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Everything posted by CDogg20

  1. I love this pick as well. I'm so glad we finally got a playmaker.
  2. Wow. Rolando McClain to the Raiders. Never saw it coming.
  3. I hope that the Bills go with OT all #9 instead of QB. IMO we need to start rebuilding in the trenches.
  4. I saw a couple good plays but he doesn't look like anything special. I thought he was man handled on a couple plays.
  5. Yeah he is a worthless reporter. Didnt give any information that Bills fans didnt already know. Yeah I think he's worse than Mort as well...
  6. They said that they dont really have a shot in free agency and they're in terrible shape. Also stated they could go for Tyler Thigpen or Mike Vick. They were also uncertain on if they would trade or keep ML. They told us everything Bills fans already knew. Wasnt worth watching.
  7. Supposed to be talking about potential free agent moves and draft moves after the break if anyones interested.
  8. Same here. I met Jabari at his first training camp and even though he wasn't known at the time he was talking smack and just having a good time with his team mates and he instantly earned my respect. I hope he has an awesome game. Big mistake by Buffalo ever letting him go.
  9. Snyder is a dink. Shanny will be there and I have a feeling he wont be able to do much there because of Snyder.
  10. Jim Zorn fired at 4 a.m this morning and Mike Shannahan is expected to be hired anytime this week.
  11. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to everyone.
  12. Yeah I got the text as well. I still would rather Brohm start.
  13. We don't need wide outs we need someone who can actually get them the ball. A center isnt needed, we have Hangartner and Wood. Im fine with either playing guard or center. If Maybin bulks up I feel he could be a great DE in this league. I think if Bell played RT he'd be fine, LT is too much for him. Also Brad Butler at the beginning of the season didnt look bad at RT. LT, QB and DT should be our biggest concerns in that order. I think we could find a DT in FA that could help us for the time being but LT and QB we should def. look for in the draft. LT first round and Tony Pike in the 2nd would be great.
  14. Yeah that was kinda weird. But I think they should be playing him more. The seasons shot. We need to develop our players and also while doing that, play for a better draft pick.
  15. I agree with you on all of this, They do have it out for him and its messed up. I also think its a good thing for him to wear his friends jersey. He misses him and he wants to honor him. Did anyone on this board see how shaken up Chad was in the locker room? There's no way he's doing this just for another "Chad Stunt". He's doing it out of respect for his friend. Not for attention.
  16. Personally I didnt think Marcus Buggs played all that bad when he was in the game.
  17. R.I.P. It's sad to see someone who was turning their life around and getting in on the right track die. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and teamates.
  18. This guy is a hell of a ball player. He's one of my favorite Bills.
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