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Posts posted by mabden

  1. true, there are varying levels of indiscretion here. but some might say Richie, although a bad person, was well liked by his coaches and teammates. meanwhile, Kane just seemed like a bad apple and didn't get along with anyone. but in both cases, the Pegula's talked with the player and gave the ok to move forward. I wonder if the Incognito signing gave them a precedent to say it's ok to take a risk on these guys and we are going to be an organization that gives people second chances. i wonder if this will be the case going forward as we know there are no shortage of players with baggage in pro sports



    And they can easily give the OK to move on from the player if they don;t pan out. Risk is risk and if you don't take any, you tend to stagnate.

  2. My issue with the Pats is that they have Goodell in their back pocket. They think they are above the law, they play like they are sqeaky clean and most importantly their games are manipulated by the refs on a weekly basis. Their championships are tainted, but it's becuase of the bull **** calls and non-calls from the refs, not cheating. Everyone cheats in the NFL. Honestly, how many Jets and Bills players do you think take steroids? See my point?



    2 or 3 calls and non-calls like that, placed in the right spot can increase you chance of winning by a huge percentage. That's how their empire was built, and that's why its garbage.




    Just give it to 'em.


    My observation:

    There is not a second legitimate running threat. Except the QB, who you don’t want to get hit and hurt. As for the bubble screen option as a complement to the running game, teams are getting better at defending it on the perimeter. Defenses would have a tough time adjusting to a legimate second running back threat on the field.


    My contrarian thoughts:

    Play a REAL fullback running option, combined with your feature back, this guy needs to someone who is a real threat and the D needs to worry about him. Preferably this is bigger, inside runner . Maybe, I’m thinking Boobie Dixon.



    Yes I know teams will put in the Jon Kuhn types near the goal line. And, it usually opens right up because defenses are still focusing on defending other things. I’m talking about employing this formation with a better runner and more than just goal line situations. I'm after another option for the Defense to defend in the running game.

    I think this approach could be innovative and could be a competitive advantage for teams that employ it properly. Not saying I’m an offensive genius , but I’m surprised no one really does what I’m talking about now. Especially teams like the Bills who want to run and pound the ball, and have a problem with the QB position. Perhaps we will see more of it at some point. Offensive Innovation as an adjustment to defenses has a long history from Gillman to Brown to Coryell to Walsh to Gibbs right up to the current guys. Have any of you ever thought about this? Could it work as an adjustment to the current defense? I’m interested in your thoughts and opinions.




    Case in point the '83 to '85 SF 49ers with Wendall Tyler and Roger Craig. IMHO one of the best all time rushing duos.

  4. The only reason I would watch this years SB is to route against the Cheatriots.


    Do not think this is reason enough to watch it. i.e. no fun at all.


    Could have been worse, a Dallas - NE superbowl as I hate each team (NE more) and could not stomach to watch either one playing or winning.


    Would have preferred a Bills-Packers superbowl.

    Either Punkshawn or the Cheats take home the Lombardi trophy. Gag. And yes, they still cheat. Using two running backs to push Brady to a first down on 4th and inches is clearly against the rules. But when was the last time you saw a helping the runner penalty? I guess if I had to choose, give it to Punkshawn. I want that guy's attorneys. How they've kept him out of jail and on the field through his DUI and assault arrests makes Johnnie Cochran look like a paralegal.


    Did not get this until I remembered that Katy Perry was the halftime show. Well-played sir. :worthy:



    Against Buffalo, for one of our O-linemen pulling one of our RB's across a first down line.


    Apologies for not remembering any more details.

  5. Um. You should ask, Brady, Both Mannings, Rodgers, Big Ben, about that,


    Agreed. A mediocre QB needs an very good OL to perform at or above the QB's potential (Think Mark Rypien) Very good QB's make OL's look better than they are and can perform at an excellent level despite their OL.


    My formula; if your QB is average or below, invest in the OL. If your QB is above average, invest in weapons he can use.


    For the Bills; as much as I like Manuel, Orton retired, and few prospects for upgrading the QB beyond average - we need to upgrade the OL.

  6. Why does that make him smart? If the dude has aspirations of leading a team to a Superbowl victory as a head coach or making the hall of fame as a head coach, then why would it be a smart move to turn down a chance to make his dreams come true? That is not what ambitious winners do. They take the opportunity and try to make the most of it.


    If he is offered the right opportunity to head coach another NFL team, you can bet he is gone.


    If he takes a HC job for any of the teams firing their HC at seasons end, it will be a longer road to the Super Bowl than if he stays in Buffalo as DC. Once he has a Super Bowl ring, he can name his price for any HC job in the league.

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