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K Gun Special

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Everything posted by K Gun Special

  1. You really dont understand the nature of the dispute by way of your bolded statement. If you think the NFL will move to a single corporation you are nuts. A few of the owners hate each other and would not in a million years cede control of their business to a NFL corporate board. ie J Jones, Snyder.
  2. they just released a statement saying the talks are continuing.
  3. Thats not true. It highlights their plight in that owners with millions in their pockets are stiffing the coaching staff, many of whom need those paychecks to stay afloat. You know the position coaches not making more than $50,000 a year. Oh yea and this whole lockout thingy is preventing them from doing their jobs. So they filed an amicus brief asking that Nelson's ruling be upheld so they can get back to work.
  4. The point is the owners are claiming decreased revenue, Not just because they want more $$$. Thats a substantial difference in posture. That should be clear if you were following the news on this. If you put TV money aside, and you accept the owners position that they are losing money--- the squeeze doesnt work. Where are they getting $$ from? I mean they are cutting salaries for the little guys in the organization..... so where is the $$ coming from? The problem is not one man. Have you heard the players speak on the topic?? They are just as opposed, smith is merely their mouthpiece to advocate on their behalf.
  5. THe NFL operates more along the lines of communism than the so called free market. They share almost all significant sources of income. This allows them to maximize revenue by keeping interest alive in every city as best they can. There is a reason the NFL can grown significantly more since they instituted this non free market system in 2006 and leagues like the MLB have not. Going to a free market system would destroy the NFL.
  6. But thats not what you said. And owners dont share luxury box revenue and a few other things. The jump is not explained simply by the CBA and it being bad for the owners as you and others have continued to posit. you do know that in 2006 NBC signed a huge TV contract worth 650 million PER YEAR. Oh and ESPN in 2006 signed on for MNF for 1.1 BILLION per YEAR..... another 20 million per team for the cap. But no, this jump as youve explained can only be because the poor owners signed a bad deal. These guys are super wealthy and know what they are doing. They didnt get hosed by the players union. The made a deal and exercised their right to get out of it claiming they were losing money.
  7. the 2006 did not. It gave a % on a reduced amount of revenues. Total minus 1 billion is when the calculation started.
  8. The owners are free to hire new players if they dont like the conditions the former nflpa want. Why arent they doing that?
  9. my goodness. Little reason to think that? Yes he did have personal troubles, who doesnt? You dont think its odd that theres a link between athletes and suicide ? Or that when they look at these brains they find they have been physically altered? Are you on of those who think the theory of relativity is bs because it hasnt been proven. Perhaps gravity doesnt exist because we cant really show it exists. I wont even suggest evolution. just as SJ said, they are working on this topic to determine what causal relationship if any, is there. Dismissing it out of hand and saying there is little reason to think so is selling yourself short.
  10. He focuses on 10+ plays because those change games. Jacksons longest run was 39 yards, good for 44th in the league behind a qb, punter, and a bunch of WRs. The premier backs all have long runs, higher ypc etc etc. But I agree with you that at most he could be in the next highest group.
  11. I think if there is any daylight between the two, its minimal. They are both ranked where they should be, the bottom tier.
  12. You said there was no connection whatsoever. I showed you where people who specialize in this field say there might be. So you move the goalposts and now say no causal connection bc neurologists disagree on the issue. The Center at BU is pretty certain there is some connection between CTE and athletes having problems. They have founded a center dedicated to researching the issue. Yet you say anything is "possible" and are sure to use quotes as to infer that its ridiculous to think so. Millions of dollars are being used to research an idea you treat as silly. Sure, there is no direct causal link as of now. What is certain is that CTE changes the physiology of the human brain. the issue is whether that change causes suicide or merely enhances the possibility.
  13. From NY Times: Dr. Robert Stern, along with McKee a co-director of the Boston University research group, cautioned that C.T.E. could not explain all of a player’s actions. “When it comes to suicide and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, it is possible that in some individuals the combination of C.T.E.-related symptoms of poor impulse control, depression and cognitive impairment may indeed lead to suicide,” Stern said. “However, we can never clearly point to any cause-and-effect relationship in any one case.” One cannot read that blurb from BU and interpret to mean that CTE absolutely had no role in these suicides. The Docs have said it MAY have had a role but we cannot say one way or the other. Indeed, Dr. Mckee from BU has said "" "The likelihood is that if he hadn't had the CTE, he wouldn't have developed those symptoms that he was experiencing at the end of his life and perhaps he wouldn't have been compelled to end his life." Read more: http://www.greenwichtime.com/sports/article/Study-Duerson-had-brain-damage-at-time-of-suicide-1361689.php#ixzz1NvybJjd6
  14. indeed, although i think its likely there is a season, even if shortenend. In the meantime can someone compare Fitz to billy joe hobert........
  15. Kelly played in an era when he was top 5 in completion percentage almost every year despite being below 60%. The NFL has evolved since that time to emphasize shorter precision passing. The comparison of % from today to 1990 is not one that holds up very well, especially given that Kelly was one of the very best, % wise, and otherwise of his day. I dont think its absurd to compare Ewards to FItz. Neither has won games here in buffalo. Fitz throws more TDs and has more turnovers. Edwards scored less but turned the ball over less frequently. Just for example, Fitz threw 7 more INTs in his last 500 or so attempts as a bill than did Edwards. But he threw for many more TDs as would be expected for a QB who takes more chances. Fitz has the chance to put edwards in the past this season. I think we'll find out quickly whether he can build on last season's growth.
  16. The union has asked for other things besides more money if going to an 18 game season. It is about the money, BUT its about other things too. I can understand people calling players greedy, but how greedy is it to ask to be compensated for extra work?
  17. anything on the whereabouts of Wood or Spiller? These guys could use some extra reps, even if just to pick the brain of the vets.
  18. WEO, you mentioned the 18 game season and i was commenting on that. The examples you cite have nothing to do with that. Anabolics help you perform better and recover quicker over a grueling season. They also have serious long term risks with abuse. Helmets are for performance too. To say the 18 game season is only about money for the players is wrong, and oversimplifies the situation.
  19. Very much so. I dont think his stats have just as many good parts, but he did show a lot of improvement last season. This year will be a big test for him. He will be unchallenged in training camp and should be ready to go. Although the defense was bad last year, part of that was getting worn down in the latter parts of games due to the O's inability to stay on the field.
  20. Not trying to be a debbie downer, but a little perspective will keep this board more informative on the BILLS. I think fans should be able to visit this board and gain an understanding of where the team is at in its development, as well as learn the latest news. When a poster posts something that is off base, we should owe it to our fellow fans to correct the oversight. You had posted very few teams do this, i noted that's not the case. I dont think it would be fair to the uninformed fan to read this thread and think the Bills are gaining an upper hand. BUT Its great that we have all the latest news about the team workouts. Lets keep it coming. go bills.
  21. In 2008 Fitz played 13 games for the bengals, with virtually the same players. In 2009 Palmer had a solid year, much better than FItz the year before, with the same players.
  22. Carson Palmer turned the 4 win 2008 bengals under Fitz into 10-6 bengals.
  23. Really thanks, I appreciate your insight. You made its sound like the BILLS were one of the few teams doing this, somehow implying its special. I simply pointed out that was not the case. Being a BILLS fan does mean one has to be ignorant in the ways of the league outside of the BILLS. I think its totally appropriate to mention what other teams are doing since yanno the BILLS play those teams. Btw, since this is so good for team bonding, and it is, has anyone mentioned that his holiness Eric Wood is not attending? SPiller is absent as well.
  24. True but the players also wanted items to protect their health too. Its not purely money but of course they want to be compensated for more work, who doesnt???? For example the players wanted a second bye week and more recovery time.
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