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Posts posted by DasNootz

  1. That is true to a degree.

    From what I have seen of Spiller which consist of 3 games he played his Sr year.

    The impressive part of his game seems to be his ability to read the gaps and blocks.

    He always seem to make the right read. I didn't know he had sub 4.4 speed at the time.

    When you have speed your blockers don't have to hold the block as long so I agree with Nix.

    This is also true with the QB. I remember when we started Rob Johnson everyone screamed the O line sucked.

    When Rob got hurt and Flutie came in suddenly the O line was no longer an issue.

    Our O line will seem much better when we get quality decisive quarterbacking.


    I don't think that having a fast 40 time is really important to lineman holding blocks. The key is the ability to read the block, make a decision and hit the hole. You can be the fastest guy in the league, but if you juke back and forth in the backfield too much, you'll never get to utilize your speed. Fast 40 times are good for breaking away from the safety on a TD run, or getting around the corner.

  2. Tell ya what, I'm gonna keep my name, still be a Bills fan and just ignore everything you said. How's that sound?


    As I said my response was a simple joke, just a different twist on the situation since the subject has already been discussed at length.


    So thanks for the advice, but ummmmm, no


    Alright now, bye bye then,

    Take care

    Looks like we missed the boat on Andrew Tyshovnytsky, OG/OT. I guess he signed with Indy.

  3. Ok, so me and the woman always joke about NFL players with weird and funny names. Captain Munerllan, Bubba Franks etc..


    Recently, we noticed many players have names that sound hilariously like other players. How many can you think of? Just have some fun, its the offseason..


    Anquan Boldin - Antuan Molden

    Dallas Clark - Darryl Clark

    Chris Cooley - Chris Kluwe


    thats all I have so far..

    I guess your definition of "hillarious" is different than mine... but I'll bite.


    Roy Willaims - the other Roy Williams - or the other other Roy Williams

    HAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAH!!!!! - I guess you're right. This is hillarious!

  4. Why would you say that? He has never been involved in off the field issues. What are you making that judgement on? Sounds like you are stereotyping him based on his race. If your racist take your racist crap somewhere else.


    Most ignorant comment I have seen this week.

    No way does David Carr belong that early in the list. He at least had an NFL career.

  5. The question was phrased in such a way that Jeff Ireland not only issued a statement through the Dolphins, but he called Dez Bryant to personally apologize (albeit, after the story came out).


    If his apology was out of personal remorse, he wouldn't have waited until after the story broke to make the call. He apologized because of pressure from the media and probably from the organization.

  6. So, listening to Colin Cowherd this am, he mentioned that he felt the Ireland question to Dez Bryant was ok in the sense that you need to ask tough questions of players. People who a franchise will be investing millions of dollars in. He said playing in the NFL isn't your typical job interview. And Ireland's question fell into that arena of a "tough question."


    So, if that's true, it goes both ways. GM's are in charge of billion dollar NFL franchises. They are responsible for making the organization run. Equally strict questions should be asked. So, my question is, "Is Jeff Ireland's mom a prostitute?" I think, per Cowherd, that it's a "tough" question.


    In all seriousness, if you're a GM, you need to be a lot smarter about how you ask tough questions and the kind of questions you come up with. Jeff Ireland obviously doesn't have the common sense to do this. He was tactless and callous. In short, not the world knows Jeff Ireland is an ass. And, he only apologized after the story surfaced. Not before. That cements him being an ass in my book. Way to go Jeff. Even if your mom were a prostitute, she'd still be embarrassed by you.

    You don't think that Miami knew everything about Ireland, including what kind of alcohol he drank and how much he tipped strippers, before they hired him? When you're only really considering one or two candidates you can have a private dectective dig up the info. When you're looking at a large pool of candidates (Maybe only 50 were wothy of first round consideration) you have to cut through the garbage.


    Neither of us were there. We don't know how the question was phrased.


    Had Ireland come from the same background as Dez Bryant, I'm sure Tuna would have pushed to find out about his family influences too. He doesn't seem like somebody that pulls punches.

  7. Next time you get a new hire at whereever you work, go and ask them if there mother was a prostitute, and see how fast you get thrown out on your a$$ for harassment.


    Why should this be any different, cause its the NFL?


    Plus Ireland had no proof from everything i hear, just asked the question. Plus your question is not even compareable to accusing someones mother of being a prostitute, but go ahead and stand up for Ireland.


    Asking does not equal accusing.


    I might not ask them the question, but I'll find out the answer before I hire someone and pay them 10s of millions of dollars given his known past.

  8. Even if it was...what does it matter?


    Will it prevent him from catching balls and dominating Terrence McGee twice a year?



    (Glad he's a Cowboy! :lol: )


    Similar hypothetical scenario. Say that Dez Bryant's brother had been believed to have a gambling problem. Would it be fair to ask Dez about his brother in an interview?

  9. Dude.. it's not a behavioral question. It's an antagonizing question. It doesn't matter who I work for.


    A behavioral question is, How have you dealt with adversity? Tell me a time when you had a disagreement with a team mate, how did you handle it?


    Maybe you just aren't smart enough to know the difference?


    Oh, by the way, I work for a multi-billion dollar company, thanks.

    So does the guy that sweeps the aisles for the Dallas Cowboys.


    We have no idea how the question was phrased. All we have is what Dez Bryant told reporters. We don't know if they asked about his relationship with his mother, how her actions related to his life, etc...

  10. I'm a recruiter and have performed hundreds of behavioral interviews.. This question is not a behavioral question PERIOD.

    Let us know when your role is make multi-million dollar personel assessments. That's like saying I played high school quarterback, I know what it takes to be an NFL QB.

  11. No way. If the story is true then Ireland stepped way out of bounds. The question was baseless and served no purpose. Personally I hope the ignorance of the organization is reflected in the fact that they can't land free agents because available talent will not play for that kind of regime.

    Players will play for "that kind of regime" if the money is right, just like teams will take on the Tank Johnsons and Pacman Jones of the world if they think that there's money to be made.

  12. Everyone is attempting to avoid drafting the next Michael Vick, Pacman Jones etc. Like it or not, as a player entering the draft, everything is on the table. There are real concerns about his character. Anyone drafting him knows that they're taking a chance. I'd want to know as much as possible before I took that chance.

  13. Psych test or not... I really don't see what the problem is with asking this question. You're making a decision that will likely have tens of millions of dollars in implications.


    I would have no problem with asking this question... "Dez, you understand that there's a lot of scrutiny around your background? I hate to ask you this, but we really need to hear from you what's true and what isn't. <Insert question(s) here>/


    I appreciate your candor and directness. I think we've gained alot from this interview, and I wish you the best of luck in the future. I know this process isn't easy, but there's light at the end of tunnel... blah blah blah.."

  14. And you see how well that works. Some of the biggest criminals today are executives of huge corporations. The crimes they commit have consequences beyond anything these jocks could dream of. Look at what recently happened in the banking industry.


    I'd compare them to athletes taking PEDs. They play games to keep the share value up, thus creating a false illusion of grandure.

  15. 1) Most major corporations don't pay somebody a mutli-million dollar contract coming out of college. You have to prove you results on a professional basis to become a CEO.


    2) Major corporations will do background checks and have private investigators find as much information as possible on their candidates. They know about affairs, connections, etc.

  16. Sec. 25.02. PROHIBITED SEXUAL CONDUCT. (a) An individual commits an offense if he engages in sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, without regard to legitimacy:

    (1) his ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption;

    (2) his stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating that relationship exists;

    (3) his parent's brother or sister of the whole or half blood;

    (4) his brother or sister of the whole or half blood or by adoption; or

    (5) the children of his brother or sister of the whole or half blood or by adoption.

    (b) For purposes of this section:

    (1) "Deviate sexual intercourse" means any contact between the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of another person with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.

    (2) "Sexual intercourse" means any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ.

    © An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.



    This is not to be confused with Statutory Rape. In Louisiana, if she were 15, and he were 17 or under, it would not be considered statutory rape. You must be within 2 years of age, if she is under 17.

  17. I heard this earlier tonight. It's good that Nix is looking into the tackles that are available out there.


    I hope Adams has enough in the tank left.


    He's not getting any younger, and he's nothing more than a stop-gap to getting a better long term solution. That said, he's better right now than anything else we have.

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