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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Here you claim Flynn knows his son is in trouble. Here you claim the deal was kept from Flynn and the judge. Go back to Space Camp, moron.
  2. You going to opt out of voting next week because you are anti-mail in ballot?
  3. No. His son is living a fine life now, too. Not sure how any chance of a future has been ruined.
  4. Nothing triggers the fat rhino more than someone who disagrees with him about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
  5. I know he lurks to learn the truth from DR. Not sure about posting
  6. Interesting.#Flynndicated should have not plead guilty - would have avoided this entire mess.
  7. Last time you were this outraged was when you said ONLY 11 PEOPLE DIED FROM COVID YESTERDAY!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!EVLVENTYONE!!!!!!11!!!!! There is an uptick. Deek is a moron.
  8. Governor Little is urging voters to vote by mail next week. Are you going to the polls? Whoa - shocker! He is forcing voters to vote by mail. You should move to an even Trumpier state
  9. He could have an "I'm With Her" sign in the front yard for all I care - he's a moron and definitely forgot to medicate.
  10. Some said this some said that - problem is those "somes" are Dan Bonginos and Techo Fogs. Two thousand former justice department officials have put their names out there and asked for Barr's resignation. One of those groups has a bit more dignity.
  11. @Bob in Mich was this you? Couldn't help but notice the shirt and the dude is in Michigan. Obviously weed is prophylactic therapy for Covid - why else would this #Cult45 member be spitting on those cops?
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