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3rd and One

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Everything posted by 3rd and One

  1. This has got to be fake, and if not, this guy is freaking hilarious.
  2. My bad KD, you still caught me when I was still a little hot lol
  3. It happens every time a loss like this happens lol
  4. Just because some fans like to B word and moan, doesnt make them any less of a fan like yourself. Last I checked you can B word and moan all you want, I think it's just a product of having an immense love for a team that you want to see succeed. Sucks that they care and wanna see victories.
  5. A nice little story to those who think they have good or bad luck. A nice way to put things in perspective. An old man and his son worked on a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away. “How terrible,” sympathized the neighbors. “What bad luck.” “Who knows whether it is good luck or bad luck,” the farmer replied. A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn. “What wonderful luck!” said the neighbors. “Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?” answered the old man. The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his leg. “How terrible. What bad luck!” “Bad luck? Good luck?” The army came to all the farms to take young men for war, but the farmer’s son was of no use to them, so he was spared. “Good? Bad?” Think about this story next time something "bad" happens to you.
  6. Someone needs to stop this way of thinking. Let us feel the pain right now, PLEASE! It will pass but let me be !@#$ing angry as !@#$ right now!
  7. This team just lost a game that it shouldve won. What makes you think that arent gonna do it again? Dont mislead yourself or anyone else. Im sick of this bull sh-- and your only bullshitting yourself with this thread.
  8. I feel physically sick and can honestly FEEL anger in my stomach. I hate that I Was born a Bills fan on days like this.
  9. I'm a big fan of Marv and know that he isnt the author of many of his quotes, but often he references to them. I leave you with this one before a game that many are feeling strain over already. “Fight on, my men,” Sir Andrew Said ”A little I’m hurt but not yet slain. ”I’ll just lie down and bleed a while, ”And then I’ll rise and Fight again.” Remember this guys, its week 1 and plenty of games to be played. GO BILLS!
  10. It's clear he doesnt care what they/we say about him. He goes around and makes this commercial. It's basically a big F U to all media an fans who bash him.
  11. Doing a project and seeing what you guys consider MUST SEE in Buffalo? WHat would you guys tell people to go to or see if they have never been to Buffalo?
  12. "Roscoe...with a seam...BANG! LIGHTS OUT!...Roscoe Parrish! Touchdown Buffalo! No flags!" Punt return few years back against Denver.
  13. No one can compare to this. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this skit. Ever since I was 12 years old I have loved this skit. The most clever and witty comedy skit out there. No comedy team can carry this out today even if they tried. Thank god for Abbott and Costello!
  14. I clicked this hoping it was going to be a legit topic, poor judgement on my part.
  15. Blame Donahoe. Blame Marv, Blame Modrak, Blame Jauron, Blame the players. At the end of the day no one is satisfied with anything over the last 10 years. I am just as frustrated as the next guy but pointing fingers at people right not, or any time wont do much. The best thing we can do right now is cheer on our Bills in 2009. Trust me I'm one of those annoying Bills fans that B word and moan during game when sh-- goes wrong because all I wanna see is the team I love win. But right now I'm trying to be as positive as possible. Dont get me wrong I'm having my doubts, but you gotta look forward to any potential we have right now.
  16. Long overdue but I just cant see it comparing and living up to the first ones success. I will definately see it though. I wonder how Duffy ended up getting it made. Anybody ever see the documentary Overnight, if your a big fan of the first film I highly reccommend you see it.
  17. I agree with your point, but at the end of the day you've gotta deal with what we have NOW. AVP gives us a new approach and lets cross our fingers he's got something that works.
  18. Now that Turks out, what is AVP going to do to turn the offense around. I love the call, but the timing not so much. He's got only 2 weeks to turn a sputtering offense around against a good New England team. Plus he's another first time coordinator. What should we expect? Any radical changes?
  19. THe only FItz comparison I see is the hair. I do like the guy as a player a lot, I just dont see him on a Fitz level yet. You can only hope he turns out to be that kind of player. Lets get him the ball more this year though definately and see what he's got! God I love our WR's on paper.
  20. I am just sick and tired of watching this team consistently stall out. I cant handle much more of it, but I know I'll have to. Patience is a virtue I just dont have.
  21. Doesnt matter if its first string or 3rd, we cant score a f*cking TD!!!
  22. Johnson for 33, and before a 27 yarder. I like this guy! Him and Chroise may be our best hookup this year lol
  23. Proudly went 20 years, then I had my 21st birthday.
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