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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. it was mean to be spelled "jerks"- a double entendre . but I didn't see any of the jerks challenge this assertion: "I think you misinterpret laziness or bad choices for complacency. It's funny that you think adversity, luck, the sperm lottery, and fate play a role with a person's financial life, but hard work and dedication are shrugged off as meaningless or ineffective. Nothing is guaranteed in life, yes sometimes you can pour everything you have into something and still fail. However, I am hesitant to believe in the internet and entertainment age we live in, that everyone is pouring everything they have into being successful and still just failing." so it's not laziness, it's complacency. people are satisfied having no emergency cash. got it what are the opposites of hard work and dedication? incidentally, these aren't isolated sentiments in a single thread. i'll stick by my characterization, thank you very much.
  2. so, in conclusion, it's the circle jerks opinion that 2/3 of the us population are worthless, low life, good for nothing, lazy scumbags, that are unwilling to pull their own weight. why do any of you choose to live in a country that is full of these people?
  3. the poll here is more than the inverse of a much larger poll that showed 2/3 can't cover a $1000 expense. which poll do you believe? a bunch of blowhards in a circle jerk with an agenda? um, no. people that can't admit that adversity, luck, the sperm lottery and fate play a role in where someone ends up financially in life are not going to admit that they're in that pool. the 88% here that state they can afford a $1000 hit would be well reminded that it wouldn't take much to alter that even if they're telling the truth. a family illness, a flood, a hurricane, a lawsuit, an accident, a plant closing and that 1k looks a lot bigger. i was talking to an hr director of a medium sized company that is closing and moving all production to mexico in the next month. he's "retiring". he told me he's seen the figures. they can produce the same goods there for 10% of what they can here. a lot of people working there will soon find 1k a pretty steep price. so lets not pretend it's all a matter of laziness and bad choices. it's not. but trump is not the answer...that's for another thread.
  4. i wish there was a symbol for standing ovation. this post gets it. i won't try to add it's got it all. it's all true. i found it:
  5. no one gets any sympathy from you. you should hope karma never bites you where you need help from someone.
  6. bs. I made $6k/year as a research assistant in grad school. full tuition assistance including books. I was injured in the lab one night. no insurance (cuz it wasn't part of the assistantship and I couldn't afford it). it took many months to pay off the medical bills and finally get on an even keel. never had much to save even after they were paid off. perhaps you lived on ramen noodles and kept your room at 57 degrees and then lived an otherwise charmed existence.
  7. people making 100k plus have no excuse. people making minimum wage and no other income can't afford basic necessities much less saving.
  8. so you don't support an increase in minimum wage and simultaneously insult people that are paid $7.50 an hour. $1000 is over 3 weeks work...and they're sposed to save that much for emergencies?
  9. it's one of two things: a lie or gross negligence. to me, as a fan hoping for a winner in my lifetime, the lie is preferable so i'lll go with that.
  10. are you sure? it's a slippery slope. how do you know where he draws the line?
  11. who says whaley's lie was retrospective? seems premeditated to me.
  12. it won't surprise you that I see it completely differently. lying to your fans is actually worse than lying FOR your fans to win. at least they meet their desired ends by less than virtuous means. they're all bad acts but i'd say whaley's is worse. no good comes from it.
  13. disagree. but you appear to have a double standard for lying in this particular forum. brady and blechick lying is bad. whaley lying is good. I think it's bad all the time.
  14. no. mostly because honesty is no longer valued and being honest is often considered stupid and counterproductive.
  15. unfortunately, it's a fact that ethics have become passé in modern day America and especially the nfl but it goes beyond the pale to actually argue that lying is good.
  16. human hair is supposed to work also. my wife said "ewww!" as if she'd never had her hair cut. we went with the soap.
  17. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/use-irish-spring-soap-repel-garden-pests-97701.html. obviously, it works because of the smell. I guess deer don't like leprechauns. unless the deer are bothering your parked truck, I don't think it will work. deer whistles on your bumper ?
  18. you don't feed the deer either, at least not on purpose. we have sticks with hanging irish spring soap all over our gardens and having dogs helps. so far, so good but I've seen them eat every twig of vegetation in other spots. the local agricultural extension agent recommends "lead poisoning" to solve the problem.
  19. that'd be a good place to start. he ruled persia for many years. his actions still haunt us today. perhaps debakey.... to ppp?
  20. guns. not no guns. we just moved. and we have a bear that likes to visit. now i'm not planning on shooting a black bear on my property but i'd do it if it were maiming me or anyone else on my property. then i'd run like hell cuz he'd likely just be very angry, bleeding and not mortally wounded. but do i need a bazooka? a guided missile? an automatic? nah, i'll stick with my shotgun and a slug and my legs to run. cuz if i had any of those other things i might well injure my neighbors or their kids and then i'd feel worse than if the bear maimed me. so guns , yes. but there are limits and we need to set them.
  21. a truly interesting character in world history. much to debate involving him. i'll wager we'd be on different sides on most issues. have a go?
  22. really? do you think his consent form left out possible nerve injury?
  23. yeah, there are nerves in the upper arm as well. i don't think anyone will be amused if lawson's are injured.
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