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Bad Lieutenant

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Everything posted by Bad Lieutenant

  1. Didn't you learn anything from the Derrick Dockery fiasco?
  2. Hilarious! In a frantic rush to flaunt their religious devotion to anthropogenic global warming denial it seems these lemmings are using a scientist who believes in AGW as evidence of a lack of consensus! Apparently reading past the first page is impossible for these clowns once the phrase "global warming" activates their moronic Pavlovian responses.
  3. That's funny coming from a "man" who when he's thinking about hot chicks in warm weather the first thing that comes to his mind is capri pants! Capri pants! You attempt to kick start a macho locker-room type discussion (online nonetheless) and the first thing you come up with is "It's 80 degrees in California and I can see girls ankles"? That's just embarrassing.
  4. I guess someone could spin it that Utah is only guilty then of being either the most honest state or the state most ignorant of the internet.
  5. Ryan and Harbaugh will probably plug a 4th rounder into Leonhard's role and will see just as much production as Leonhard provided.
  6. This is pretty much what I'd expect an exchange between an "Alaska Darin" and a "Jim in Anchorage" would look like. Is it just me or do they sound like two women discussing purses?
  7. Or with Kelsay grinding into an offensive tackle while Schobel sprinted 10 yards behind the quarterback every play.
  8. I enjoy, check that-LOVE shooting watermelons with machine guns and if the Feds expect me to pursue this precious hobby of mine using a smaller clip they've got another thing coming!
  9. New England has signed a back-up RB and TE-Oh no the sky is falling!
  10. We should all take the time and thank our lucky stars that there are patriots like yourself out there looking after our constitutional rights! Thank you! These libtards have clearly never read the Bill of Rights or else they would have come across the Second and a Half Amendment- The right of Man to bear arms with all the really cool accessories and accoutrements they see Jack Bauer use on 24. The founding fathers understood that if America was to succed dorky, childish middle-aged white guys would need an equally dorky and childish hobby with the ability to bestow upon them a pseudo-sexual rush on the weekends.
  11. It's good to see the nattering nabobs of negativism are out today!
  12. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/ic/blo...der/index.shtml During GB's 2007 playoff run Bigby was pretty impressive. Maybe we could pick him up and slide Whitner to FS?
  13. San Francisco Chronicle is also on the ropes.
  14. Somewhere Thomas Jefferson is turning in his grave over the terrible news that it may become more difficult for pock-marked, pot-bellied, middle aged, angry white men in bad Wrangler jeans to spend their weekends shooting pumpkins with AK-47's equipped with the full array of accoutrements that they've become accustomed to. What is this country coming to?
  15. It's set in New Orleans instead of NYC too. They're going to butcher it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Lieutenant_(2009_film)
  16. Unfortunately Werner Herzog is remaking Bad Lieutenant with Nick Cage as Harvey Keitel's character. I'm pissed! Cage doesn't have the balls to show his schlong like Harvey did!
  17. Fios is great. You know it's good when Time Warner starts making all their ads about them.
  18. This is amazing! In the history of human communication I doubt that anything has ever been spoken or written that combined this rants unusual combination of nerdy message board lingo and chest beating pseudo-bravado. If you thought it was impossible to act hard while talking about "IP adresses", "moderators", "UIDs", and "message board software" think again! There's gotta be an SNL skit in here somewhere! Alaska versus Rochester beef!?!?!? This forum is too much! I love it! Can someone please start an Alaska/Rochester trash talk thread?
  19. I remember being high on Sean Jones when he came out of Georgia. I know he missed his entire rookie year but other than that I haven't followed his NFL career. What kind of a player did he turn out to be? Atogwe was franchised (I think).
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