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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/tech/air-force-deploys-new-handgun-as-it-modernizes-weapons I predict this purchase will result in 0 enemy kills.
  2. Do NOT look into Ayn Rand’s later life, but sure.
  3. Agreed. Neither does saying "Jew." They're Jews. And neither does using jew as an adjective or verb. Because I refuse to quit using the word when it comes to business dealings, and I create the rules based on what benefits my ability to offend people.
  4. One of the most politically influential history lessons I took was from Constantine the Great. Anybody's who has studied Rome knows when Constantine showed up the West was on HARD times. HARD TIMES. When Constantine took over he made a "stupid" decision which was incredibly bold for his time.....he reduced taxes. That's right, in debt, he lowered taxes. What happened? Economic revival and prosperity.
  5. As Tom Jones says, it's not unusual. Lastly, you'll lose a historical debate with me on christians and muslims. Just trust me. Yes, not all muslims are terrorists. Thing is, when their population reaches a certain point the fundamentalists take lead while the moderates comply. That's what ALWAYS happens. Look at Turkey. Great example. Turkey has a moderate muslim population in which the fundamentalists are leading. I'm not a racist. I am a cultural supremacist because of course my culture is superior to all others. We've proven it on battlefield after battlefield. There are many non-whites who have smartly adopted my culture, and I'm happy to share it with them.
  6. No. Im. Not em. If we're talking about emigrating I got some folks I'd like to nominate.
  7. Oh, ya gotta watch them when it comes to doing business. And they ALWAYS want a discount when it's time to pay. But they're good people. My bestie is a Jew. I love the Jews. Their enemy is my enemy. In fact, I love all peace loving peoples and the only people I know who refuse to coexist are Muslims and the Chinese. ***** 'em both. Pretty often I pick my words so that if there's a snowflake, I'll give 'em something to snowflake about.
  8. I agree, but something tells me Tibs has a color spectrum in mind.
  9. Well, um, there are some issues. First, the Jews are in fact jewing us to some extent. One thing I think needs to stop is Israelis buying low-income housing and renting it out via section 8. Israel gets ENOUGH of our money as it is. They're a developed nation. I'd quit giving them aid over the course of say 5 years...and I'd damn sure put an end to foreign investors tapping into the section 8 market. Thats tax dollars being taken from Americans and dished out to foreigners. Nope.
  10. I'd wager you'd call my comments on Islam "ignorant," but I'd bet a shiny penny I have a better education on Islam than you, academically and intimately speaking. I'd wager that because if I made that bet with 100 people I'd win 98 times. And I hate Islam.
  11. "Sphere of influence." That's what Obama was buying with TPP in my humble opinion. 'Hey, we'll give you a favorable trade deal' and of course there are strings attached. "Hey Vietnam, member how we gave you a good trade deal? Yeah, we'd like you support in our cause to maintain international shipping lanes in the S. China Sea.' "....hey China, we Vietnamese don't support your bull#### island building." That's what TPP was about in my opinion.
  12. "According to Jacobson, his plan to convert the United States to clean energy would cost between ten trillion and fifteen trillion dollars, in total, depending on how it was implemented. " Holy crap! If there's one think I've learned from life and history is that things never cost what they are initially estimated to cost. So, this thing will cost $45 trillion and isn't guaranteed to work. Great. Good thinkin', AOC!
  13. Um, so China was the defense thinking behind TPP but they were the target. China is the bully TPP revolved around. We were buying favor and influence with Vietnam, Malaysia, and of course our friends Australia and New Zealand. TPP was a bloc of pacific allies to help against China. China was the target not the goal.
  14. Oh, and Tibs is back to FULL RE-TARD! Thought we could have a conversation and then he just ######ed it all up. Obama saw unfavorable trade deals is a means of buying American influence, and he wasn't wrong to know we need American influence, especially in the Pacific. TTP wasn't a trade deal, it was a defense deal dressed as a trade deal.
  15. Yeah, Obama wasn't the socialist many believed him to be. I wish he was the leftiest of the leftists these days but sadly Obama is now way too moderate for the commie loving left.
  16. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44273/ocasio-cortez-gets-grilled-promoting-false-attacks-ryan-saavedra Nasty wench. Although, I do want to hear her say "nasty hobbitses, we hates 'em!"
  17. This post was not ignored by The_Dude because The_Dude is a man that doesn't need a safe space.
  18. 1. I believe a persons work ethic should maintain their minimum standard of living, sir, not the government. If a person follows these three rules they will never have to succumb to the madness of Bernism: 1- Finish high school. 2- Don't have kids before marriage. 3- Pursue a trade or a profitable degree, not something stupid like History. If a person follows those three rules they'll be middle class. Hell, I'm upper middle class and I don't have a high school degree. 2. You're suggesting we're in a new gilded age and while not completely incorrect, and while it doesn't need to be unaddressed, your point is moot to the average Joe when there are thousands of good paying jobs that people are not pursuing because they require hard work. The economy isn't rigged. Even a poor boy like me is allowed to compete. I took my last $5k and started my company with no safety net and now I am doing well. It took daring and there was no guarantee. 3. Bernie bros are the entitled people who are the product of their entitled upbringing. Yes, things are a bit different now than they were in the 60's. You can't go work 40 years at the local factory and retire with a pension. Pensions were killing shareholders and so that way of life went away. The world waits on nobody, learn to adapt. Bernie bros are pansies. 4. I am NOT a finance guy, but this '80% of tax breaks go to the 1%' is like, 'well duh.' Does the factory worker have PP&E to write off? I mean its understanding that the more assets a company has the more depreciation they can find. And rich people have good accountants, wouldn't you if you were rich? 5. The cost of medicine in this country is an issue. You're right there. But what will happen if Bernie "fixes it?" Because most medical breakthroughs happen in the US because of our blend of capitalism and medicine. Its estimated to cost $2.7 billion to bring a new drug to market. When Bernie makes that unprofitable, there goes investment. Tread lightly and carefully. If I were dictator I would have a team of medical professionals and economists working on this. There is no quick answer, but Bernie will rush to one. 6. My private healthcare wont cover my rotator cuff tear because its preexisting. The VA will. It's March 2019. I started the process in October of 2017. I'm now to the point where my next VA appointment is the one where they "may" finally schedule the surgery. Ya socialized medicine. Tread lightly, be careful what you wish for. Also, the countries that provide socialized medicine dont have our necessary defense bill. We can NOT cut defense. 7. I support free community college for certain degrees. Any trade school should be free. Why? I believe in investing in Americans. Give them the tools and they'll move mountains. But I'll be damnded if a degree in African Studies should be free. We have to be smart with our resources. Bernyism is anti-Americanism.
  19. I highly disagree. The decline in our character is what it is. American values are no longer American values. Immigrants don’t know how this country formed. They do NOT understand what it meant to ‘move to the colonies / America’. The term “American Exceptionalism,” know what it means? It doesn’t mean what most people think it means. People read it and say ‘that’s another way Americans say they’re better than everybody else.’ But it doesn’t mean that. The term refers to the quality of immigrant it took to make it here. Yeah, this is like colonial era and not post-1776. See, the British were NOT accustomed to literally having to fight and work for survival. Many died of disease. Many went back home quickly. They couldn’t make it because a footman (auto correct literally corrected that to “doorman” btw) was not used to the back breaking labor that it took to make it here. It took an EXCEPTIONAL person to make it AMERICA. There were no guarantees other than you can come here and reap the rewards of your labor. The EXCEPTIONAL AMERICANS who came here and succeeded were truly exceptional people. And those people would prosper and in time become world leaders because of the economic growth created by unbridled capitalism. But capitalism requires work. It requires a world that needs blue collar labor, and there’s a crying need, and the jobs are sitting open while these people buy into Bernie’s sermons: “you’re not a failure because you’re 33, have no trade, no degree. It’s not your fault. It’s the 1%’s fault!” These people think they’re victimized because they made poor decisions. Bernie gives them a boogey man, the 1%, and all of a sudden all the decisions that they themselves made that contributed to their lack of success become the fault of the 1%. “Yeah, it’s not my fault I have $60,000 in student loans, a useless degree, and no 6-figure salary!” Then Bernie promises them their neighbors lawn chair and they become “socialists.” Were no longer exceptional. I blame it on decadence and a strong change in demographics. I know that’s controversial but I have a very good reasons for believing it. Immigrants have watered down on ‘can do’ attitude. That doesn’t mean I hate immigrants, but I’m calling it like I see it.
  20. I’m a huge believer in ammo capacity. Nobody is accurate with handguns, handguns suck, ammo is important. I’m especially fond of my custom Kel Tec Sub 2000 in G17 grip. That thing is nasty. Ive got a 10/22 just like any American boy. That’s my plinking gun. I love it. And by ‘general purpose’ 12 gauge, you mean for hunting or defense or both?
  21. Heres the thing. I haven’t been posting on here that long. I stopped counting ting but I gave Bernie over $500 in campaign contributions last go round. Serious. I’m a two time Obama voter. What changed? A thorough study of Russia, and Rome. Before i I become a Romaholic, I had only studied Bronze Age peoples. I thought antiquity would shine no light on my quest to prove Bernienomics correct. What ended up happening was the exact opposite to my surprise. My autopsy of Rome left me shaken. It remolded my politics. My study of the 20th century convinced me Bernie is a dangerous demagogue albeit with good intentions. Now, there is value in social programs. Personally I see the need for social security but I would organize it differently. As in the money you put in and employer contributions go to a plan that the individual picks that is run by a private company. I understand the need to subsidize the grain for the plebs....but when the grain doll became free....oh what a slippery slope. The_Dude argues nobody’s talking points but his own. I’m my own man. How many times have you heard me bash Trump? I believe that through studying history and reverse engineering it, that is the only way to form political thought. Now theres a lot out of the 20th century that isn’t settled science. One such program that I wish there was more academic work on was Mussolini’s “corporations” which fascinated me economically because he won Times Man of the Year (1923) which I would win 80 years later (true) for it. The economic success of it was brilliant. Sustainable? I don’t know. If i had the time and money I’d honestly research it to write a book. So, while not everything is settled, socialism is. Let it go, man. And BTW, in Tiberius’ day (Grachus, not the Claudian) Rome was far different than America and the oppression they faced was real. Not like the oppression you modern liberals pretends exists. You old bastard.
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