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Everything posted by todzilla

  1. I would be happy if we got Gilyard. I think he will be alot like Desean Jackson, especially if we got McNabb to throw to him.
  2. Marshall is the #1 talent, but he's a moron, and a distraction, and one infraction away from a long suspension. I'd take either Jackson or Austin just for the team harmony. Not to mention they are both very good. And I know, they are all RFA's so I'm not saying we are getting any of them.
  3. Now thats funny, makes me smile everytime I think about it.
  4. I like Shockey, he's a tough guy that plays hard and plays hurt. Didn't see him do anything distracting or douchey during the playoff games, and I didn't hear him run his mouth either.
  5. So you attack a guy (and the entire board) for asking for an explanation, is that correct? I'm pretty sure you didn't even understand the post. Go right ahead and start your invite only forum, I'll keep an eye out for my invitation. I was also wondering what the OP liked about Bradford over Clausen. I would be okay with either btw, but I am really hoping for Bulaga or McClain.
  6. I live out in Denver and people here revere Little in a very similar way that Bills fans do Gilchrist. I am too young to have watched either play. Just passing on the fact that he is a hero to Bronco fans and there are alot of people here saying "it's about time" for Floyd getting in.
  7. Totally agree, as long as he stays out of trouble this offseason and is ready to go for a full training camp, I don't see how you can move him. He and Jackson should be a great duo next season.
  8. This might be the dumbest of all your dumb posts, Moon, Namath, Griese, Aikman....none of those guys were demonstratively better than Warner. I love Kelly as much as anyone, but if you put Warner with the talent the Bills had, he may have done just as well. Not sure how he would run the no huddle, but he sure would be able to hit Reed and Lofton all day.
  9. I don't know any other way. I'll find a way to love the FA's and draft picks, and talk myself into ways they can make the playoffs. When I'm in Buffalo this summer I'll go to Laux and buy up some gear and order another jersey off DHgate. I'll pony up the $300 for Sunday ticket and cook up a feast for my friends on opening day. I'm Todd, I'm a Bills fan, and I have a problem.
  10. I got 46, there were a few that I missed that made my mad, especially Boller. That was fun.......are there more.
  11. Thanks for posting this Byrd. Very interesting reading, and it's nice to see everyone stay on topic and give mostly intelligent opinions. I agree with alot of what Shirley says and have enjoyed reading him in the past, but I think he is oversimplifying the solution. Ignoring the suffering to prove a point about living conditions still leaves thousands suffering and hungary. I think that is why I donated, in the hopes that someone injured, thirsty, or starving will be able to find some comfort. I was watching the telethon and saw a 2 year old whose parents were both killed and then looked over at my daughter playing on a comfortable rug with a full belly and was suddenly very thankful for what we have and felt compelled to do what I could.
  12. So are you on the Harris played all 16 and Poz can't stay healthy side, or the Poz put up equal numbers in 4 fewer games, so he is better side?
  13. The entire landscape of the draft will start to clear up after the combine. We will find out about Bradford's shoulder and get a better idea about Tebow. I have to say the idea of Vick, Tebow, Jackson, and Lynch in the backfield with a run heavy offense and some timely passing is very intriguing.
  14. This is soon to be Archie Mannings choice huh? I guess it's a win win, either my son wins the Bowl, or the Bills do. What I do know is that if the Bills ever make the Superbowl again, I am betting 10k on the other team to create a win win in that game.
  15. I tend to agree that we are not set up at all for the 3-4. I don't see Schobel as a linebacker. Can't Maybin be effective as a pass rushing LB on 3rd downs, plus he may bulk up this offseason and end up playing DE. If we shore up the linebackers, the D should be in good shape. Draft McClain and pick up a guy like Derrick Johnson.
  16. I don't think the great, defining football movie has been made yet. Like Bull Durham/Field of Dreams/The Natural, Hoosiers, Raging Bull/Rocky, Miracle for other sports. I think that the 1st season of Friday Night Lights on TV was the best football based drama I have seen. I like Rudy Remember the Titans The Longest Yard Brians Song Waterboy Varsity Blues Jerry Maguire
  17. Drafting Oher is the classic hingsight pick. This board was full of people saying they would lose it if the Bills drafted Oher. Cushing and Orakpo were the more likely picks and would have made it an all time draft. Byrd's ball skill made alot of picks look easy, but he was a ball hawk in college and it continued in the pros. Some guys just have that knack. Whitner wasn't saying I wish that ball was thrown to me, he was saying I wish I could read a play that well. Wood and Levitre should be above average lineman for a long time. It was a long time ago, but in the first 2 games of the season, before all the injuries hit. The line of Bell-Levitre-Hangartner-Wood-Butler showed some real promise. I know the OP was about Wood's injury, and I sure hope he can come back in time for training camp. I think Incognito should be brought back as insurance, and even to start if Wood moves to center.
  18. I guess I am the most stupid football can. And your answer should have been no, I can't provide proof, because you didn't, other than your opinion that he isn't qualified and your assertion that assistant HC for teams that make the Super Bowl is a huge red flag.
  19. Can you provide proof that he can't or is it just your typical negativity? Did Frazier brings those big guys into the middle, I don't believe so, he just uses what was given to him. Grimm played on one of the best O lines of all time and has been around big Ben and Warner the past few years so I think he understands the importance of the QB position. We've hired guys that have had success as a coordinator and they sucked as head coaches. You like Frazier better than Grimm, thats fine. But stop assuming success as a coordinator= success as a head coach.
  20. If Grimm was the Cards OC, wouldn't all the naysayers just use the, but he has Warner, Fitzgerald and Boldin arguement. Good point about being a Steelers finalist as well.
  21. Never been a coordinator, so what. That's why you hire coordinators and trust them to do their job. He needs to be a tough minded leader of men. A guy who can motivate and put guys in position to succeed. He sounds like a competitive guy that won't take crap from anyone. Is there any guarantee that he will be great, of course not, but there is no formula for a great coach. He was a great player that understands you need to be successful in the trenches. He has been around some great coaching staffs and has seen Cowher and Gibbs in action and probably learned from them.
  22. Most fun game I ever attended. Just a 3+ hour celebration of the Bills and the country. The USA chants gave me chills and chanting "Thank You Bills" and "Super Bowl" during the 4th quarter still makes me smile. We stayed up all night to get tickets at an M&T bank. I have the USA Today copy from monday with an awesome article about the Bills and the juxtaposition of the war, and my friends and I are in the picture of the crowd going crazy. It was a perfect day.
  23. Hmmm, I think we were watching different teams the last 17 weeks. Don't get me wrong, Chris Draft and the converted safties tried hard, but I think we could use an upgrade. I love McClain and would be thrilled to have him, there are alot of good LB's that are potential free agents so that could change things, but he seems like a superstar in waiting. This team needs difference makers.
  24. But Shanny got less from the Skins than we reportedly offered. Not a very good use of leverage. Shefter is an arogant SOB, he'll probably be right on this one, but he certainly overstated it a bit.
  25. Can you imagine poor Dallas Clark on our teams his entire career. He'd just be another Derek Fine for us. The one pick that stands out is of course the Whitner over Ngata pick. Everyone I know wanted Ngata and it was a need at the time (still is). It's really inexplicable why we went with Whitner.
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