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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. neither can I. that was funny! The Bills can’t honestly believe their rivals are trying to gain an advantage from information gathered at their workouts. We’re talking about the Bills, not the Patriots. It’s not as if Buffalo holds some secret to success. They have a blueprint for what not to do. Stealing information from them is like cheating off the dumbest kid in class
  2. paying a living wage for their labor will help many of those kids when they get to working age. a sense of worth and value is perhaps the most important thing that can be provided. if the ceo's insist on billions in compensation yet pay a living wage, i'm ok with that too. but they won't.
  3. luck has much to do with it. there is not nearly as much upward economic mobility as most people believe. the economic strata you were born into will very, very likely be the highest strata you will obtain in your lifetime. that truth is only getting more evident with each passing year. the sperm (or womb) lottery is a really important predictor of ones financial and social destiny.
  4. of course you see egg/chicken when it most likely is chicken/egg. people self medicate when they lead lives of quiet desperation. yes, the struggles have existed for centuries. can we do better? don't we claim to be an advanced society? interesting that you believe better pay wouldn't help at the same time it's being argued that a few stupid expenditures that amount to a short period of time working for that better pay are the cause of these folks struggles.
  5. the obvious difference of course being the impact on good paying jobs created for everyday folk from subsidies to boeing versus the bills. but hey, we get a perennial loser to cheer for as a result all that money!
  6. some faces to go with the rhetoric: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/26/us/feeling-let-down-and-left-behind-with-little-hope-for-better.html?_r=0
  7. except in this case, this private corporation is subsidized by taxpayers. perhaps if the billionaires no longer asked the public to pay for their stadiums your point would be stronger.
  8. this. like many here, the bills brass don't accept criticism well. the messengers are shot. those ultimately responsible for failure hold their jobs. business as usual.
  9. uh, he wasn't dead when he was her supposed "friend and mentor". she almost certainly felt she had something to gain from him and her relationship with him. she's an opportunist what pol except folks like bernie isn't?
  10. sure. you never see agreement, support and coordinated attacks from the cons here... it was an incorrect vote. but he voted correctly other times including the voting act. on balance, he was much more progressive than Thurman or byrd. admittedly not saying much but it was the time and place for scumbags.
  11. Byrd, absolutely. Clinton's endorsement doesn't change his record. she probably needed something from him as I've said before, the only honorable candidate in the entire election cycle is Bernie. Fulbright. don't know much about. was portrayed as needing his arm twisted on civil rights in the movie. whether that is accurate, I don't know. gore sr was a relatively progressive southern dem., a rare bird in those days. had dealings with some undesirables like armand hammer and I understand there are some ethical questions concerning finances but I don't consider him in the same group. didn't vote for the civil rights act of 64 but did for the voting act. he was more a supporter of civil rights than almost any other southern colleague in a time and place that it was very difficult to be one. he must of had some principles but was not perfect.
  12. the movie based on a play, based on a book and rarely challenged for it's portrayal of the most powerful dixiecrats of the time explains who they were much better than a few sentences here can. a picture is worth a thousand words. call em whatever you want, i'll call them despicable and dishonorable.
  13. I would expect anyone that was directly connected to racists and didn't attempt to change that would be upset.
  14. what do they know? just liberal academics publishing in scholarly journals... no. the piece linked above is an economic paper. fairness is a separate issue. the paper talks about the economic implications. you just don't agree with the conclusions or at least don't want to.
  15. often times justifiably so. what positive consequences result from someone making 100's of millions per year? it's more than they can ever likely spend. it's money not going to those who would spend it immediately because of need. there is a diminishing return on incentivizing those making those salaries above a threshold. and it leads to short term planning in many cases because c level execs can get rich and get out. damned be the future. all in all, it's counterproductive.
  16. let's talk math then. does 100x the lowest wage incentivize people to work harder? 20x's? it did for centuries. why does it now take 1000's of X's? or does it really?
  17. mm hmm...where have we heard that argument recently?
  18. I suspect it wasn't an isolated incident. I think jboys might rethink his notion of southern democrat history if he watched this. Thurmond, Byrd and several other shameless racists are cast in an appropriate light after many years of unjustified cleansing of their reputations.
  19. giving that money directly to workers as a subsidy would be more effective in the short term (no trickle down lag or loss) and just as unsustainable. neither model matters. they won't work. we need taxation that redistributes wealth and removes the incentive for salaries 1000ands of times those of the lowest workers.
  20. http://money.cnn.com/2016/05/19/media/all-the-way-hbo-movie-review/index.html onr e of the best for tv movies I've ever seen. Spielberg produced. the acting is phenomenal and the subject matter compelling. anyone else see it?
  21. and some people have figured out that there is a happy medium and it's worth having a bit less in order to smell the roses once in a while. Billy Joel told us abvout it years ago: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/billyjoel/movinoutanthonyssong.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UBpt1dya60 unfortunately, it gets more difficult by the day when wages stagnate and wealth concentrates at the top. the need for laws like these http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/obama-overtime-pay_us_5727b961e4b0bc9cb0442db9illustrate where much of the problems lie.
  22. yes, I meant to write circle jerk ad hominem but straw man holds as well. I never said splenectomy and shoulder surgery were in any way equivalent. that's just the kinda weak shite that passes for argument around here. well, no. seems more than a million expats have found a way. https://internationalliving.com/2014/09/the-best-places-to-live-in-mexico-as-a-u-s-expat/
  23. what is the opposite of hard work? the opposite of dedication? what descriptor does not "pouring everything into being successful" imply. now it's a circle jerk concerted straw man attack. par for the putt putt course of tsw. that and calling something that is clearly black, white, while denying the existence of gray.
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