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Indy Dave

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Everything posted by Indy Dave

  1. Four picks among the top 100. Nice job Tommy Boy.
  2. April of 2003...yours truly said that Dallas Clark would be a great addition to our team. Clark was who I was hoping we'd take when we spent the pick on a RB who couldn't play last year and doesn't play this year.
  3. My vote would go to Carrie. Yep, the girl from the Stephen King horror book/film. Surely she could use the powers she possesses to help the team out.
  4. Another brilliant move by TD: trade for Mark Campbell, then the next year draft another TE. Do we really need three tight ends on this team? More specifically, do we really need three bad tight ends on this team?
  5. This is a GREAT thread. This is what being a fan is all about. We spend time ripping players, coaches and front office people (not to mention each other), when the fact is we're all frustrated over the same thing....the Bills are losers and there's not much we can do about it. T said it's easy to predict this team. BF said he has passed the point of being angry. McJeff wonders why we can't win despite the fact the city of Buffalo and Bills supporters everywhere deserve much better. DrK said he's be back next week rooting for his team. I think just about everyone on this board feels the same about this team. Other than Dillon's fumble, I never said a word during the game. I don't get angry anymore because this team has made me numb. It's like watching Groundhog Day...it's the same thing every Sunday, and now we come to expect bad things to happen. It's a loser mentality, and it's one our team has, not just the fans. The Pats expect to make their own breaks, and they expect things to go their way. We expect bad things to happen to us. And they usually do.
  6. This is a GREAT thread. This is what being a fan is all about. We spend time ripping players, coaches and front office people (not to mention each other), when the fact is we're all frustrated over the same thing....the Bills are losers and there's not much we can do about it. T said it's easy to predict this team. BF said he has passed the point of being angry. McJeff wonders why we can't win despite the fact the city of Buffalo and Bills supporters everywhere deserve much better. DrK said he's be back next week rooting for his team. I think just about everyone on this board feels the same about this team. Other than Dillon's fumble, I never said a word during the game. I don't get angry anymore because this team has made me numb. It's like watching Groundhog Day...it's the same thing every Sunday, and now we come to expect bad things to happen. It's a loser mentality, and it's one our team has, not just the fans. The Pats expect to make their own breaks, and they expect things to go their way. We expect bad things to happen to us. And they usually do.
  7. OK...fine. Blame anyone and everyone. But I was responding to another post where you said you were blaming "JUST" Travis. Blaming everyone is the right thing to do because they ALL deserve the blame.
  8. If that's the case...if you are going to look at this 0-3 team, a team that has been struggling for YEARS now, a team with a roster full of guys who have either never known how to win or have forgotten how to win, a team led by a GM who has made more poor decisions than good ones, a team who has been led by inexperienced and unproven coaches under that GM's watch, a team that when it's not getting defeated by its opponents is beating themselves, a team that at times seems snake-bitten and seem to get far more breaks against than breaks in its favor....if you're going to to JUST point your finger at Travis, then you are, without question, a total idiot.
  9. I love how you look for any excuse to rip Travis Henry. One mistake, and you think we should get rid of him? Hey, I don't argue with the fact that the guy makes mistakes...costly ones. But holy cow....why do you and some others pick on the guy so much? It would be one thing if he was the guy making the most mistakes, or the most costly, or if you were ripping on other of our "stars" for their mistakes, but I don't recall seeing anything from you where you are ripping Moulds and others for their mistakes. The fact is, Travis is no different than anyone else on this team....a guy who is in the habit of losing games. So why just single him out?
  10. Loser of the week...Travis Henry? Because he slipped on one play? How many more people made far more many mental and physical errors than Travis? So typical of many on this board to first point fingers at Travis. You can blame Travis for falling over his feet when it looked like he would have had an easy first down. No excuse for that. But BF, I ask you this: Do you REALLY think we would have scored a touchdown on that drive? Weren't you just waiting for someone, be it Travis, Eric, Drew, Mularkey, the water boy.....ANYONE on the Bills...to make one mistake or another? Instead of having a team with players capable of making the big play and the opponent never knowing who it will be who will step up (like the Patriots), we have a team full of some bad players, several marginal players and a few good players who are in the habit of losing. And like cigarettes, booze and gambling, losing is one tough habit to break.
  11. There are some notable differences, but in a way you're asking would you rather be the St. Louis Blues or the Tampa bay Lightning? The Blues have made the playoffs 20+ consecutive years. The Lightning have been a joke for most of their existence, but they won the Cup. I'd rather be the Lightning.
  12. Dave's a killer! Dave's a mess. That's always been a favorite quote of mine. I got the wind knocked out of me in a high school football game. As I was laying down on the grass, one of my buddies leaned over and yelled "Dave's a killer." Another friend replied, "Dave's a mess." I almost choked from laughing while trying to catch my breath at the same time.
  13. Willis won't (and shouldn't) start on Sunday, but I'd like to see him get much more action than he did vs. Oakland. After all, we did spend a #1 pick on the guy. But I don't care if Joe Burns plays. I just want to win.
  14. I've been asked by a family member to switch phone companies to 5Linx, which provides various products and services relating to satellite TV, buisness and home phone service, paging/mobile phones, etc. Jim Kelly apparently endorses them and even has a video on their website, talking about it being a great chance to make money. Anyone ever heard of it, or has anyone signed up for their service? Just wondering what it's like.
  15. You're right. I don't think the Patriots are near as talented as those Bills teams of the early '90s, but I think they have that special something that many fans misinterpret as luck. Can you imagine if this board existed in the early 90s? The Pats trolls probably wouldn't be around here, but if they did stop by, they'd moan about how lucky we are, and we'd tell them that it isn't luck. Now the shoe is on the other foot. I don't think what the Patriots have is strictly luck. I think they have a winning swagger about them. That attitude is important to have.
  16. I went to school at Henderson State University, a small (enrollment about 3,500) liberal arts school in Arkansas. I don't think it's that difficult to find a job in sports writing, so long as you are willing to pay your dues by getting a job at a small newspaper covering high school and other local sports. Once I got into college, I started working in the school's sports information office, which led to be getting the Sports Information Director position at my alma mater a year after I graduated. You wear many hats as an SID, one of which is sportswriter. I loved the SID profession, despite the weak salary and long hours. I did that for eight years.
  17. I've read that the Dallas Cowboys are supported better financially than any other professional sports team. Maybe it has changed. I don't really care. I don't suspect most of Red Sox nation care about this "accomplishment." I'm sure they'd rather just win the World Series. I tell you what...I'm done with baseball-related posts until the playoffs are over. If the Red Sox win it all, I'll be here to tip my hat off to them. Until then, I'm here to talk about the Bills.
  18. Hey Bif....can I borrow your 2005 Sports Almanac?
  19. Yep...those were some magic days. No matter how bad things seemed, you always felt like someone was going to make a big play. It didn't have to be the superstar. It could be anyone. Now you have to wonder if we have any player capable of making those game-turning plays that make all the difference.
  20. Yes, perhaps. But Red Sox fans can't be serious. What was the accomplishment tonight? Was it anymore important than the Devil Rays' win over Toronto? I don't get it. If Red Sox Nation would just wait until they've accomplished something before spouting off, I would welcome a c-r-a-s-h at Two Bills Drive because of the joyous fans posting millions of "Finally...World Series Champs" posts. But until then, how about zipping it?
  21. Exactly what did you get revenge for? The Babe Ruth trade? Bill Buckner? Aaron Boone? Bucky Dent? The 4 1/2 game we lead we still have? Are you talking about last night? You needed a sweep. Your lost last night still has to hurt, regardless of what happened tonight. Pedro on the mound with a lead in the eighth...and you get handed a loss. Seems like I've seen that before. So again, what was your revenge? Please enlighten me.
  22. You Red Sox fans are a complete joke. Get your asses handed to you and you disappear. Win a game and you think you've accomplished something. Check the standings, moron. You called for a sweep, you needed a sweep, and you didn't get it. Go back in your hole.
  23. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And a year ago, you swore off your allegiances to the Cardinals until they fired LaRussa because he sucked so much and had no idea what he was doing. If they choke in the playoffs, you'll be singing the same tune. BF...if the Cards win it all, gloat all you want and have as much fun as you want. But you clearly have set yourself up to be ridiculed on this board if they lose at any point in the playoffs. I hope you are prepared for that.
  24. I majored in journalism, thinking I wanted to be a sports writer or a sports broadcaster. I did both for the first nine years after I graduated, but haven't done either the last three years. I'm still working in sports and loving my job though.
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