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Posts posted by CSBill

  1. 17 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    !'ve given up pretending I understand the game, except in the most general terms.   I simply don't understand why practically every team in the league stops the Bills and everyone else on all those short receiver screens and rubs, and the Bills sit back in their zone and let teams take an easy seven yards.   I simply don't understand why, if teams are going to attack the Bills' short passing game like that, why the Bills can't find Diggs or Davis or Shakir or Sherfield or Harty or Cook or Kincaid or Knox (man, what a list!) downfield anywhere.   There are reasons, I'm sure, but I accept the fact that it's complicated.  


    This section has a little Proverbial feel to it:


    Proverbs 30:18-19

    “There are three things that are too amazing for me,
        four that I do not understand:
    the way of an eagle in the sky,
        the way of a snake on a rock,
    the way of a ship on the high seas,
        and the way of a man with a young woman."


    In the footnotes of your Bible, Soloman added:


    "Nor why the Buffalo Bills can't execute a bubble or regular screen pass." . . .  It is a mystery of Biblical proportion.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Turf Toejam 34 said:

    Question----why did the clock stop right before the last Bills field goal?   CBS made it sound like Kincaid caught the pass, which would have had the clock continue to run, and the Bills did not take a time out.   If that was ruled a catch that seems like an officiating error.   

    I think it was incomplete 

  3. Happy Game Day TBD! A long, long time ago, I had a High School Coach who used to give cursing-laced pregame speeches--the kind that would get you fired in today's world. As motivation for today's game, I pull out one of his most memorable: "We're going in there to beat the #$#& out of them on the field, then we'll teardown their #@$%@ goal posts, and then we'll go into the bleachers and steal their #@$%@ girlfriends!" . . . Taylor, watch out, Josh and the boys are coming for you! 



    • Haha (+1) 5
  4. 2 hours ago, Scott7975 said:


    I don't necessarily disagree with anything you say here. I don't know Dunne from a whole in the wall.  I just have seen people like Tim Graham and such give him respect.  Yes, he may be as you say a tabloid peddler but I like reading that stuff as long as what is written is not made up.  I have no reason to believe any of his sources are fake.  I have no reason to believe anything his sources said was a lie and I have no reason to believe he inaccurately quoted his sources.  Some stuff in the article was his perception or take on the comments to paint a story, but I am intelligent enough to see opinion from the rest and I take it as such and make up my own mind.


    I like reading that stuff because I like to know.  There are always secrets behind what really happens.  Not enough people report on that stuff.  I hear stat stuff and BS Josh Allen sucks talks everywhere.  I don't care to hear it all the time.  I mean, who didn't want to know what really happened with "i wasn't privy to that conversation" or things like who really took charge in that draft or when did they know they were going to fire Whaley.  Was it because of that?  Was it because McD didn't like him?  There are all kinds of things I would have liked to know from past regimes that people just speculate about.  Now we get real information and all people want to do is discredit it act as if it's all fake and all bs and just a witch hunt or something.  Why?  Because they are too scared that McD will get fired and we will end up like the Sabres.


    What the Pegulas do with all this is their business.  Personally, I do not think McD is the right coach.  I think that he pisses his pants in key moments.  Something that Dunne tries to get across and pretty much outright says in the article, but I have thought that since 13 seconds.  The article had nothing to do with it.  I also think McD is a good football coach and everything he does is to try and get this team to win a championship.  I don't think anything he does has ill will and I have no reason to believe he is a bad guy.  I just think that "his way" is the wrong way.  This article pointed out to me more of the "his way" stuff that I didn't even know about. I believe every word of it.  Doesn't change anything for me really.  Just gives me more insight into his coaching. 


    Ultimately, while I think McD is a good coach, I don't think he is a good enough coach.  As the article paints a picture of... this team is only going to win a championship if it overcomes the head coach.  I firmly believe that and I believed that before the article.  It's too hard to win a championship like that.  You already have to overcome injuries, referees sometimes, the way the ball bounces, luck, facing teams that are either better than you or at least on par with you.  It takes too much to win a championship if you have to overcome the HC. 


    13 seconds is on Sean McDermott.  He has shown nothing since then that he learned from it.  In fact we have lost games in the same fashion from the same coaching style.  This is why I think he needs to go.  Not because of the article or anything in it.  Simply because I believe he isn't good enough and hasn't learned from that.  He still craps his pants.  He still folds in big moments.  This is why he takes timeouts at the end of the game defensively. Just kneeling the ball with Josh Allen and 20 secs against the best team in the league is enough to show me he hasn't learned a damn thing. It showed he is still coaching scared.  Instead of looking at what Josh could do in 20 seconds to win a game, he thought about what could lose the game.  I don't want a coach like that.  I want a coach that sees he has one of the best and most gifted QBs to ever play in the NFL, hands him the ball and says go win this football game.  Too many people are afraid that we will go back to being a crap team by hiring a worse coach.  As long as Josh Allen is here, it won't get worse.  Josh Allen is what is carrying this team, not Sean McDermott.


    Anybody that disagrees with any of that, I respect that but this is my opinion on it.


    Well said, Scott 7975. I can't entirely agree with all of it, but I appreciate the thoughtful and nuanced perspective. Thank you.


    As for the existential crisis of this week: It was a hideously stupid thing to say (I want to sarcastically ask, What, you ran out of "Hitler and the Nazis were such a well-oiled machine"; or. "Wow, how impressive was the planning and execution of the two high school boys who pulled off the Columbine shootings," references?).  [Side Note: I suspect he heard or read that illustration somewhere and unwittingly decided it would be helpful to use someday. And maybe in that context, it works? I have no proof; I'm just speculating why he would ever think of the idea in the first place.]


    The point here: It was about as stupid as one can get. The fact of it may be true, but using that fact to make a point is as foolish (stupid) as one can get. 


    And here is what really bothers me: I wish he would say that and show genuine remorse for it. But I don't get that sense from his interviews. I come away with more of an "I'm sorry I got caught" vibe rather than an "I'm an idiot, and that was about as stupid (and inappropriate) of an illustration as I could have ever used." Is there emotion and regret in his response? Yes. But do I see brokenness and a realization of how awful this is? No, I don't. At least not publically. .... And I guess that is the point of the Dunn article (confession, I have not read it). I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not seeing it.


    I've always had great admiration for him as a person and a coach. I have not contributed anything to TBD's "fire Sean" threads. And I'm still not there, but I am having a tough time processing this one.



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  5. 8 hours ago, Toyo321 said:

    Kelce this year has looked really slow compared to previous seasons.  This is actually good for us because he has always been a problem for our D.  I just don't see him with more than 5 catches in this game,  unless Mahomes really has lost all faith in his WR1 & WR2 dropping more passes in this game and  forces the balls into Kelce.


    Women will do that to you.



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