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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. from Andy Benoit's analysis yesterday, he said the Bills believe KW to be one of the most exceptional athletes on the team. They move him around based on what he has the ability to do. He just happens to be a big body.


    He is. Remember the swimming contest vs. Marshawn Lynch? And whenever a player is asked "who is the best....." (golfer, bball player, name the sport) on the team, the answer seems to be "Kyle"

  2. Not after four games we didn't; not even close.


    Give it some time. It's not nearly as bad schematically as some are painting.


    Execution wise, like Bradham missing routine tackles that breaks the game open for the opponent, we've been inconsistent. We also need to get A Williams back at safety as he paired with Graham brings another dimension and gives Ryan the closing ability he needs from that position.


    GO BILLS!!!


    OK, so this is a different viewpoint: the D and especially the DL need more time to learn the scheme and adjust.


    I hope you're right.


    I'm not sure about last season. At this point last season, we had given up <19 PPG. It is a point that last season our first 4 games did not include Brady and Eli Manning, but did include Rivers who is pretty well thought of in QB circles.

  3. Maybe he's planning for a future without Kyle and Mario



    Effective coaches make effective use of the players they have. Any player in the NFL may be injured at any time or decide to retire in the off season; the time to plan for a future without a player is during the off-season, when you might cut or trade them and replace them through FA, trade, or draft. It would be nuts to "plan for a future without" two probowl players who are healthy and on the roster this season.

  4. Rex is going to need to rework the defense over time. It'll get better this year but not that much better. Ultimately we'll send Kyle Williams packing after this year, draft a bunch of CBs and LBs...and end up the chaos Rex D everyone knows and loves. But right now, and for the rest of this year, we'll be above average but not top like we wanted.


    It's one of the main reasons we may not make the playoffs. We're too crazy on D.


    But see, to your point and JTSP previously expressed point (Sorry J for not finding and quoting you) - this is EXACTLY what bothers me. We had a top-4 elite D last year, and Rex came in speaking to concerns that it wasn't "his type" of players by saying a lot of stuff about how he would fit his scheme to the players and he's never had such talent etc etc etc.


    If I understand you correctly, what you're saying is Rex needs to rebuild the D, move on from a pro-bowl DT and draft a bunch of replacement players for CBs and LBs - all of whom played elite D last year.


    The point is, if you're correct, this totally contradicts everything Rex said when hired and in preseason about the D and how he would manage it.


    I really don't want to hear about how we need to rebuild the D to make the playoffs. We have the talent now. Rex was handed the keys to a top-4 D and good players were added. If he can't figure out how to drive it, that's really on him.


    I'm guessing it has to do with his production in relation to other WRs drafted in his draft class. People expect big numbers and when they don't see them they rip him. Other posters defend him saying things like, "he was dealing with injuries all season" as a reason/excuse. So either injuries are getting in the way of reaching his full potential (that is, he's been injury prone whether he misses games or not) or he's just not as good as those receivers at this point in his career.



    Or maybe the QB throwing to him are not as good as the QB throwing to those other WR in his draft class? Those would include Eli Manning, Stafford and Cam Newton. After that we can get into the weeds of whether we think EJ Manuel/Kyle Orton < Josh McCown/Mike Glennon.


    I have to question whether you watched the INDY, MIA, and the second half of the NYG game with this post.. Not to mention the offense was stagnant for most of the NE game as well as the NYG game which did the defense no favors.. There's no way you can justify this thinking IMO.


    Hearing "#Bills D isn't as good this year. Last year it was elite." Here's how they compare in 1st 4 games. #Relax



    So when you look at the stats, they don't look that different. That begs the question: are the differences significant? Just looking at this year's stats...the difference in points given up is the difference between 9th and 16th in the league. The difference in pass yards per attempt is the difference between 6th and 20th in the league.


    Most of those are very significant differences in this league.


    Of greater concern at this point, I feel a clear blueprint has been shown in two games against quality veteran QB:

    1) Make offensive substitutions and adjustments to force the D to react, especially effective with crowd noise hindering communication

    2) Keep 7 men in to block and look for the coverage breakdown

    3) Get the ball out quickly


    I could be suffering from retroactive blindness, but last year after 4 games I don't recall feeling that the blueprint for how to beat us is out there, and not feeling comfortable that we had the adjustments to counter it.


    The concern I have about Carucci's article is that Rex, coming in, said he didn't run a scheme, he'd adjust his scheme to fit his players. The take-away I have from that article is that Rex is, in fact, not doing that; he's asking the DL to change what they were so effective at, and running a scheme that may call for a different style of linebacker. That's exactly what he said he WOULDN'T do.

    Two Things that seem obvious to me:


    1) All the pre-snap movement and trickery is fooling no one. The next time I see Kyle Williams dropping back into coverage, I'm going to throw something through my TV!


    2) The lack of rotation, we have seen very little of Stephan Charles, Corbin Bryan, Alex Carrigan, etc. It seems like (i think someone else posted the stats to verify this) that we are not doing that as much, and I have to wonder if it is wearing them down?


    I disagree a bit. I think the pre-snap movement and trickery drove Tannehill nuts and bothered Luck. The problem is, when you get to a quality veteran QB, no, it's not fooling them.


    Any scheme which has Kyle Williams dropping back into coverage is a Bad Scheme.


    You are exactly right that we aren't rotating our DL

  7. Trying a better format for you all since it's all tweets


    #Bills a variety of pressure concepts, DL slants and long stunts. Rendered irrelevant by Manning getting ball out quickly.

    #Bills pressure looks often aligned two men in backfield, flanking Manning in shotgun. Options out of 7-man protections

    #Giants werent going to allow #Bills pass rush to factor. Either 3-step timing or 7-man protections on basically every dropback.


    I think these are key and perceptive points. Rex's vaunted disguises and the pressure our DL can bring are neutralized by quick timing or 5 vs 7.


    Until we make defensive adjustments to counter this, a quality QB will be able to take advantage.

  8. The defense under Schwartz was so simple and it worked very well...sometimes you just need to let your players lineup and play instead of trying to be perfect with every call


    This. And yet....I don't think Schwartz' scheme was as simple as some people made it out. Compare and contrast with Wannstache (which legitimately was too simple), and reference Fat Albert's "Letter to Himself" encomium to Schwartz: "Your defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz is a mastermind."

    it worked well sometimes but not always. And there were too few adjustments made when it wasn't working. Jmo.


    As opposed to the....right number? of adjustments made when it isn't working so far this season? :flirt:

  9. So disgusting to see a bunch of nobodys here criticize a coach who took his team to the AFC championship game twice in the last 6 years and this comes ONLY AFTER he lost against two teams that won a combined total of 6 Super Bowls in the last 15 years with the same head coach and elite QB they still currently have. Fair-weather supporters that get behind the coach and team when they win and act like its the end of the world when they lose against elite teams. Totally absurd.


    Let us know when you author your manual of what us nobodies on TBD are allowed to talk about and when. I'm sure your 110th post regarding where and for what price you'll make it available will be widely read and it will sell out immediately.


    Or not. Maybe it would be easier if you could give us some tips instead on how to help you leave in disgust. What did you think this was, Pro Football Coaches Corner?

  10. The point is not inflict a physical punishment, it's a mental exercise. A reminder to play smart.


    OK, you and others have raised good points that the idea is to "get the guy's attention"

    yeah, it's just for practice and it's 10 per penalty. It's just to show how important they are and impactful to everyone by making everyone stop what they are doing in practice and do push-ups anytime anyone commits a penalty. It isn't a punishment for Gameday penalties.


    Who knows if it ends up reducing them on Gameday but I didn't see any harm in it.


    I guess I don't see how it will cut down on the egregious personal fouls, but OK

  11. read to me like if the ref at practice throws the flag they are going to be hitting the ground too, no?


    I had the impression it was for the game-day penalties

    Why is this looked at negatively?


    I didn't think it was taking it seriously enough. But if he meant "for each penalty" as some have interpreted it, then yeah, I guess 170 pushups would get even an professional athlete's attention.


    Why do you think pushups are OK but the CBA would be against up-downs? Heck do both: Burpies


    but what will/should Brown do next time. Say, "thank you sir, may I have another." If the Ref's don't call it, what can/should he do. That's the question no one answers.


    There are two tried and true responses to being punched or shoved around in a game. One is to laugh: "that all ya got?" while backing off a step and holding up your open hands in the universal "peaceable guy" sign (which is also a good blocking position. Make it clear to the zebras who is pushing the envelop if you're followed with more of the same.


    The other is toe Men's Soccer job - act it up. Clap your hand to the affected part, stagger backwards, fall down if indicated, yell loudly about what just happened.

  13. Rex's scheme is going to take a minute to run smoothly and consistently but IMO he has the horses to pull it off especially if they get AW back and with the acceleration of Darby. I think it will be nasty very soon.


    I hope you're right.


    I think the problem is that any complex scheme involving situational substitutions and role adjustments is subject to being "gamed" by a vet QB with good pre-snap read and audible skills.

    Year after year when a team with good personnel and a mediocre D gets a coaching change, we hear players say "coach really simplified the schemes so now we just go after it".


    Knowing your job and just doing it >>> having to think about your job and how to do it

    IMO.we'll get there and end up being more effective than Schwartz D. Just takes some time.to adjust, also (as often it seems) our players are a bit mismatched with the scheme; 4-3 personnel playing a lot of 3-4/hybrid. Probably won't be until next year when we see the full impact of Rex.


    Then that's a year too late IMO. If the players are mismatched to the scheme, a smart coach CHANGES THE SCHEME TO SUIT WHAT HE HAS excuse me for shouting, not intended for you. That's especially true when he's gifted with truly elite to good players.

    are you gonna spew this nonsense in EVERY thread?


    I think the point is, last year's D was an elite NFL D almost any way you sliced it. We were 4th in the league on points and yards given up. The stats he's cherry picked are true - doesn't that kind of protect them from being "nonsense"?


    This year, with very close to the same personnel (and some additions who look very good in place of some of the injured), we are 14th on points and 22nd on yards, 13th on rushing Y/A against.

    That is officially mediocre.


    For passing D, we are 29th in 1st downs against, 29th in passing yards against, 30th in passing TD against, 32nd in passing attempts against.

    That is officially BAD.


    When we have gone from an elite D to a BAD D with most of the same personnel and 25% of the season gone by, is it nonsense to point this out?

  14. @ChrisBrownBills

    The #Bills sign K Cundiff & WR Denarius Moore. Release K Gay & PR Thigpen. More at http://Buffalobills.com



    So, some were saying Thigpen should be coached to not fair-catch balls on or inside the 10 yd line. Looks like maybe the coaches felt they coached him plenty and the coaching didn't take.

    Moore was a pretty fast dude coming into the league. Does he return?


    I can't find kickoff statistics on Cundiff. As a fieldgoal kicker he has, like....one, maybe two, good years out of many? Maybe the Bills feel he can kick-off as well as Gay but gives them an option if Carpenter doesn't get his sh** together. I agree that Conner Barth seems the better choice, but maybe he preferred to go to Tampa, and maybe he seems the better choice because he spent most of his career there?

  15. SUMMARY - The O Line was generally competent and Taylor’s pocket presence and decision making were generally sound today. Not having a run game really killed us and also credit to the Giants D and in particular their secondary who had tight coverage most of the day. One thing I did notice was that Taylor seemed to be under center much more in the 2nd half and this seemed to help his footwork and timing making throws. Hopefully this was noticed by the staff and we will see more of him under center going forward.


    O Line Pass block grades


    GLENN - B



    WOOD - B

    URBIK – D-



    Bo, thanks for the breakdown - lot of work there.


    Bill from NYC seemed to give Wood an "F" but you give him a "B". Any idea what the discrepency might be, and while you were at it, did you have a try at the run game?

  16. He is posting some today and the rest tomorrow




    No idea if the bubble is live here... but this is an easy presnap read if it is http://t.co/G9R5jGZGUI


    For most QBs throwing outside the #'s is the toughest part, I think it is TT's strength especially the 3 level flood http://t.co/MKV1pt5RjQ


    Again outside the #'s to the from the far hash. That is a tougher than it looks throw http://t.co/YIl1DUpPkn


    Urbik's hold on TT's TD run... tough to argue w/ the call from this angle IMO http://t.co/JryB1ppcs5


    I'm guessing this isn't how they drew it up. Killer 7 yard loss on 2nd and 5 in red zone http://t.co/wQDNlkO0ol


    Far hash to sideline, right on the money... nice play design as well http://t.co/4WpTIj0EHW


    Fantastic athlete.... huge play too if safety gets blocked http://t.co/bHrA3sexiU


    Not sure what's up, but every one of these links take me to "not found" page on Twitter

  17. That was an awful pass by TT.


    It may be an awful pass by TT, cue up the "I don't give a f**K" music. Jim Kelly threw awful passes at times too, the difference was his WR and TE were very well coached that you never never never let the other team catch your pass. If Clay couldn't catch it, he needed to bat it out. If we want Taylor to take some chances and throw under pressure, his guys need to protect him when he does, and I don't mean his OL.

  18. Looks like another year of pretending vs. contending with this group.


    Offensively, I don't understand how Roman can go from the play designs of a week ago to seemingly having little clue this afternoon. I'm sure the tape review will show how much we missed Sammy and Shady in the passing game and I can cut him some slack for that, but that two minute offense to end the first half was beyond comprehension. NOBODY on the field or sideline had any idea of what they wanted to do and that worries me greatly moving forward. What were they doing on the sideline while the defense was on the field before getting the ball back? No excuse for that display of two minute offense. None.


    Defensively, we once again lost our composure at critical times and it worries me that Rex seemed unperturbed with it in his presser. I can only hope he supported them publicly but will rip them all a new one in the film room. Brady did indeed provide a blue print and good QBs like Manning can execute the kind of offense that neutralizes our pass rush and forces our LBs to cover.


    I won't say anything about the atrocious tackling all day, other than when your team scores a momentum changing TD to get within six, your defense needs to come up big with a stop if it wants to call itself a good defense. Bradham's miss will keep him in my doghouse for a long time. Embarrassing to say the least.


    We are NOT a great defense and somebody on that unit needs to stand up and scream that at the top of his lungs in that lockerroom. I think they've been reading their clippings and enjoy being coddled by Ryan. Well Rex, this defense has HUGE problems when facing anything other than a poor team with average QBing. Good teams with average QBs can beat us when we play like today. Good teams with good QBs will embarrass us if we can't fix these problems.


    Bottom line is, I don't think the Giants beat us as much as we beat ourselves. 99% of the time, that's a coaching issue and our staff schit the bed big time today. Amateur hour indeed.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I agree with you that we beat ourselves. Doesn't Coughlin also agree with you "the Bills will beat themselves with penalties?"


    I also agree that so far, Rex's D has not lived up to expectations. Didn't he come into the year saying something like "#4 in the league is kind of disappointing, really?" (#4 was on points against)

    We're number 16 so far, Rex, so that's beyond disappointing to me.


    I, too, thought the tackling was soft.


    Maybe Rex needs to bring Incognito into his office for a "how did you do it?" chat. Incognito successfully went from Martz screaming on the sideline "What the F*@# is wrong with that F*@#?" to a guy who could have his helmet ripped off and walk away from it with the Dolphins. He must know something about how to change to play tough and play physical, but step back from the line of drawing a personal foul.

    As I mentioned in another thread I was initially all for the Rex Ryan hire but after the New England debacle I began to second guess it and after this game I'm doing the same thing. No discipline and our defense hasn't been close to the dominant defense it was last year..... people killed Marrone all offseason and even during the season last year, but at this point I'd take him over Rex.


    You got the wrong coach, IMO, Law-man. Schwartz was the guy responsible for what we had last year, which was a tough, physical, run-stingy D that brought consistent pressure with limited blitzes. Roman is an upgrade on Marrone on the offensive side, and bringing back Marrone without an all-star DC would not be making us smile.


    Unless I'm in space, though, we have the same ST coach so WTF's up with the lack of discipline there?

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