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3rd and One

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Everything posted by 3rd and One

  1. Wasn't around for the early classics but one of my all-time favorite games I've been to that I look back on was the 2002 blizzard game. Kelly was in the endzone hugging Peerless Price after one of his TDs, singing Let it Snow, and just sucking up the complete ecstasy that was the game.
  2. I was just curious is anyone knew of a site that had an archive of game highlights for all the Bills' games. I have been wanting to reminisce about the Bills-Dolphins 2002 matchup when it was a snow storm. We won 38-20 I believe but that's beside the point. I have tried to find that game everywhere but there aren't many sites, if any, that have it. You can find the occasional classics but thats it. Just seeing if the brain-trusts here know of any sites that I don't.
  3. Thanks for the heads up! I ended up getting the generic snow shot but figured I cant go wrong with that. Players come and go, but fans stay forever. Plus I think it epitomizes Buffalo and the Bills fans within it; tough, blue-collar, weather tolerators!
  4. GOod play by Florence or poor attempt of a catch by Gonzalez? Either way I'll take 7. Nice catch by McGee though!
  5. That Stars Wars photo is pretty badass, and I'm not even a big Star Wars guy.
  6. Hey, us Bills fans can finally live out that dream of ours and pretend that the president is really congratulating us with a Super Bowl victory! Only in Madden...
  7. No Shout song in Madden 11. It will be the old fight songs from the 40's and such. Sorry guys but you'll have to wait another year.
  8. Rankings are for number nerds. Although we probably aren't at liberty to defend against such a low rankings anyways seeing as we haven't really done anything the past few years. Let it fuel the fire for the team. No respect is often good, it'll only surprise all the pretentious "sports writers" out there and make them eat crow.
  9. Who cares where T.O. signs if you as me. Granted, I think he will still be productive, but we won't have to deal with him much. It'll be interesting when we play him on Nov. 21st in Cinci, but we have one of the better secondaries in the NFL so I'm not worried. Good for him that someone finally picked him up but at the end of the day I'm just worried about our WR's and that's it.
  10. That was the weakest part of the video. All this enthusiasm from Chan ended by a less than enthusiastic break. I remember when playing that our breaks were indicative of our attitude and our coaches would make us break again if it was that weak. Lets hope they were just tired because I want players for my team to be fired up to be playing and competing.
  11. I'll second that. One of our better DB's last year. I liked his physicality when man upped. Also, wheres the respect for Wilson? I realize he's not a huge name but he def was one of the stronger DB's for us last year.
  12. I'm a long time lurker on this site. I don't usually post, I just like to see what people are saying and thinking on this board because it has a good diverse crowd here. I thought I'd share my new blog that me and a friend of mine started to see what you guys think. I'd love any feedback from you guys. It's kind of a hybrid combo, I take pictures and my friend writes a poem that matches the pic. It's a fun little project that we just started. The blog is illdoiteventually.com Thanks for at least giving us a look. Take care guys!
  13. For one of my classes this past year at Fredonia I had to make a writing portfolio for any company I wanted. I chose Pixar and to tell you the truth, after delving into their company more and seeing what kinds of things they do I couldn't help but appreciate Pixar even more! They aim to please ALL audiences, they don't want to be seen as filmmakers of "children's" films but rather "family" flicks, and I think they do an excellent job of encompassing that. They have some really cool films coming out some of which you have already mentioned- Cars 2 and Monsters Inc. 2. They are also coming out with one called NEWT about...well a newt. I also think that Pixar is releasing its first live-action film too in 2012 called, John Carter of Mars. That should be interesting. Anyways, just wanted to throw my two cents. LOVED Toy Tory 3 by the way! I'm 22 and felt like I grew up with these characters. Andy in a sense is representative of my generation and I can relate to falling out of love with toys you played with as a kid. Very moving at the end. Def 10 outta 10
  14. Cant reference to this story enough: An old man and his son worked on a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away. “How terrible,” sympathized the neighbors. “What bad luck.” “Who knows whether it is good luck or bad luck,” the farmer replied. A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn. “What wonderful luck!” said the neighbors. “Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?” answered the old man. The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his leg. “How terrible. What bad luck!” “Bad luck? Good luck?” The army came to all the farms to take young men for war, but the farmer’s son was of no use to them, so he was spared. “Good? Bad?” I know your not looking for sympathy Tipster, but hey, you have all your senses and can still enjoy the little things, especially beer and whiskey!
  15. Check this out, make minimum wage cranking a handle. It's getting crazy out there nowadays. www.boingboing.net/2009/11/30/hand-cranked-penny-d.html/
  16. I found this to be very interesting and odd. Check it for yourself, it's about a little girl whose body is literally turning into crystal. www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1227207/Meet-brave-crystal-girl-rare-illness-turning-body-rock.html?ITO=1490/
  17. Trent will never pull through when you need him.
  18. Zing! Got him! On a side note, I'd love to see that waterfront developed, but come on, we all knows it's just a model that will never be taken any further than that.
  19. bump? Some people may need this after yesterday. Maybe this was the best thing that ever happened to the Bills?
  20. I just looked his name up on NFL.com and it says he is with the Bucs. Clearly I didn't see him on the field last week. Anyone know what's up with him and how all of a sudden he just disappeared. I realize he had a significant injury but did he really get that bad to where he isn't seeing any field time at all? Just curious.
  21. I agree, I'm not a huge fan of Murph myself. I guess being from Buffalo we were, and are, spoiled with guys like Van and Rick Jeanerrett. Murphs not good, but he isnt awful, just lacks that pizazz that we Buffalonians love in our play-by-play announcers.
  22. Absolutely stunning! Incredible work all in a matter of 8.5 minutes too. It's take me days to do that, hell I wouldnt even be able to.
  23. That's exactly the problem nowadays. Journalism has gotten lazy and it's clearly affecting the news we see in the media today. How often are we bombarded with sensationalized material. I'm sick of going to Yahoo to check my mail and seeing the top news stories about celebrities or the new viral videos taking over the nation. It all comes down to money in my eyes. No one wants to dig deep and do any investigative reporting anymore. They all look for an easy way to find stories and that is why you get all these "fluffy" news stories. It's sad that newspapers are on their way out and I think your right in that the Internet has changed the way we get our information. Unfortunately we are hardly exposed to anything of real substance anymore.
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