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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. arrrgghhh....why ruin a perfectly good crusade with something stupid like a fact?
  2. According to Jamies, that female trainer blinked a "yes" which is twice the affirmation that moaning is! Off topic, but it is interesting how noone has ever called out Archie Manning for being a total control freak and prick.....which was on full display during Eli's draft. Typical elitest corruption but he bends you over with a smile on his face so it's all good!
  3. As soon as Manuel wins a playoff shootout on the last play in Mile High and then goes on to win the Superbowl, he has my complete blessing to post one 3 qb rating game a year. Flacco has a COMPLETE BELL CURVE of performance, EJ ...not so much. When you've won the masters you can shank one in the woods once in a while and it gets shrugged off, when you've never made a cut, you can't afford to shank. Fair or unfair, right or wrong......perception is reality.
  4. Perhaps the comparisons aren't too far off, didn't ol' Fivehead have a problem (allegation) with a female coach or athlete at Tennessee that got swept quickly under the rug?
  5. One the plus side, if we sign the Sanchize.....Rex can go back to filming his wife from the closet! Oh no i di'ent!
  6. I do love what passes for journalism these days....creating stories about what some source (not named, or verifiable) told another reporter or quoting some third party news source.....which is not unlike saying my wife's uncle's mother's hairstylist's psychic, knows a guy who heard from a friend's brother that Winston is "real smart-like".....all public evidence to the contrary. He must be sandbagging everyone so that noone would suspect he was shaving points by throwing interception after interception. To me, this speaks more about how journalist now determine the news rather than report on it. If you 'follow the money' there is no actual source other than what Peter King SAYS he was told by someone, so the story comes down to how much trust/clout Peter King has as a reporter.
  7. oh, well if McShay says it, you can bet the ranch on it. Just ask Vernon Gholston. Kiper and McShay are almost identically inaccurate statistically which basically means anyone can predict draft success at about the same level of accuracy.
  8. I would gladly trade this CASE for Mark Sanchez. Or this one.....
  9. And if memory serves me (i am too lazy to look it up), Spikes had a much better hit (or at least similar) on a better running back. I think the only difference was the fumble part.
  10. i tried to quickly look it up...has Rex ever won a division title?
  11. Do running backs come on and off the field? Do linebackers? Why is QB the only position on the field you have to suffer with to develop a guy? The defense rarely gets to actually tackle anyone in practice....and yet they develop without having to be starters. And as for the Chip Kelly question....I believe it is equally possible that he would still have the same issues. Hell, he might not even see the field in Kelly's offense....and then again, it might be the perfect fit. I failed Fantasy Predictions 101 in college.
  12. Again, thank god we can now blame the "moron' coach. How is EJ any different now than he was at FSU where he worked with Jimbo Fisher who is generally recognized as a QB guru (not by me, mind you)? Is it not just as likely that Jimbo managed to get as much out of EJ as is possible and that the influence of playing with a QB Guru as a coach elevated his PERCEIVED potential? The same issues he was identified as having coming out of FSU's program are the same ones he still has. I just believe it is the difference of evaluating "what is" versus postulating "what possibly, sorta, maybe could be". You might see the glass half full, I see a 16 ounce glass with 8 ounces of fluid in it.
  13. ok....i was beginning to think he paid your mortgage or something. You seem to be REALLY attached to this kid. And please, for the love of god, please stop talking about upsides and ceilings.....they are the same as Nessie and Unicorns. It's all double speak and mythology. A guy is either good or not, he can either get better, plateau or regress. there is no measurable upside or ceiling, it is simply verbal fodder that cannot be proven, disproven or even argued.
  14. I am still trying to figure out why any Bills fan would have more personally invested in EJ than any other QB on the roster? EJ (and every other QB on the roster this year, last year and the year before for that matter) has done absolutely nothing to endear himself to the buffalo fanbase.....IMO that is. i love me some Fred, EJ could retire tomorrow and it wouldn't matter to me.
  15. Precisely.....if you like the guy, he needs more time and is still technically a rookie and its all the stupid coaches fault, if you don't like him....well, you know. Both sides of the argument contain a fair amount of nonsense.
  16. He should, his head is larger than any two on the coaching staff. No wonder his neck is f'ed up, can you imagine trying to hold that thing up everyday?
  17. This is the picture I think of when i think of Shameis Winston. Or this one....
  18. You know....if you repeat something enough, it becomes the truth....right? Look up all of the records set in that game. Divine intervention....Jesus H Chris! If the Broncos had such a great defense, why did they suddenly turn their attention to bettering the defense right after Peyton flamed out at the very same spot that Tebow did.....except Manning lost a playoff home game. All that said, Manning still took the Broncos no farther than Tebow with a much better roster. As opposed to trading away the best receiver on the team, Horseface Elway brought in everyone and anyone to give Peyton all of the tools and all of the playcalling freedom he needed...AND....didn't allow Fox and Gase to call RUN RUN, oh crap PASS on 3rd and long for the first 3 quarters of every game. Spin it, opine or just flat out lie about it, doesn't change the facts.
  19. Yup, let the Patsies or Horseface/Fivehead have him. Doh!
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