coach.


    Manuel on the other hand always seemed engaged in what is going on with the game, play calling, and offense strategy.

  2. Bruce Smith was also accused of malingering during his first and second years....


    In his first years in the league, the Bills under Hank Bullocks were terrible. There was a story that Bruce threaten everyone in the defensive huddle to not make a tackle and let the other team score, in a hope that HB would get fired quicker.

  3. I think this is so overstated by people who don't go to games.

    I've had season tickets since 2001 and have seen someone throw up once, in the parking lot before the game.

    Drunks - yes, there are drunks. Most are harmless. Once a season, one of them really gets on my nerves. But, a quick wave to the usher and problems are solved.

    Violence? I don't recall seeing a fight at a Bills game in a few years. Some arguing and shoving and such, but no actual violence.



    Going back to the Chuck Knox days in the early 80's, the atmosphere today has changed quite a bit. Back then, a Bill's game at Rich stadium was just as wild as any concert I went to there, sometimes worse, since more alcohol is consumed at a Bills game than a concert.


    Nonetheless, the parking lot after an 80's Bills game was littered with; falling down drunks, throwing up, passed out, fighting, openly pissing on tires, wild make-outs/sex, and general mayhem. I read quite a few letters to the editor from guys taking their kids to the game and having a terrible experience due to the alcohol induced bad behavior. Can't say I blamed them.


    Since, then the Bill's have "cleaned" things up and have tried to gear the experience for a more family friendly atmosphere. However, the norm still seems to be, arrive early, drink heavily, wolf down some food, go to the game and scream. I have often felt that a Bill's pregame parking lot experience is similar to a tribe preparing for battle with the fires burning, the sloshing down of mead, the eating of partially roasted meat, the load roars of the tribes and the donning of their tribal gear before marching off to war.


    Gotta love it.

  4. Nope.


    Ferguson, and Kay Stephenson. I seem to recall it was done because Fergie was color-blind, and every other team in the division also had a white hat at the time. The red was dark and would provide differentiation.


    "Everyone we played had white helmets at that time," Ferguson said. "Our new head coach Kay Stephenson just wanted to get more of a contrast on the field that may help spot a receiver down the field."


    I stand corrected. I tend to forget those years. Thanks.

  5. Can someone explain how Batavia is in the mix as a potential new stadium site? I keep thinking this is a joke but it continues to be in the conversation, at least in media reports.


    I grew up 1 mile north of Batavia on R98. My parents still live there and their home would probably be bought up to accommodate the stadium. That or their yard would be the next Bills Nation tailgate lot of choice :). Talk of a Bill Stadium in Batavia has been a subject for over twenty years.


    I believe the majority landowner (high school friend of my brother with enough to build a stadium and all the parking lots, practice facilities, etc) is involved with local politics and has some sort of connections with the Bills organization. I believe this is where the "potential consideration" exists.


    As it is right now, there would be major problems with placing a Bills Stadium north of the thruway, first being Route 98 goes north (one lane) to rural areas and south (one lane) to the City of Batavia. The choke point is the two lane bridge over the thruway and the thruway exchange itself (maybe 4 points of entry/exit) so major road/bridge/toll booth work would have to be done. Even so, that still leaves only one way into and out of the stadium, since going north leaves any one going along back country roads through small towns to get to Route 63. Another alternative would be to put in another toll booth exit west of Batavia with a direct connect to the stadium. I wonder how much that would cost.


    The next big consideration is the Batavia airport cannot handle large/fast planes to get teams (and other high mucky mucks) in and out of Batavia, They would have to be bused in from Buffalo, or the airport expanded at the expense of peoples homes who live in the area and roads being cut to add in a longer runway. Highly unfeasible.


    Lastly, outside of Batavia Downs Race Track and slot machine heaven and Thurman Thomas's new bar/restaurant Rush 34, there is not much to do in Batavia.


    Anyway that's all I have to say about it.

  6. "Winners in the HOF from superbowl teams do well after fb too.


    Yeah, just look at OJ. Oh wait, that is probably a bad example. Nevermind.


    I believe the priorities are:


    1) Money


    2) Long Term Deal/Security


    3) Coaches/Winning Team


    4) City


    5) Teammates


    The percentages of how each priority effect the decision making process will depend on the individual and the team making the offer.

  7. #28 Steve Johnson " Johnson has been stretched as the Bills' No. 1 receiver."


    Again no love for the Buffalo Bills. I think this ranking is complete horse crap considering his stats on comparison with other receivers and his shear consistency.




    Not that I'm a fan, but they have Wes Welker in the prove it category at number 29. So no love for the $6mil a year man, either.

  8. 3.Make my best effort to keep Levitre, unless he just does not want to be a bill. and hill take less money elsewhere. Then I try a sign and trade before I just let him walk. I figure out if he will help us help him get to where he does want to be and I honor his request and get myself at least a 2nd rd pick. out of this, early 3rd at the worst.





    Trading Levitre will not happen as all a smart GM would do is wait for the FA period to open and he is gone. Best bet is to sign him. If he doesn't want to stay in Buffalo, then let him walk, use the money to pay Byrd what he wants. If Byrd doesn't want to stay in Buffalo, then tag him.



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