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Posts posted by Pete

  1. I saw Metallica in 1985 at the Agora Ballroom in Hartford in front of maybe 500 people. Armored Saint and WASP opened up and I dont think tickets were $10. $200 for a ticket? WTF? I would never pay $200 for a ticket. I will download a concert video just to spite Lars but will not give him another dime. I go to Yankees games all the time-10-15 a year and I always get my $8.50 bleacher seat. I go to the playoffs and World Series because I get free tickets but I would never pay that kind of loot for a baseball game. Upper deck is $150! Box seats are $500. When the hell did going to an event become so expensive? The best bargain for the longest time was $6.00 bleacher general admission seats at Yankee Stadium. For music I would rather go to Toads and spend $20 to see great bands in an intimate setting. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

  2. You didn't just mention playoffs and Heredia in the same sentence, did you? Yummy, the taste of my own vomit.


    I get nervous when I see Heredia come in too. Bad as he is he has gotten some big out though. Anyways he almost never faces more then 1 batter and is a decent option to pitch to a lefty

  3. THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Yankees have no pitching!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Really? I guess you have not seen Mussina pitch the past 6 weeks. Lieber is 11-3 since the allstar break. Mariano has 52 saves. Tanyon Sturtz is unhittable ever since he learned the cutter. Tom Gordon is lights out. El Duque has the best playoff record in MLB history and has pitched great consistently. Karsay is healthy and pitching well. Vazquez is a better 4th starter then any he will face in the AL. Kevin Brown out of the bullpen is ridiculous. Oh yeah they can play matchups with Quantrill and Heredia. Doesn't sound like no pitching to me. Could you please elaborate

  4. My buddy grew up with Evan Dando from the Lemonheads and I have hung out with Evan a few times. The Alist is right on with its Evan info. He banged Liv Tyler, Juliana Hatfield, and got caught having sex with Kylie Minoque in a public restroom. I emailed MiraNussitch and let her know her info was right on and she emailed me back and thanked me for the confirmation.

  5. No chance regardless IMO. If we make the playoffs it will be because we limit Drews role. His contract is ridiculous- we will cut him seconds after June 1st. We have our future QB soaking in all the football knowledge he can this year. Drew is a goner. I bet he doesnt even finish the season as the starter. Hell if he sucks ass as per usual this weekend he will be booed out of the stadium

  6. You mean to say we are better then Arizona, San Francisco, KC, Tampa, Miami? Yay we are the 27th best team in the NFL! Actually if you want to get technical we are the only 0-2 team in the NFL- all those mentioned are 0-3 and have yet to have a bye. I do think we have a lot of talent on this team and that we are much better then our record indicates. The best 0-2 team in the league is hardly a compliment thought

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