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Posts posted by mabden

  1. It's the accuracy that does EJ in. He will never be a starter in the NFL (or even a quality back-up) if he can't be more accurate. Just about every crossing throw was like 2 yards behind the receiver.


    From what I observed with Ej, most of his inaccuracies can be attributed to not setting his feet and stepping into his throws.

  2. The thing that makes you the most mad...

    (About the Giants Game)



    Preventable Penalties, ones like lining up over center on field goals.


    Unprofessional Behavior, like punching opposing players and/or refs.


    Bad Offensive Game Plan, especially poor play calls in the red zone.


    One Sack, by a guy not making tens of millions of dollars,


  3. I think he was trying to get down but the Giants players were holding him up and working him over for the ball. Out of bounds would have been preferable, but I can't fault a guy for trying to make a play in the heat of the moment. Refs could have blown the whistle and elected not to. It seems arbitrary as the refs often blow plays dead in that circumstance.


    GO BILLS!!!



    If this was the Pats*, then the refs would have made the forward progress stopped ruling in a heart beat.

  4. i will fred and i do ot believe he is done in the nfl. where do you think he lands? myprediction would be the cowboys or the pats?



    I would hope that Fred has enough class and loyalty (to Buffalo not the coaching staff) that he would reject any offer from the Pats*.


    If Wood walked at this rate, I'd not cry. He has a lot to prove after being one of the top 5 OC's in the AFC just a few years ago.




    So what is the difference between when he started in the NFL and the end of last season; nasty injury, crappy guards next to him, poor coaching, and a **** offensive scheme. My money is Wood returns to the monster he was.

  6. My analogy would be steriods.


    The Pats** deflated the footballs to gain an unfair advantage in the game, much like an athelete juices to gain an unfair advantage in their respective performance at game time.


    What I noticed in the Colts playoff game is the ball bouncing/slipping/dropping out of the Colts recievers' hands, mean while all the Pats** recievers grabbed the balls like glue. Since this is the first time they got caught, tested, you are forced to concider how long the Pats** have been tampering with the balls without getting caught. Since the officials only tested the ballsafter concerns were raised by the Colts (half time,) I suspect that testing the balls during or after the game is not standard operating proceedure (which would be observable by the cheaters involved and assessed the tampering as low risk of discovery.


    The difference with steriods vs. ball tampering is the NFL conducts regular drug testing, so it is a higher risk or discovery.


    Any less than that and the NFL is creating a cost/benefit situation for cheaters. .


    Make the penalty harsh, and it should deter cheating



    Will the NFL revoke the rule change insisted on by Brady and Manning for the teams to hendle their own balls? Will the NL insitute a new proceedure to check air pressure before, during, after games and/or assign a special handler of each temas balls?


    Pun intented.

  7. So I watched the vid and gotta say this kid Hill had some really big, good recievers to throw to.


    I saw a lot of come backs, twists, stretches, great hands, and wide open catches made.


    The plays also had a lot of 4 reciever sets.


    Moved around in the poclet well, although there wasn't a lot of plays with too much pressure.


    Not sure how deep he can get it (a lot of RAC yards)


    Seems to have a good arm, not much hesitation on his throws.


    Nothing against the kid, but I would suggest that without those recievers, he is not as succesful.


    But for a UDFA look see, sure, migth be able to make the practice squad at least or beat out Tuel at best.

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