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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan


    I heard a story from a friend of mine that was a Division I college tennis player...


    He said he trained with the same coach the entire time he was in college, and built his entire game based upon that one guy's coaching.


    Some time after college (after never making the pro tour), he was on vacation, and decided to get a lesson from the local pro. The local pro taught a totally different style of stroke.


    When he went to play in his next match in local league play, he said he felt like he'd never played the game before. Why? Because every time the ball came to him, he was thinking, not reacting.


    Watkins' quote, coupled with EJ's hesitancy last season, make me believe that he suffered from the same problem as my tennis-playing friend.


    Not unlikely. I think Fitz regressed his last year here when Lee was brought in, for hte same reason, and I think our D is currently having the same problem.

  2. Not a Rodak fan, but you would have to be naive not to think someone is making bad desicions, whether it is the coaches, doctors, trainers, or players themselves.something is not right


    You have the mccoy injury,he is out a couple weeks and they say he is fine to play. which turns into him being out almost a month because he came back too soon. Then aaron williams, has a neck injury that scared the heck out of everyone, he is out for 2 weeks, plays in a game, ends the game ok, and now he is on IR. Karlos Williams looks fine all game, and now he has a concussion that has kept him out multiple weeks with no timeline to return...a conncession that bad, and no one knew about it until well after the game was over.


    Sure, some of this is just part of the game. But a lot of this putting players out there and then pulling them back isn't something I have seen on this team before


    One has to bear in mind this hasn't been a contending team for a long time. When players feel they have a chance to be a part of something big, they tend to push themselves.


    As a "players coach", Rex Ryan has the reputation that players try to run through a brick wall for him, including playing with serious injuries.

  3. Really..??? WTF? This is the best the main-stream sports media has?




    I've had mild doubts about the Bill's hadling of injuries.. but not so over the the top as this.

    I think the Bills have bordered right on the line.

    Thankfully the game is played on the field.. not in the network ratings (aka click bait).


    I keep circling back to Whaley and Marrone allegedly wanted to replace Bud Carpenter as the head trainer and the FO allegedly pushed back. I know it was Marrone, but even a "busted" clock is right twice a day. Boo-boo foot Byrd is said to have followed the rehab protocols he was given for PF in off season, leading to him missing a bunch of games.


    The coaches have to rely on the medical staff and trainers to give them appropriate feedback on injury prognosis. GI,GO. Other than that, the players themselves want to get back on the field and contribute to their team (at any level - my kid wanted to play volleyball last night with a confirmed broken finger), and especially players who haven't had serious injury before (like McCoy) may have trouble figuring out what level of pain/impairment is acceptable.


    I don't think it's unreasonable to ask if the injury handling has been all that it should, but it's all "armchair second guessing" to say the Bills have mishandled injuries.


    There's an element of luck, also.

    He is wrong since how does he know anyone is getting rushed back?


    He is arguing that because the players re-injured the initial injury, therefore we may conclude they were rushed back. If they went back in the game but weren't reinjured and played effectively, then the Bills handled it properly.

  4. As has been pointed out by others in a different thread: maybe/maybe not.

    Cassel - as a vet with lots of game day experience - could probably run an offense no-notice better than EJ if TT got hurt in the course of a game.

    That doesn't necessarily mean Cassel could run the offense better with a week of preparation under his belt.

    In any case, watching the two in preseason, it would be hard to understand how any coach would have rated MC much higher than EJ. EJ played well in preseason. Cassel being listed as #2 might have been little more than a coin flip.

    I haven't heard anything from the coaching staff that indicates who might have been adamant about keeping or starting MC.

    Interestingly, both MC and EJ will have a chance to start this weekend. It will be on very different offenses of course but will still be fun to see who does better.


    One possibility is that MC could have specified in his reno'd contract that he would be the #2 backup? I don't know if a coaching staff would buy in to that but it's a possibility.


    I think it's very probable that the position coaches, and likely Roman, lobbied very strongly for more - for 3 QB, for Jackson+Brown. I think that thing always goes on. Meanwhile the D coach is lobbying for more DL and more CB and the ST coach wants THESE backups and not THOSE backups.


    Then the HC needs to settle the "how many of what" question and someone's Ox is bound to be gored by not keeping a player who could be genuinely useful or even season-saving in the event of cascading injuries as the Bills offense is facing.


    I just hope the board keeps some composure when EJ's stats are up for discussion next week. I can hear it now, "He Sux because:", "he overthrew...", "he threw the ball at the receiver's feet", "he held on to the ball and was sacked", "he didn't see his second or third option who was wide open".


    Plays like that happen to every QB. Why I even saw Jim Kelly miss a few targets and get sacked some. Some.


    Go Bills.


    Won't happen. The same agenda-driven types will be all over him, just as they are all over Taylor who "only had 4 good plays".

  6. Good observations.. I sometimes focus too much on the oline and miss other subtleties so thank you for the additional insight on those plays.


    I got 38 passing downs or snaps.. Which means the Bills appeared to drop back to pass 38 times. This counts all snaps where there were penalties, scrambles, sacks etc. .. Not sure why my 38 and your 32 are so far off...


    I got a feeling if Henderson answered that question honestly he'd say he was thinking about what club to hit up after the game or the nice big bong hit he had waiting at home for him


    One of those things I guess (on the number). I'm just looking at the box score and adding, I didn't make an attempt to tabulate each play. Maybe more scrambles or sacks "no play" for penalty?


    About the O-line coach thing, if they can't trust the assistant OL who is filling in for Kromer to make a call when Henderson is that bad, IMO they made an error not firing Kromer and bringing in someone they felt they could trust. That's almost half the season.

  7. Unforced errors.. bad throws/ How did the O Line do?/ What mistakes are on the O-Line.. what ones are not?


    I watched the NFL rewind all 22 and here is my unofficial count of how the O-Line did /

    How Tyrod did on every pass play ( I may have missed a snap or two here.. there also may be a few extra pass attempts that were cancelled due to penalites..but this should be 95% accurate)


    DISCLAIMER ( I am not a coach, I don't know the hot reads or route combinations called.. this is just my educated perception of what happened on each pass play)


    _______ ______________________


    TOTAL PASS PLAYS – 38 snaps – ( last week was 49 snaps… 38 is still too many )


    LINE BREAKDOWNS – 10/ 38 snaps or 26% ( worse than last week which was 8/49 snaps .. or 16% )


    SUFFICIENT PROTECTION – 28/38 snaps or 74%


    UNFORCED TYROD ERRORS: - 4/38 snaps or 11% ( worse than last week 3/49 snaps - 6%) or in other words Taylor had time to throw but missed his target or made wrong decision on 11% of these opportunities


    Bottom Line:

    LEFT SIDE O LINE OK/ RIGHT SIDE NOT SO GOOD– Overall, the line play was worse than last week vs. Giants….specifically the right side of the line. Tyrod made a few bad throws that were on him .. but there were too many O Line breakdowns against the Titans.


    HENDERSON WAS AWFUL- I’ve been doing this series for 2 years now.. and the performance by Seantrel Henderson against the Titans was the worst OT performance I have seen. Out of the 10 total line breakdowns.. he solely accounted for 6 of them. He was beaten 4 times, gave up a sack and had 2 bad penalties. He was not physically pushed back.. but was beaten both to the inside and outside on moves from the defender. None of these were stunts to my eye.. he was just straight up beaten one on one several times. If he is not injured.. then Kouandjiou should start Week 6 against Bengals. He played bad enough to get benched IMO.


    TYROD OFF A LITTLE - The failed first series was on Tyrod as his first 2 throws were off target for no good reason. He is starting to show a trend of misfiring on passes in the flat which is a little disturbing. That being said…he had bad luck on a couple of throws (legit holding call on Henderson in q4 wiped out a first down throw, Woods slipped on a well thrown hitch route and missed the ball, Harvin obviously ran the wrong route Q1) and his bomb to Hogan was absolutely beautiful.


    MILLER’S RETURN – Other than giving up one sack in Q4.. Miller looked solid in pass protect most of the day.





    Q1-10:40 - UNFORCED ERROR – Tyrod throws screen pass at Clay’s feet

    Q1-9:59 - UNFORCED ERROR – Tyrod misses Harvin on a slant

    Q1 7:04 – Harvin runs wrong route

    Q2-5:17- SACK – Henderson beat to the outside

    Q2- 2:00 – Henderson beat to the inside, Tyrod has to move out of pocket

    Q2-1:24- UNFORCED ERROR – Taylor misses Harvin on deep sideline.. poor choice.. had Clay open over middle..never moved on from first read

    Q2-1:18- Henderson beat to the inside

    Q2-1:00- Robert Woods slips on well thrown hitch.. misses ball

    Q3-13:16 – SACK – Mulligan beat to the outside

    Q3-12:30 – Holding on Glenn ( legit call)

    Q3-11:34 – Henderson beat to the outside, gives up hit on Taylor

    Q4- UNFORCED ERROR – Taylor overthrows wide open Harvin on out route

    Q4-8:54 – Holding on Henderson ( legit call) wipes out throw for 1st down to Woods

    Q4- 8:35 – False Start on Henderson

    Q4-7:38 – Plenty of time, beautiful bomb to Hogan

    Q4:2:00 – SACK - Miller beaten on rollout play..




    SUMMARY – Henderson’s performance in pass protect really sabotaged what was an overall decent showing by the rest of the line as far as pass protect goes ( I can’t comment on the run blocking .. but I suspect it was poor). The Titans did a lot of delayed blitzing… and effectively blitzed guys from the secondary several times.. however.. I didn’t see too many stunts.. the pass rushes seemed pretty straight up for the most part. Taylor’s unforced off target throws hurt in the first half.. but like the Patriots and Giants games he rallied in the second half and played much better to close out the game. I really hope they give Kouandjio a shot at RT this week against the Bengals… He looked good in his short spot duty filling in for Glenn against the Giants and he has to be better than Henderson at this point.




    O Line Pass block grades


    GLENN – B-


    WOOD – B

    MILLER – C



    Hey, Bocephuz. Thanks for doing this. I certainly agree Henderson was awful, and Taylor had sufficient protection and made some errors in judgement much of the time.


    I have what is probably a dumb question. How do you get 38 pass attempts out of this past game?


    Going through the play-by-play shows 20 pass plays (the stats show 17 because 3 were no-play due to penalty). Taylor was sacked 4 times on what were presumably pass attempts. He is credited with 8 runs, if those were all also pass attempts (although at least 1 is arguably a designed run) that would be 32?


    IMO the 2nd pass (to Harvin) was off because Harvin was legally jammed on the line then bumped and couldn't reach his spot. You can see it if you run the condensed game slow.

    At 2 min, yes Henderson is beat but I think Goodwin runs a route Taylor is not expecting, Goodwin kind of turns inside and hesitates and Taylor has time to throw at that point, but then Goodwin takes off downfield and Taylor has to roll left. It looked like Hogan was the designated outlet with a crossing route near the LOS but with the rt side of the line collapsed no way Taylor could see or hit him.

  8. have to carry him if poached off another PS


    Only 3 weeks, I believe

    Has to be a decent pay raise to get signed to the 53 man roster


    Something like $20k per game. Practice squad is $6,600 per week, rookie minimum comes out to something around $26-27k per game.


    Of course, nothing prevents a team from paying a player on the practice squad more $$, and some do

    Matt's clearly not too bright. Or perhaps he found a lady friend in Hotlanta.


    Why do you say that? I think he's smart enough to assess the situation. Tyrod playing well enough.... EJ solidly ahead of me... 3-2 team.

    Red-hot Falcons...shaky backup QB....sounds like the potentially better opportunity here in Atlanta

    I didn't know a player on one team's practice squad can decline an offer from another team, if a regular roster spot is offered.


    Yep. It's somewhat uncommon because, as another player pointed out, it's typically a very substantial pay raise to move to the active roster. But no rule against it.

  9. Sign my petition, please.



    Can a player on IR (Gray) replace a teammate on active roster?


    No, IR'd players do not count against the active roster and an IR'd player not designated for return can not return to the active roster if another player is cut

    He has been superbly underwhelming thus far. Like a turnstile, and offers no catching ability, so why not just put another OL there?


    In at least one game situation that I saw (not last week), Taylor dumped off to him with unblocked pressure in his face. He went down and dug out a shoestring pass, tucked it away, got up and pushed forward for a short gain instead of a several yard loss. He got clobbered.


    Clay, who has great hands, did not go down and dig out a similar shoestring pass which would have got him clobbered vs. Titans.


    On several plays vs Titans, I saw Mulligan deliver some critical pass blocking. Was he run blocking well last week no, but none of our line was. Why don't we fire them all and bring in some guys driving taxis who would doubtless do better?

  10. in his WGR interview yesterday eric wood told schopp and the bulldog that he asked tryod how he was feeling on monday morning, and that tyrod had told him he was healthy. fwiw.


    "healthy" to an NFL player on Monday means "I feel like a d*mn truck rolled on me and it hurts when I move or breathe, but nothing a near-OD worth of Vicodin can't keep to a dull scream".

    Sometimes the screaming gets worse through the week instead of better

  11. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/tennessee-titans-kendall-wright-beyond-frustrated-101115


    Tim Wright claims:


    That does not match the reality of the game he played against Bills where he only caught 3 of 6 passes thrown him for 29 yards.


    Can someone please send the Waaaaaambulance for this guy? His team loses by 1 point and he's worried about his number of targets? Nickname him "Diva" and be glad he's not ours.

  12. I thought the timing was off and the ball too far to the sideline on the oob pass to clay. Just because it was accurate to the receiver doesn't make it a good pass. That pass has to be thrown a moment sooner and a tad further within the field of play to be a good pass.


    It wasn't a perfect pass, but can we agree that Clay had it in his hands before he went out of bounds and if he'd dropped his right leg and dragged the toe (and gone down) instead of maintaining a normal stride (and staying on his feet) it would have been a completion?


    Blame away, but if he didn't make that 3rd and 23 on the ground this game would have been a loss, one that we really could not have afforded.


    Well, if we want to save wear-and-tear on our QB, we could try persuading him to hit open short targets across midfield or take off for short yards and slide, instead of running sideline to sideline and getting slammed to the ground 4-8 times a game by several double-door-refrigerator size behemoths who then fall on him.


    I know he's out with a hamstring and we want him to be 100%, but this is HUGE game this week. Couldn't he do whatever it takes to play this week and then take off the Jacksonville game and then there's the bye week? That would give him 3 more weeks after this week.


    Easy for me to say, but if there's any way, I'd like to see him out there vs Bungles even if he is only 75%.


    The Bills aren't exactly forthright with the injury information. That said, You really can't brace or splint a hamstring as you can a cracked bone or a stretched ligament to protect it from further injury; you use that sucker every time you move. If what Shady originally had was a Grade I tear, and he feels he re-injured it cutting in practice and it's now a Grade II tear (which is what I think they did say), any attempt to short-circuit the healing process could simply result in a more severe yet tear, maybe a Grade III requiring surgery.

  15. He has looked like soft poo. a bit better yesterday but thats not saying alot.

    but he had no preseason. been injured quite awhile. what was that injury? it was leg wasn't it? Thigh or calf?

    lets look at boobie last year?. Some of you guys have thats crazy memory thing and some of you folks dig into stats like digging for treasure!!

    Boobie did not look nearly as slow and stiff last year . Did he?


    Boobie did not look as slow last year.


    I'm not sure "soft poo" is an apt description of that stiff-arm he gave turning a little dump off pass into a 5 yd gain. Of course, he should have gone out of bounds instead of hurdling the next guy but.....hey, he got stuffed a few times, he also contributed 20 yds to the pass game and he had a couple 5,6 yd runs that extended drives. He's not our starting running back, he's not our backup running back, but he contributed half a TD in yardage. As "next man up" he did his part.


    I believe he had a calf injury, which can cover a wide spectrum of impairment and prognosis.


    I don't think he looked as slow last year. I think he put on 10 lb, also (I could be misremembering, I think he said he thought he should be stronger) and I don't think it's helping him.

  16. As stupid as calling 10 starts in a rookie season, and 4 starts the following year "2 years of film on EeeeeeeeeeeeeeJ", or is that different?


    And as I've said before, any time it's you and I in a room? Every. Single. Time.


    Where in this thread is someone claiming 10 starts in a rookie season and 4 starts in the following year is "2 years of film on EJ"? If you're asking my opinion, no, 14 starts is not "2 years of game film".

    The implication above is that you think that would be "as stupid" (not my word, please note), so it sounds as though you are backing away from the notion you have "5 years of game film on Tyrod". I'm glad that's settled.


    I don't recall you saying that to me before, but as you're unlikely to be in a room with me you're welcome to think what you like and others can draw their own conclusions.

    Would this be equal to anointing a QB or QBs as great because they had exceptional preseason stats? Because a lot of that went on here.


    Both would be silly.

  17. Technically we have 5 years worth of game film on Tyrod. 4 games in every preseason, one game in 2012, one game in 2013, and five this year; and to be fair I only counted the two regular season Ravens games in which Tyrod threw five or more passes. That's 27 games worth of film over five years of development.


    As to the rest, all it was was the usual claptrap posted here by rabid anti-EJ zealots, intermixed with a heavy dose of Tyrod True Believerism, and I don't have time for that particular brand of stupid.


    Can't you see that it's pretty much silly to refer to 4 preseason games plus a few passes at the end of a "Save the Starters" regular season game as "a year of film" and multiply that to 4 years of film, then add in 5 games as another year to get "5 years of film"?


    That's not a usage a typical student of the game would support, and it certainly doesn't support your claim to any kind of logic much less "smartest guy in the room"

  18. In his last two games, Tyrod Taylor's offense has been off the field with 3 and Outs or has turned the ball over in fewer than 3 plays in 12 out of 24 drives. (I included the victory formation, kneel down drive at the end of the Titan's game in order to improve Tyrod's numbers) That's 3 and Out or worse 50% of the time, folks.


    When did this become "Tyrod Taylor's offense"? Last I heard, Greg Roman was OC and called the plays. I think everyone would agree that the offense has been morbidly slow to start games, and needs significant improvement. The open question would be why, and what to change?


    By labeling it "Tyrod Taylor's Offense" you appear to be drawing a conclusion and thus building up a nice little crusade, is that your intent?



    I have no intention of actually looking this up, but I'm wondering what the 3-and-out percentage is for a typical offense.

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