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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan


    You should try having some, yes


    I agree, he is "an intelligent and erudite poster" :rolleyes:

    The problem here is Rex Ryan. He came in and changed the scheme for the best d in the league, he is very cocky, and just not a very good head coach. He is one hell of a D coordinator, but his head coaching skills are just weak. Who comes off a beat down by one of the worst teams in the league and gives the players a week off? Rex Fing Ryan. Who continues to get out coached week in and week out? Yup Rex Ryan. The only bully on this team is the secondary and I'm not convinced Whaley didnt just get lucky on Darby and it makes it look like Ryan's d is helping him. Rex Ryan is terrible. Fire him if you are going to get rid of anyone. Go out and hire Schwartz or a Special Teams coach like Bobby April to be head coach. Then you have to hire a O and D coordinator. If the Bills lose against the Dolphins, I don't know how Ryan doesn't quit and sell his truck. He will have lost face to Western NY.


    I reluctantly lean towards this viewpoint.


    I am very disappointed in the way our D is performing - I know the O has given them a lot of 3 and outs, but that only hurts the D if they stay on the field and allow clock-eating drives and multiple 3rd and long conversions. IMO Rex has set this D, which was elite last year, way way back.

  2. incognito was a grade 'A' douche nozzle too who was run out of 3 organisation's (one being Buffalo) and yet everyone wanted him back. Dareius has slept in and missed meetings/practices too and no one wanted to see him run out of town.


    Jerry Sullivan = "No One"?


    I'm down with that


    Incognito, while a douche nozzle, was showing signs of on-field maturity in Miami. He was no longer the guy who had head coach tearing off his headset and screaming "what the f*@# is wrong with that f*@#er?" after 3 successive personal fouls

  3. Farewell EJ. We're going to miss that guy. He'll never play another down in the NFL. No one will ever pick him up. Hopefully he made enough in his rookie contract to take care of himself with his next career. i mean that sincerely as I have nothing against him personally and hope he is off to a good career in life, just not as a QB for the Buffalo Bills back up or otherwise.


    Erm, have you looked around the league at some of the other stuff sitting on the bench as backup QB?

  4. None of those things are problems if EJ doesn't put us in a hole early. No late game heroics from Blake. No 1 yard. No bad call.


    This is true. But bad halves happen to QB and offenses sometimes, and at that point they either melt down or come back.


    I seem to remember that TT threw an INT that, combined with some stupid penalties and additional poor TT play resulted in no offensive productivity and a deep hole against NE.

    He gets (and deserves) a lot of credit for playing very much better in the 2nd half of that game, even though we never had a lead and he ultimately threw a bad pick (overthrow) to ice the game for the Pats


    EJ is the backup QB. Did he play poorly in the first half? Yes. Did he play well enough for us to win in the 2nd half? Yes, we had a lead at one point. Protect it and you dot one in the "W" column.

  5. There are a few players that have shown exactly what they are & i for one don't think it will get any better for them. Because given the chance something always goes wrong for them ..


    The first is EJ . I will be the first to say he is a great person, has a really good work ethic but also think all the things that were wrong with his game coming out of college are still there & after last weeks game can't see them getting any better so get rid of him !


    The other is Goodwin . Another GREAT PERSON !! But we need his skill on the field & he is like another Bill from the past Roscoe Parrish . I really like both of them but neither can stay healthy so they need to get rid of Goodwin like they did Roscoe .


    I am truly hoping that this year & last as far as Sammy is concerned are a fluke, if he continues the way he has been going they made need to do the same with him .


    He is a GREAT WR but he seems to always be hurt, but as Whaley said in his interview from jolly ole England he was never hurt in college. So as i said i hope this is just a run of bad luck for him !!


    OR could this be the Buffalo curse in action ? HMMMMM


    Oh & DT the D Coordinator might be a consideration for this too !! Just saying ...


    So EJ's current role is to be the backup QB.


    Which backup QB in the league would you prefer to have on the roster than EJ? Have they shown more?


    IR'd players can not be cut. Neither can injured players.

  6. The most bothersome thing to me is the defense's belief that they are elite. Gilmore's comments post-game exemplified this yet again. We have more talent than anybody etc. etc. They aren't.


    Elite defenses make huge plays to seal games. They step up when it's do or die. This defense is pretending that the ending of the Titans game is how they play every week. It isn't. I don't know why their heads are all up their asses, but I can't imagine the player's coach doesn't have something to with it.


    They do have great talent. They just aren't proving it on Sunday

    I'm all for bashing on the defense with their failure to come even close to preseason expectations... but this last game was not on the defense.


    1. The final drive was significantly aided by an incorrect PI call. If the correct call was made, this thread doesn't exist and the Bills hold on 4th and 15.

    2. The 3 drives prior to the last Jax drive resulted in two 3 and outs and a pick-6 (would have held as the game winner if not for the PI call IMO)

    3. Bortles made a great play avoiding pressure and throwing the TD to Hurns. Gotta give him some credit.


    I wish we could call our D elite, but they aren't right now. However they played solid against Jax. It would be nice to not even have to worry about bad officiating to swing the balance of the game.


    You know, bad calls happen. A great, even a good, D finds a way around it.


    Did EJ play very badly this game, especially in the 1st half? Yes, yes he did. Did he get the team into position to win? Yes, at one point in the 4th they were leading. It wasn't just the awful PI call, they allowed several 3rd and longs that drive. If you want to win, and your team has a small lead in the 4th Q, you gotta get those stops.

  7. I would think so, but that's just a hunch. He'll last through the season but will be out come new year. This season is over.


    Wait, we want to fire Whaley because he traded a career "meh" QB who threw 4 INTs in 1 game against NE last year and looked worse than Manuel in preseason and who threw 3 INTs and 1 TD yesterday in a loss?



    Speak for others; don't speak for me. I was very opposed to the Cassel trade for the reasons that are now on full display. We entered garbage time with 8 minutes left in the second quarter, for chrissake.


    You do realize that the Bills were leading in the 4th Q and let that slip?

  8. I know that the guaranteed portion is as the name implies "guaranteed" and cannot be taken away. However, with his history of injuries and off the field antics, don't you think they would have included some covenants in his contract regarding the guaranteed portion of his pay. Also, if a player retires half way through the season and does not fulfill the terms of the original contract, I have to think that at a minimum, this would go to arbitration?


    I think that is typical actually. With some of the guys who retired from the 49'ers this year there was press about them having to repay a portion of their signing bonus. If the team cuts you or you're injured, you keep the $$, if the player retires, pay back time.


    Of course it depends on the specifics of the individual contract, and the Bills historically have not been smart about some of the contract terms.

  9. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/buffalo-bills-robert-woods-london-uber-drivers-trash-talk-102115

    "We were riding around with a couple Uber drivers who said we were soft because we wear pads," Woods said with a laugh, "So I guess we have to put on a show Sunday."


    Giles said it best:

    [on American football]

    Giles: I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby.


    From Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  10. And those play calls were absolutely wonderful?


    They have not adapted the play calling or continued with what was working. They had success up the seams, they had success putting Clay outside the hashes on routes, but it's not working.


    Yes, EJ isn't playing amazing - won't set his feet, for example - but this is not on Manuel.

    rex isn't workign with anyone. he's a defensive coach with a top 5 talented defensive team.


    the defense has been more of a let down and a coach with some balls would call out his own guys and discipline them. they've been lazy, aloof, and without heart. marrone would have this team doing sprints for hours playing so piss poor.


    counting mckelvin as a loss at this point is ridiculous. darby has been playing as good or better then mckelvin so it's a wash. the aaron williams loss isn't hurting too bad.


    This, really. The D has been a huge disappointment - mediocre in every respect.


    Yes, the offense has had a lot of 3 and outs and some of that is on Taylor/Manuel. Some of that may be on receivers running wrong routes. I still wonder if Roman is scripting, which has its up and down side, especially when the execution is lacking.


    Do you really think the D players have been lazy aloof and without heart? I personally think what's disheartening them is that they're playing a D scheme that doesn't suit the players and for which the key to defeating is on film from 3 games now. Jim Kelly called it out IMO - when you see Williams drop into coverage, the QB licks his chops.


    I think they have showed a lot of heart in our wins.

  11. From this article: http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/10/16/buffalo-bills-cincinnati-bengals-lesean-mccoy-probable-return



    Guess I missed that he had that diagnosis last week. I thought that timeline was given when he was first injured.


    I think the article is sloppy journalism. If you follow the link back to the article where SI originally reported the re-injury, he is quoted as saying he re-injured the hammy in practice on 24 Sept. It seems probable that the doctors examined him at that time (Monday, after he left the Miami game early) performed an MRI, and diagnosed a grade 2 tear on or about 28 September. 28 September to 18 October is about 3 weeks, 3 1/2 weeks since the Sept 24 re-injury. It would make no sense for doctors to be diagnosing a tear on October 9th, 2 weeks after the re-injury - no pro sports team dicks around with a star's injury for that kind of timeframe before performing tests and diagnosing.


    I think that's just the date SI interviewed McCoy.


    So what we have here is a journalistic "theme" "the Bills are stupidly rushing star players back, bolstered by an exciting tidbit that the Bills are rushing McCoy back just 1 week after the guy was diagnosed with a Grade 2 hamstring that would take 3-4 weeks to heal", citing their own article which interviewed McCoy on 9 October but implied (because of when McCoy said the injury occurred) that the diagnosis was ~ 2 weeks previous to the interview.


    Now, should he really sit another week or two? It was roughly 3 1/2 weeks between his 18 August TC injury and the 1st game, and maybe that wasn't enough time, the re-injury is worse, and he should.


    But it's not (as far as can be told) quite like the SI story is making it out.

  12. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/10/15/sammy-watkins-speaks-up-when-i-get-one-on-one-just-target-me/




    “Everybody looks at you getting zero catches, zero yards but when you look on film 90 percent of the time you’re open,” Watkins said. “I understand that these guys are young and they need some time to trust me. Once we get that trust, it’ll be different. But for me, I need the ball at least 10 times — I need 10 targets — and I’ll be fine with however many yards I get. And that’s what I addressed in talking with my agent. We reached out to a couple people and tried to pull some strings like, ‘Hey, I need my targets. You came up to draft me and I’m not getting targets — that’s a problem. You’re making me look bad and you’re making yourself look bad. Why not make both of us look good?’”


    “You really just put it on film," Watkins said, "and go to the coach like, ‘Hey, I’m getting open. What’s the deal here?’ Don’t be an (expletive) about it, just go talk to him about the situation. I see the bigger picture. I enjoy spreading the ball around. It makes my job easier. But at the same time, for a guy you go up in the draft to take as your No. 1 receiver, you would love those 15 targets that Julio gets, those 20 targets that Odell gets. Of course I’d have 100 yards every game and a TD, if I’m getting 20 targets."



    UPDATE: Sammy responds...


    @sammywatkins: @TyDunne Wish you could have added the part we have so many playmakers and me not caring about numbers I care about winning.. Grow up.. Sir.


    Sammy Watkins, our Sammy: this is why you need to keep some of these frustrations and inner workings "in the family". Because once you let your words loose outside the building, anyone who hears them can bend fold snip and rearrange and omit any way they want.

  13. Hi everyone, I am so sorry if this is not an appropriate thing to post. I am Bill From NYC's daughter, and I know he really likes posting here. He had a stroke and is in the hospital. Could you please pray for him? The Bills community is like family to him.


    Thank you!




    This is something I am very sorry to hear about, and glad to be told about if it sadly had to be. Thoughts and prayers to your family and to Bill. I always enjoy his posts. I hope he is getting the very best of care and will be rehabbing soon and successfully.

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