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Mr. ChumChums

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Everything posted by Mr. ChumChums

  1. Well, now we have a strategy against the Jets. RUN AT MAYBIN.
  2. Ahh, true, I never considered that. I didn't realize that some players actually have been buying it on their own.
  3. Keep in mind that due to the lockout, none of these guys are insured if any of them get injured.
  4. Other than Kyle Williams, who do you think on the Bills is deserving?
  5. He initially committed with Ol Miss, but then they went through a coaching change. So he decided to on Florida, but their coach left as well. He did a year at some small school, but then go homesick, and went to Bethel instead so he could stay closer to home. Most of this can be found here: http://www.buffalonews.com/incoming/article412321.ece
  6. Believe it or not, it was a position of need. McGee is getting older, McKelvin hasn't really lived up to his 1st round billing, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Florence leaving? Aaron Williams had a first round grade, and plays in a position of need. Not a bad pick imo - just not what all of you guys were expecting.
  7. I still say, even before the Darius pick, that OLB was our biggest need. Justin Houston is, imo, the best available OLB in the draft. Take him! Good value at that spot as well
  8. Nix has the right philosophy. If we're in the position to draft a true FRANCHISE QB (of which most of us will agree that Fitz, as good as we think he is, is not), then we have to take him over everything else. However, if there is no true Franchise QB available where we're sitting, then yes, we fortify the run with a stud linebacker / defensive playmaker.
  9. Dick Jauron is no longer with this team. He's the Eagle's problem now.
  10. So having 2 ligaments sprained in the right foot on which you PLANT on as a QB isn't enough evidence of a big hit? Sure, it looks like he just got rolled on by Suh, but some of the worst hits come from that. LT's hit on Joe Theisman, which damn near snapped his leg in 2 (and prominently ending his career) was a similar type of hit. Gabbert ended up finishing the game and the next few weeks with that injury on his planting foot, so you have no grounds at all for claiming he's never taken a big hit, and not tried to will his team to victory around him.
  11. We should pin this thread to the top alongside the Newton and Miller threads.
  12. Andy Dalton might be an under-the-radar type prospect for the Bills, even though we didn't bring him in for a workout. I'm sure Chan got to know him pretty well (along with Ponder) during the senior bowl. If they think that either of those 2 prospects are our guy, then I'm sure they'll try to draft them when the time comes.
  13. Beat me to it. Was about to post a similar video. And to add to that - Gabbert was pretty injured in that play, and ended up playing the next few weeks with sprained ligaments in his right ankle, unable to plant on his right foot. In addition, I can't find a SINGLE scouting report that says that BG isn't a leader / lacks toughness, etc... Random scouting reports saying as much here: http://thefootballexpert.com/scouting-reports/blaine-gabbert-qb-missouri.html http://proprospects.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/blaine-gabbert-scouting-report/ http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/4/20/2121741/blaine-gabbert-scouting-report-2011-nfl-draft
  14. Again... where are you getting all of these conclusions? And I'm not trying to be insulting or anything, but from reading this, it sounds like you're getting all this from his looks, and more specifically, his hair. If you could please clarify and state how / why you think this, I would appreciate it. Would you feel better if BG got a haircut like this? http://prosportschat.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/tim-tebow-haircut2.jpg
  15. That's a fair assessment. However, I don't think we'll play him too early. That's what we have Fitz around for. Buddy Nix even said that he HOPES they land in the same situation that they had in San Diego, with Drew Brees and Philip Rivers on the roster. That's the ideal / best case scenario for everyone. And yeah, if he doesn't play well, then we'll be making excuses for him. However, we'll do that with any of our QB's, because as Bills fans, we're always hopeful that the guy on our squad is "the guy." I personally don't think that he'll fail - I think he'll end up being a great pro, hopefully even better. To your other points, you're right. It's not fair to compare Blaine Gabbert to Sam Bradford. Bradford was a special talent, so any REAL comparison will make BG seem much worse. This is partially my fault, as I was one of the ones that brought up Bradford's name in comparison, so I'll give you a point there. However, the main reason I brought up Bradford was in comparison to their offensive systems. They were different, but there are similar points. They both ran the spread - they both occasionally took snaps from under center - they both ran relatively complex systems that placed a lot of responsibility on the QB to make calls / audibles / line adjustments. The last point is the most important, I think, and shows that he can probably make the transition into the NFL rather successfully.
  16. Better yet - use chalk. To be honest though, I'm not sure Buddy will stick to the philosophy of strictly taking the best player available. He talks about having the (hopefully) rare opportunity to take someone high at #3, and how it's the perfect time to take a QB - especially if you have someone that's serviceable like Fitz. I'm personally hoping for Gabbert here... in chalk.
  17. Thank you! Too busy to go find my own links to prove my point right now..
  18. So you're basing your entire opinion of his ability to QB... on his hair?
  19. But he was also talking about QB's, and how "if your guy is there, you have to go with him." Pretty much, the entire segment, nothing new was revealed, and we have no clue which way they're going. Touche, Buddy...touche...
  20. I doubt that. I remember in some pre-draft articles, before Luck announced his decision to stay in school, there were some people talking about Gabbert being the #2 QB right behind Luck. And remember, most GM's and Scouts knew about Blaine Gabbert since early in the college football season (Buddy Nix said as much in his presser). The only reason we think that he's just rising up draft boards is because WE haven't heard about him till after the season ended.
  21. And in 2009, he threw 24 TD's, compared to only 16 this past year. Shows that a playmaker can really add a lot to your offense.
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