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Everything posted by IHFO

  1. lol shouldn't you be asking if anyone bought tix and now can't go...#1)why would someone going to the game sell you their tix..#2)at a discounted rate so they lose money on it? makes no sense
  2. ralph might be cheap in terms of getting quality coaches and GM's in here but he has never been cheap in terms of spending money on players....he paid kelly, bruce, andre etc..why do you think the bills were in cap hell when Donahoe came here?!?!?! because he spent money. He paid TKO, he paid Fletcher, he's brought in FA's...it's not like we are at the bottom in terms on player salary...I've never gotten the ralph ios cheap thing its just a myth and something for ignorant people to B word about
  3. I know..I'd actually watch this week and kinda look foward to it. Too bad I'm gonna be in the woods shooting deer. Go Bills!
  4. Doesn't matter what the fan base wants...the fans wanted jauron fired 2 years ago, and certanly didn't want him to get an extension, RW doesn't give a **** what you want. He will hire who he wants. And people will continue to buy tickets and be sold the hope that is Fewell if they decide to actually name him the HC of the Buffalo Bills.
  5. You apparently don't know me very well..I was just posting yesterday about how well GB drafts QB's...brunell, brooks, hasselback, rodgers, etc, etc... i said we should try to trade for flynn or brohm...looks like my wishes came true..kid has legit nfl talent START BROHM
  6. i love this move and would like to see him get a start by the end of the year
  7. I completely agree and even mentioned this in the shout while talking to lafansince 90 but he couldn't see what I was trying to say. Some people are so blind and will get their hopes up for anything.
  8. lol no no no...i was just saying we aren't going to get a top 5 pick... we are gonna end up between picks number 7 and 15
  9. really with all the horrible teams this year you don't think we can win enough games to end up with a pick between #10 and #15...i can see it happening
  10. Have to disagree with a couple of these 1. Ralph Wilson is the same thing 2. we will not have a top 5 pick it'll be 7-10 range..unless we go on a winning streak and end up 10-15 3. I agree here there is some talent, although not much, to work with 4. Prolly...who knows if it will work GM/HC's usually don't work that well...i.e. Holmgren and Seattle 5. I don't know if I'd consider that a positive thing. 6. where are you getting that number from, and what makes you think Ralph will pay that much? Just because Ralph may or may not have actually said he's going to break the bank doesnt mean he's going to go nuts. He might not want to pay more than 6 mil a year..who knows, that'd be a rather large amount for what he usually pays HC's
  11. I'm sure he is lol..you obviously don't know football
  12. i did dumbass he's still a noone...google Marc Ross and learn something.... much better choice
  13. he knows plenty about football...you're the idiot spewing about how you want martz or whoever more than shanahan, its jst Gabriel isn't that well known because the bears suck incase you haven't noticed...can we hire a GM from a winning franchise like Indi or NE or Pittsburg if we are going with the first year no experience GM route
  14. about the only comparison...kinda seems borderline rasist in this politically correct world of ours today I was quite suprised when I saw who started this thread. Why don't you compare him to a white HC who was a DC who's doing well..why does it have to be Tomlin other than you are pointing out they are both black? There really aren't any similarities in the way they coach their defense or the philosphies. And I am not trying to imply you are racist Mike because I am sure you are not..I am just saying the statement in the context i read it in seemed that way
  15. Quite honestly taking the blinders off I'd say we are bottom 3...right with St.lLouis and Detroit...!@#$ Cleveland has beaten us twice
  16. a mckelvin-byrd-Mays-McGee secondary?!?!!!? CHAMPIONSHIP
  17. +1 and i'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus for liking football more..i'm just saying stop acting like the Sabres are a second class franchise when they aren't. What is up with dissing Stanley cups...The Detroit Red Wings are one of the most popular and well thought of franchises no matter the sport. Held in higher regard than alot of NFL franchises...so its not like hockey is a second class sport...heck the same thing can be said about baseball..noone cares until October...
  18. Who cares honestly hockey will always be greater than football in terms of interest for me..but seriously for those people who aren't as big of fans of hockey as I am the last time I checked Hockey is still 1 of the 4 major sports so a Stanley Cup is nothing to sniff at. And I would disagree about the Sabres not being on the same level in Buffalo..when the Sabres are playing well and are going to the playoffs..like the 2 straight eastern confrence finals..I met moe people were behind the Sabres than the Bills making the Sabres>Bills..yea it swings back and forth but there are alot of Sabres fans in Buffalo and why wouldn't you root for the only hometown team that has actually been to the playoffs in the last decade.
  19. no lol it was a joke..noone knows why he did it yet..mearly speculation
  20. Why are you posting about the UB Bulls on a BUFFALO BILLS message board...its not right Maybe they should change the name of the site because people like you cannot understand its a BUFFALO BILLS message board how dare you discuss something else
  21. You are still assuming. I never said "I would be ok with Herm as head coach" Thats what you don't get, you're puting words in my mouth. Once again going back to not reading, you apparently didn't read post #11 which states: "i'm not at all advocating this so lets not say i'm an edwards supporter...it was just an idea, something i can see ol ralphie doing "
  22. you are reading way too much into it asshat..i was just asking for others peoples opinions, if Edwards was hired I definately would not spend my days looking for ways to justify it, you're taking my words and twisting them. Quite honestly it seems like something you do quite a bit on the boards reading some previous topics you've posted on.
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