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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Listen, if we can end this “racist” nonsense that’d be great. If need be I’ll identify as a racist, everybody yell at me once, then let’s move on.
  2. I never heard of that. I’m not sure that’s true. Especially when there are a plethora of products like NoXplode that do the same thing. By the way, NoXplode poos are the worst. One second you’re fine, the next you’re about to explode.
  3. Right. Nobody has the right to drive intoxicated. I have friends who swear being high doesnt effect their driving. I will NOT. Nobody has the right to put my family at risk by driving under the influence, and I don’t have that right either. Nobody does.
  4. Im serious. 100%. Not fried, but calm. Weed is GREAT for anxiety. And im a combat vet and a weed expert.
  5. I do NOT condone it. However, I am truly intrested in microdosing soldiers before combat. I think it could be advantageous.
  6. It’s worded as intended. Heroin is legal. Loads of it at your local pharmacy. There have been solid studies done on colorado. You should look into them.
  7. That is crazy. I’ve gotten a little paranoid before but not like that.
  8. That doesn’t ruin and kill people.
  9. Oh, I’ve got Kim all wrong? That’s it. It’s not that Trump is wrong, it’s that Kims a good guy. Got it?
  10. Meanwhile, in France https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47414140 Your resident Francophobe.
  11. No, because while extremely legal, heroin kills people. Heroi is bad for you. Id love to see all heroin dealers get the death penalty. Yes, because a decade later, if I’m home, I’d be subjected to about 20 minutes of a foul odor. That’d show me. Or something.
  12. Gary Oldman’s Churchill was AWFUL. I hated that movie. I hates it! I prefer John Lithgow’s interpretation. Dude — Trumps flirtatious relationship with that ***** is unacceptable. His refusal to use force is also unacceptable.
  13. Remember when Churchill praised Hitler and defended a heinous action of his regime? Me neither. Trump ain’t no Churchill. We need a Churchill.
  14. This is a horrible point, though I’m sure you find it valid. 1. Speed limits are for government roads. The government owns them. They can control them. 2. What I’m advocating for is a man to grow whatever flowers he wants on his property, and to do with his flowers what he pleases on his property. That is not me advocating for somebody to get high and drive which is irresponsible and is something I do not do, nor have I ever. 3. By your logic it’s a short road to gun control. 4. You cannot come up with a reason why you should have any say as to what flowers I have in my house.
  15. Yeah it’s ridiculous that conservatives advocate for the continued prohibition. Ignorance and hypocrisy.
  16. Again, not true. What census gave you this gem? It’s like we need to fact-check everything you say because you’re always making things up. Seriously, the next time you wanna spout a fun-fact, Google it first so you don’t look so foolish.
  17. The right environment would be me, Jack, guns n ammo, and 1000 acres of nothing. Also, have you been high? You know it’s not like you’re halucinating, right?
  18. Would I recommend it? No. Would I do it? In the right environment, yes.
  19. I think you just made a case against freedom. While funny, you’re lackinh in substance. Again. If you’d like to debate the merits, let’s roll. If you’d like to poke fun from behind the safety of your computer screen, I’m not interested.
  20. Well, let’s make alcohol illegal.
  21. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/warmbiers-parents-push-back-on-trump-comments-blame-kims-evil-regime-for-sons-death Id have had “Compliments if the Warmbiers” painted on every bomb that I would have dropped on North Korea. Cowardly draft dodger.
  22. Ah. Well, for some reason I thought you were a lady. All apologies.
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