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Everything posted by Garranimal

  1. Actually, I thought the bills looked quite good. Mental mistakes were the killer. The game wasn't lost on one stumble or a fumble. It was lost collectively, but there was much improvement. The patriots are excellent because they have good team players who are disciplined. Tom Brady made one throw backpeddling in the face of a Dlineman to his tight end that was amazing. The kind of thing that really takes the wind out of a rush. One team executed better than the other and it paid off at the end. But the running game looked stout and Drew was rather good. What more can you say?
  2. Gee, that sounds alot like being taller makes your a better quarterback. Another truth that did not bare fruit.
  3. typically the back up quarterback is the most popular guy in town, but the buffalo faithful has now made the back up running back the greatest player in the NFL. 6.5 yards per rush and people still B word. There is no making anyone happy here. This was a hard fought game with a lot of mistakes, that goes to coaching and discipline. Another week of "willis would have scored on that play". Ho hum.
  4. You sound even more like a genious (SIC) when you spell it right...... sorry, it was too classic not to point out.
  5. I would like to respectfully disagree. The punt and the prevent are all part of the same philosophy. Here's the thing. If you are a coach with big ones and believe your D can stop them from the 20, you go for the FG. Even if they get the ball in good field position it doesn't matter because a FG for them does nothing, you would have to give up a TD. You punt because you know you are going to go into a prevent shell and give up all kinds of yards. In the end, you are taking the stance that your team can hold them on 4 plays inside the 10 because it will come down to that.
  6. I am sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong about Travis and his pass blocking. In the chat room, remarks were constantly made about how well travis was picking up blocks. I will say that Willis appears to be the better blocker, but he is also a bigger back more equipped to do so. Picking out Travis' blocking flaws is like saying Ruben used to hold all the time when the stats don't bare it out. Rewatch the game and tell me if i am wrong, but Travis has certainly improved that part of his game.
  7. I went to ohio state and USF.....either way, i am not on the beating end of any Hurricane Hype. I grew up in south florida, jimmy johnson's criminals nearly ruined college ball for me. I have a hard time understanding how any Bills fan can support anything to do with Miami, the hurricanes are like the spoiled little brothers of the Dolphins, though some hurricane players make more than some of the dolphins. The hurricane program has consistently produced bad social apples, eh hem, ray lewis. And to answer someone's post, Jim Kelly was no prize when he first left the 'canes. His attitude was typical.
  8. they should, they are the highest paid pro team in college football.
  9. HMMM, how different that tune is than when Dougie opened his mouth. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
  10. Typical friggin Hurricane attitude. Talk about a school that produces consistent big mouths and cancers.
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