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Bad Lieutenant

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Everything posted by Bad Lieutenant

  1. Holmgren would certainly be an upgrade but he's probably overrated as a GM. -Trading for Deion Branch -Giving bad contracts to Burleson, Shawn Alexander -1st Rounders like Chris McIntosh, Koren Robinson, Kelly Jennings, Jeremy Stevens, Marcus Tubbs He does seem to be able to identify good quarterbacks though.
  2. "Awwwww yeah folks. Government subsidized insulin, folks. So good, folks" Who, this guy?
  3. I'm sure that we already are. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-_9yI6bdNk
  4. Ever hear of Google? http://www.newsday.com/news/new-york/ny-de...house-1.1570751 http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2009/...use-member.html
  5. Fatman tries to open a bottle of wine with a butter knife. Insanity ensues.
  6. "Gross stuff happens when you become an alcoholic, folks" Here's Fatman drinking beer and eating pizza while his dad yells at him.
  7. I think this speaks for itself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05gSgrzQchQ
  8. Buffalo Bills Forums > Special Topics > Politics, Polls, Pundits, and Erroneous Lessons in Comedy
  9. Can we please get back to talking about how protecting corporate interests is now considered "liberal"? I was really enjoying your effort!
  10. Whatever happened to that Ultra-Italian QB Cincy used to have? Gino something?
  11. Of course people here love it, it's a staple of all the regular PPP poster's repartees. How else did Alaska Darin, DC Tom and yourself reach 20,000 posts? Through thoughtful analysis and clever insights? Well, no not really. Through repetitive "burns" and "disses" that sound like they were written by a menopausal woman? Ding! Ding! Ding!
  12. You should know all about that, judging from your "I'm not a partisan, I only play one on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board" act.
  13. ...liberal...dummycrats...big government...constitution...recycled snarky outro quip...
  14. You know those pesky liberals, always trying to make it harder to sue someone!
  15. I think you're having an argument within your own head again. I'm condemning ACORN for their systematic approval of government-funded, non-consensual sodomy. I thought this was something we could agree on, right?
  16. You must have a different definition of "ever" then the rest of us. ever One entry found. Main Entry: ev·er Pronunciation: \ˈe-vər\ Function: adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣfre Date: before 12th century 1 : always <ever striving to improve> <the ever-increasing population> 2 a : at any time <more than ever before> b : in any way <how can I ever thank you>
  17. Bad news for ACORN. Apparently they're not just promoting prostitution-now they're drugging and gang-raping their own employees at the expense of the American taxpayers!
  18. He's also married to Fox News anchor Jane Skinner. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_F-2ybd60FlE/SOAw...e+skinner+2.jpg
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