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Cru Jones

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Everything posted by Cru Jones

  1. This is probably the most retarded thing I have ever read on TBD. Wow.
  2. As much as I hate to say it you gotta put the Cowboys in the mix because of Jerry Jones. The fact that he's not the type of guy who's afraid of throwing a couple of 1st rd picks for a cant miss #1 pick.
  3. I've thought of this too, but I wouldn't go to that extreme; I'm thinking more like the 2008 Cardinals that got to the super Bowl. As a whole they weren't incredible and shouldn't have been in the super bowl or maybe even the playoffs, but they had a potent enough offense and an opportunistic defense that got hot in, and had things go their way in the playoffs. Like that team, if the Bills make playoffs they will be a very dangerous team if they get hot, but they're not that Rams team. the only similarity they have is that they sucked the year before and had a nobody QB.
  4. when the pat won against the Rams (the #1 offense) in 2001 they were the 23rd ranked defense.
  5. Wheres the debate? all you did was give a slew of empty defensive stats and say Manning is a better QB. Lets suppose that defense is a possible reason for any qb's success, you then would also have to be open to the possibility that a qb can be the reason for thier defenses success. When manning has 350 yards and a 28 point lead his defense is in clock kill mode, so they are giving up more yards and points because they because keeping the clock moving is more important than stopping the opposing offense. I can guarantee if you watch any close game the Colts are in you will hear that their defense is struggling because they are not used to playing without a lead. When trailing by 10+ points to the Colts, teams tend to get one dimensional(pass)and althought they give up yards and points, they force more mistakes along with killing the clock. So in Brady's & the pats case they play in more close games('09 excluded) and have a more balanced attack and it forces the pats to play a tighter defense giving up less yards and points. So in my opinion Manning & Brady are the reason their defenses put up the kind of numbers they do. So I think it's stupid to think that two guys who have performed at such a high level for so long would have a defense to thank for it. What I hate more than anything is when people try to win a quarterback debate with a Passer argument. Did Jim Kelly have better numbers than Marino? No, but he beat him 10 out of 15 times and 3 times in the playoffs. Joe montana won 4 super bowls (one against marino) and marino won zero, and does any non-Dolphin fan consider Marino better than Joe anymore? Nope. Time only remembers the winner"s" and winners will win at any cost even if that means handing the ball off. Peyton manning will go down as the greatest passer of all time, and if he is as good or better than Brady, his career should be considered a horrible disappointment if he doesnt win 5 superbowls. to me if i need to win a fantasy football game manning is my man. if I need to win a real game with real humans regardless of how many yards he throws for and all I need is one more point than my opponent im going with Brady.
  6. What I can't understand is how someone can start a thread consisting of three sentences and have none of them make any sense. And I highly suggest reading BBs post with a caveman voice; it's kinda funny and in a stange way it's easier to understand. Can I get a +1 for proof-reading!!!???
  7. He didnt lie, there just wasnt a franchise QB in this draft.
  8. With four teams addressing thier needs at QB last night it put the Bills are on a short list of teams in the mix to take a (legit) pro QB next Year. I realize that this is horrendously premature seeing as how we're only through the 1ST rd but the impact of Locker/Ponder going in the 1st as opposed to the 2nd rd they won't become next years Jimmy Clausen. So if those teams (and others) are in a spot to take a can't miss QB(Luck,Jones, Barkley) next year,they won't. Here's how it looks to me,I broke it down into a few categories. Teams that recently drafted a rd 1 QB Vikings Jaguars Titans Panthers Rams Broncos* Jets Buccaneers Ravens * I dont think Tebow will keep them from drafting a QB they like if the opportunity presents itself. Teams with established Veterans between 5-10 seasons who have QB's in thier prime with no need to draft an heir apparent. Texans Bears Packers Falcons Steelers Chargers Giants Eagles Saints Teams who have a 10+ years Veteran who is the undoubted starter, but may be looking to the future. Colts Patriots Teams who Will/Might take a Top QB next year if the opportunity presents itself. Will: Dolphins - Henne's not the answer. Browns - McCoy will have to play out of his mind to keep them from drafting Luck. Bengals - Palmer probably wont be back, might get a FA, could take Dalton (see; Jimmy Clausen). Cardinals - A lot has been said about Bulger but hes Older and might be asked to groom a younger guy. Redskins - Even if they keep McNabb, which is unlikely. Raiders - Jason Campbell is serviveable but not by any means the answer. hear they love Kaepernick 49ers - Harbaugh would jump at Luck reguardless of who's on the team Seahawks - Might have Taken locker if he didnt go so early. Might: Chiefs - Matt Cassel needs to play really well or they might look to the future Cowboys - I think they like Romo for now but Jerry Jones isnt afraid to pull the trigger on big time talent Broncos - depends on how good tebow does if he even gets a chance, he was McDaniels guy not Elways. Thats 11 teams buffalo has to contend with but of those teams Bulger, McNabb, Kolb and possibly Palmer and VY will find a spot on these teams, but only Kolb will keep a team from investing a 1st rd pic on a QB. Also Andy Dalton, Colin Kaepernick, and Ryan Mallett could go to anybody at this point; if they go to one of these teams and get an opportunity and play well they could make a team pass on a blue chip QB next year. So best of luck to Dalton, Mallett, Keapernick. and heres hoping Kolb, McNabb, Bulger, Palmer, and Young find homes and do enough to keep thier team from drafting Luck, Jones, or Barkley before the Bills have a chance.
  9. The Highest office in the land? Sure, But the cover of Madden? No sir, racist America will not stand for it! no way!
  10. Thank you for catching that, I cant believe it took five posts before someone caught it.
  11. And no trace of the Navy blue that has been suggested.
  12. Interesting that Carolina wasn't one of the early arrivals, and it looks like Tennesee is very interested, bringing thier GM, HC & OC.
  13. In my opinion, I think taking Newton or Gabbert is as much of a gamble as waiting and hoping to get one of the three coming out next year. I think Luck, Barkley, Jones, and maybe (a big maybe) even Kellen Moore will absolutely come into next years draft with far less question marks and a much more polished game. The '11 crop is loaded with plenty of guys with raw physical talent, but will take time to develop and have a big boom/bust possibility. Thats what I think anyway. Just wanted to see if anybody else has mulled this over and if not, maybe inspire some debate.
  14. Anybody know why the Bills draft slot changes each round? slotting per rd... 1.#3 2.#2 3.#4 4.#3 5.#2 6.#4 7.#3
  15. Chris Watson. I have nothing to say about the guys personality(which seems to be your basis) but the amount of third and longs that were completed courtesy of his horrible coverage makes him my least favorite bill. God! he would get me pissed!
  16. I know someone who was big into that "scene" (who is now an upstanding citizen as is doug)in boston at the time Doug and his haircut were the biggest thing in town. As it turns out many of same people in his Circle were also in Dougs circle, and they were not college kids with connections. These were career oriented drug dealers who would supply Doug and the rest of the golden eagles to party with them and sell coke to the rest of the BC party-goers. They were not the type of people that would hang around a college campus or get into a party with a hundred football players if not for the free dust. I cant blame him though; it was the early 80s and everybody did that crap, and he and his friends were gettin it for free, and Im sure that stuff still goes on today. I was never a big Flutie fan but I understood his appeal: He made the game fun to watch for people who dont understand the game or are just casual fans. I went to SJFC to watch training camp and remember people getting exited and cheering when he'd take off and run...IT WAS PRACTICE!!!!! he couldnt even get hit!!! The guy I was standing next to loved when he'd do it, and when he wasnt cheering flute, he was hassling "Marcus" Wiley for an autograph. Truth about flutie he took a horrible offense and made it average; which was good enough when he had the 2nd ranked D in the league and one of the best D's in team history keepin the scores low for him. Mix in a few dazzling plays with inconsistant quarterbacking and youve got a playoff team. Then throw a 10 year QB drought on top of it and you've got stories like this one with inconsistent facts and Doug flutie beating the Titans if he had started that game. Whats funny is the fact that Flutie fans never seem to remember that RJ had that game won in heroic, last minute, no shoe, Flutie-esque fashion, only to have it stolen away by blind referees. Flutie was fun to watch, thats it! Dont try to make him out to be some legend, because he wasnt.
  17. You know who else loved Doug Flutie??? 1980s Boston Coke dealers, or at least they loved people who bought it for him.
  18. Who named Jackson 1st string???? Lynch is the best back on the team (JagOff or not) and fred jackson is a year older not a year better. Nix/Gailey are looking ahead to a future backfield tandem of Lynch/Spiller and they will be disgusting. If lynch loses the 'tude he'll be the #1 back to start the season.
  19. If tim tebeow was considered a first round draft pick he would not be playing in the senior bowl If he is playing in that game it means that who ever is advising him is being told that he has to do more than wht he did in college to get drafted early. Why wont you Tebow-holics let it go?!!! He does not have an NFL QB skillset. Hes a great kid and a tremendous competetor with a strong arm, but he is a project or a situational player at best. Sorry, but there are plenty of classy, athletic, competetive, strong armed guys in college football who didnt have the luxury of playing with "legitimate" NFL talent in front and behind him (see: Ken Dorsey, minus the strong arm). Look at Jake locker he is faster, bigger, plays in an pro-style offense but without the supporting cast he is on an average team, if Tebow played for U of Washington for the last four years no one is calling him the greatest college player of all time.
  20. I did notice the SEC signs and chants which is pretty crappy, but it could be worse. They could be chanting and holding up signs of the other "association" consisting of three letters that the South takes such pride in.
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