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Everything posted by IHFO

  1. oh noez Cincy why did you delete your post
  2. one pick a good draft does not make.....byrd, wood, and levitre make it a good draft so far,,,Orakpo would have made it GREAT, but it was a good draft p.s. I would bet money Orakpo would not have 11 sacks playing on this team, maybe 3-4 and people would be saying he is a bust
  3. I said that earlier in the year and got ripped for it...now people like this idea? lol
  4. so true animals are >people to so many in society today...where was anyone when that man was having that seizure the other day and everyone just walked by, except for the one mentally challanged person who actually did help him and the news had to do a story abiout it which was nice. noone cares about other people anymore and that's what is sad
  5. we'll see..since Penn St. has a damn good defense and LSU no QB i don't think it's gonna happen but ya never kno right?
  6. When Penn St. beats LSU on New Years will you retract that statement?..they have better talent then that
  7. yea lets sign another ****ty QB..just what we need, my roommate is a huge redskins fan and i've watched some od their games..not impressed personally but another mans trash is another's buried treasure i suppose
  8. I've always liked Freddie Jackson..i told people when he was in NFL Europe he was gonna be a good RB in the NFL,,but you know what? doesn't mean **** because I also thought Trent had "it" but he doesn't so just because you are right about one player doesn't make you an expert and the stats are against you my friend..seems like you are arguing just to argue and you have no proof to back up your points except your "eyes" lol that's funny.
  9. lol i'm just picking on ya...sry to hear about the unemployment though, and I completely agree about the ideas on how to develop Brohm or at least try to...as much as I was yelling at the TV today for Fewell to put Brohm in I think it's better if he doesn't play this year and get his confidence beaten the **** outta him by our lack of an OL
  10. We haven't had a QB who could beat the pats since Bledsoe and even then he only did it once...how sad is that
  11. lmao trent never had a decent college career you need to do some research...and neither was projected to be the #1 overall pick if they came outta college their Junior year
  12. you apparently haven't been around here long because you've missed all the posts about how much he sucks because he was on the PS in GB and couldn't beat out Matt Flynn as the backup..all his college stuff doesnt matter according to them p.s. singular/plural agreement? where are?
  13. i apologize i didn't mean to throw you in with the rest of them ...I just find it funny, because you would think they would be the best at it... but sadly
  14. lo, in a fun side note in all of my years of education I've never had an English teacher that could spell worth a ****..they are usually the worst
  15. now you have done it...here come the brohm haters even though he's never played a down for this team...which according to them would mean Fitz and Trent> Brohm
  16. now thanks for taking my words outta context WHO IS STUPID lol you couldn't even comprehend that thread so i'd say you are. I just wanted other people's opinions i never lobbied for him. You are one of those bitches so idk if you should speak.
  17. Seems like UB is commited to winning now they have seen what a bowl game can do for your revenue/donations..i love it
  18. yea that's right nice comeback and no i didn't comment on it because i was wondering i already knew he was going to start we have no linemen it's common sense
  19. that fact he;s too lazy to go to google and just type it in..here im gonna start a thread to see if fitz is starting tomorrow ....se how stupid it is now?
  20. start a stupid thread and you got what you deserved
  21. the same way you miss the fact that the reason buffalo sucks isn't because they continue to draft DB's in the first round...the reason is because nomatter who they draft OL, TE, WR, DT, etc etc they suck period it had nothing to do with DB's it's the players in general. but you can't see that (and i'm really trying to not insult you but the whole DB in the first round angle is getting so annoying when it's not true). what si it now 2009? they have taken 3 DB's in the first round since 2000...lets not blow it outta proportion..if they would have drafted 3 OL men with those three picks the Bills would still suck because we'd have three more mike williams to talk about...talent elavuation and or coaching is a serious issue with this football team.
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