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Everything posted by Billistic

  1. snap... ...can't top insight of that magnitude... Nice Losman av!
  2. My issue is that there's no way Cassel rates a $15 million contract from his extant record of production. These exPatriots having thumbs in the pie may be no more than being too close to the player, or maybe they have seen the future and it's Cassel. To me, it's bizarre. For you guys that think he's a bargain at $15 million, explain...
  3. Truth. Maybe some tigers can change their stripes, but after about 14-15 years old, you basically are what you are.
  4. Texans = going up; definite pieces in place Bills = going somewhere
  5. Raise your hand if you would pay Matt Cassel $15 million dollars to play QB in 2009. Maybe that makes it simple enough for almost everybody.
  6. Who is comparing Cassel's $15 million to the current Chief's other than you? I clearly compared Matt's deal to all NFL QBs. Get a grip. You said yourself, "Yeah, he definitely cost too much compared to the All-Pros that were currently on the Chiefs." Does that mean that you agree with me, namely that Pioli guided the Chiefs into "taking it in the shorts"? If not, kindly unscramble your blather...if you can...
  7. Look under the place where you find all your insightful comments...
  8. Care to stipulate how any of your comments were answers to questions? The question was: Did the Chiefs take it in the shorts over Matt Cassel? Your reply was: "Ah you've figured out Kraft and Belichick's masterplan. They are going to rule the NFL by sending out poor coaches and front office staff across the league to destroy those teams from the inside out leaving only the Pats* as the one true team in the NFL. Brilliant!" Looks like a plain old, ordinary weak slam to me. How is it an answer to my question? Maybe you should seek a mommy.
  9. Personally, I think Pioli was too close to the situation to be objective when negotiating the contract. The contract should have come first, then the trade. Who exactly was Pioli bidding against?
  10. What's brilliant is scrambling your entire O-line in one fell swoop without having the slightest idea of how the replacement players will work out.
  11. To restate the question: What other team would have pulled the trigger on the Cassel trade without having previously negotiated a long term contract? Next, would this hypothetical other team have popped for a $15 million contract?
  12. Like the thread title explicitly inquired: Did the Chiefs take it in the shorts over Matt Cassel? Scioli was as far inside the Patriots as can be, regarding Matt Cassel. From the empirical evidence, Pioli sold the Chiefs on the notion that Cassel was worth the same money as the franchise tag (average of top 5 QB salaries in the entire League = $15 million). Personally, that doesn't compute. Do you think Cassel is 2nd or third best QB in the league?
  13. Given. However, I sort of think Cassel's decent showing with the remnants of the Patriots dynasty may not translate to a playoff appearance for the Chiefs in 2009 (or ever). If the Bills win 8 games instead of the usual 7, think Edwards gets $15 million? For Edwards to get $15 million from the Bills or any other team, what would he have to do in 2009? Maybe its me, but $15 million is serious money.
  14. So the accursed Patriots tag Cassel. Now they have $30 million dollars in cap invested in two QBs, and zero left over. Pioli goes from the Pats to GM at KC. Next the Chiefs trade a decent draft pick (#34) to the Patriots for Cassel and the moss-covered Vrable. But yet, they don't have a contract agreement with Cassel. Next the Chiefs give Cassel a $15 million contract with corresponding long term assets, which means that someone thinks Cassel is somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd best QB in the entire League. Is someone lurking on the grassy knoll?
  15. Is there anybody who wouldn't want Mathias Kiwanuka on the Bills? Personally, I would trade Lynch and Parrish for Kiwi in a heart beat. Lynch seems destined to go down badly, and Parrish is a luxury gadget on a 7-9 team. Lindell's leg is sore from trying FGs. The Bills can't get any QB pressure, let alone a sack.
  16. I used to love watching the Chargers v. Broncos games. It was great watching Phillip Rivers mock Cutler across the field. Who exactly is Cutler going throw to on the Bears?
  17. If for no other reason than the fact that the Brandon Bunch even tried to swindle him. The best eff up of all time has to be Charley Casserly using his #1 expansion draft pick on Tony Boselli. Strange that the Texans are outpacing the Bills now. I never thought I'd see that.
  18. The way Peyton Manning runs the no-huddle, it's all (mostly) about subterfuge, psychology, phony re-alignments and keeping the defense thinking and over-thinking and sitting back on their heels. Peyton can do anything, and often has. I am really not too sure anyone is going to fear Edward's field generalship. Unless he burns some good defenses pretty quick, it's going to be all smoke, mirrors and so-whats.
  19. A lot of people think that the human species became "dominant" because of its ability to communicate using language. Several contemporary anthropologists have found that well over 95% of all human communication is merely persiflage. These football boards are essentially rooster parties.
  20. Edwards has to feel like a test pilot. Why do the Patriots have to be first? Seahawks, Jags, Raiders and Rams sure sounds appealing right about now.
  21. The no huddle in hurry up mode puts strain on the offensive players, not just those on opponent's defense. I wonder about the strength and conditioning coach John Allaire. The Bills have had ludicrous numbers of injuries over the recent past, especially 2007. I think going to the no huddle helps prevent the opponent's from anticipating the snap, which should reduce sacks (especially blitzes). Teams that chronically break the huddle late give that up. I hope the Bills really mix up the snap timing.
  22. 11/30/08, 3-10 v. 49ers 12/7/08, 3-16 v. Dolphins 12/28/08, 0-13 v. Pats What exactly is there to lose by change? I'd even encourage the occasional quick kick on 3rd down instead of the usual short yardage running play stuffed at the line, or the 4 yard pass on 3rd and 8.
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