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Posts posted by Pete

  1. Life is Beautiful

    Cinema Paradiso

    Being John Malkovich

    Run Lola Run

    Barton Fink

    Bad Influence

    Drugstore Cowboy



    Some of the other suggestions are some of my favorite films-

    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


    Usual Suspects


    The Big Lewboski

    Fargo(hell anything by the Cohn brothers is fantastic!)



    Lots others, many others I have yet to see- I will add them to my netflix list

  2. I saw the trailer and saw osama, jung, lots other familiar faces. Is this a Bush bashing film? Does it make America look bad or is it pro American? I am just trying to figure out what kind of statement this film is trying to make. I know they had some puppet presentations promoting the film which were controversial

  3. Please explain to me the pleasure derived from rooting against your favorite team's QB.


    Who says I get pleasure from rooting against Drew? I hope he makes me look like a fool and I want nothing but the best for him. That being said I have watched Drew his whole career(I live in New England) and beleive Drew was washed up years before he got here. He had some great games his first year here but so did Tommy Maddox with Pittsburgh and I think he sucks too. I am 100% convinced Drew is the problem and want my team to win. I am so sick of rebuilding and there is way too much talent on this team squandered. How does anyone know Drew is not the problem? How do we know that Travis Brown is not Tom Brady buried on a depth chart behind Drew? The best I have seen the Bills offense look the past 20 games is when Travis Brown was QBing. I asked the question in an earlier thread-what can Drew do on the football field that Jeff George cannot do? Jeff has a bigger arm then Drew and he is is just as tough if not tougher- he has missed fewer games in his career then Drew. Besides Drew being a good guy-what can he do that Jeff cannot? I do not think Jeff George is the answer but I think he is very comparable in skills with Drew. Doesnt that show you how overpaid and overrated Drew is? We can get George for $7million a year less. I just cannot see what Drew brings to the table. Its the emperors new clothes

  4. Interesting comments from Drew and cast. I am glad Drew is finally showing a shred of emotion- now get it done on the field. Funny he even quoted TBD when he said QBs get more then their share of credit when things go well, yada yada. I bet many players do read these boards. I found this comment particularily interesting- ''I haven't even thought about that route, yet,'' Mularkey said. ''I think our best chance to win right now is Drew Bledsoe.''

  5. cut off the 2nd half of my post anyway what I was gonna say


    D. Culpepper 37/47 343 1 1 D. Culpepper 2 1 0 0



    The yards are only cause of being behind. 2 turnovers, sacked 4 times. One of his turnovers a fumble right by the goalline costing the vikings valuable points. So Much for all that mobility eh? 


    If that was Drew playing for the Vikes Monday night his line would look like this:


    13/34 134 0 TD 1 INT 12 sacks and we would of lost 27-0


    BTW if you watched the game Culpepper eluded pass rushers the whole game and created first down after first down. Whenever they got inside the 20 the line would get called for multiple holds and offsides taken the out of field goal range and creating 3rd and long situations. The yards were not just because being behind. If anything that tipped Minnesotas hand even more and Philly sent more pass rushers. Daunte moved Minnesota up and down that field despite being assaulted every pass

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