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Buffalo Soldier N.O.

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Everything posted by Buffalo Soldier N.O.

  1. Brees hasn't shown that he can play in the big games? Are you kidding me? Did you watch the N.E. game? Enough said! Also, the saints D isn't pathetic. It was one of the better in the league until injuries. They are now healthy ( except Charles Grant ) so don't expect them to be pushovers. I think that Greer and Sharper could have big games. We'll see.
  2. Hey Doc, Like I said in the last Hargrove post, I recently hung out with him in N.O. and he had nothing but great things to say about Buffalo and the org. He acknowledged that he !@#$ed up and was sorry that he let the team down. He's learned from that experience and has become a better pro. Don't be too hard on him.
  3. I hung out with anthony about 6 weeks ago in New Orleans. He was hanging with a few friends of mine and really enjoying the scene. I got talkin to him and he had nothing but great things to say about Buffalo. He came out and said that he had !@#$ed up and that the org. was great to him. He's a really cool kid and he's appreciative of where he's at.
  4. I think has grown to really appreciate Buffalo. I think some people go too far with the notion that he calculates every move. You forget that he has emotions and that he acts on them, for better or worse. I do think that he has become a better person and it has really shown this year. I have to admit, I thought he was a jackass when he threw Mcnabb under the bus for throwing up during the final drive in the superbowl. It was ridiculous and personally, I would love to have a quarterback who will play even when sick or hurt. But, since then, he has grown on me and I have come to like the guy. I truly think that he has been heartfelt in his comments about Buffalo as a city, and as a football team. A great example was him running around the stadium at the end of the game. He did it for the people and it was awesome to watch on t.v. But a better, less noticed moment came during the Falcons game. After the interception on the attempt to Owens in the endzone, he was shown giving Brohm a pat on the back and some encouraging words. It was a great moment and it showed that he cared. He wasn't doing that for the cameras, but rather because he wants the team to get better. I think he has come to realize what this team means to the city and how special that relationship is. He's a spiritual guy and i think he appreciates that it's a sacred bond. Let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt and stop questioning the sincerity of his every word and deed.
  5. If we go to a 3-4, then I want Cody. He's a beast and athletic for his size. He'd be a true run stuffer.
  6. I read that in the paper this morning. When i was reading it, I thought to myself that you may be from Buffalo. Then, voila, you are! Good read! I have Saints season tix and it is an amazing place, but The Ralph is still near and dear. I thought the part about fans here being gracious was an astute observation. I love the Ralph and crazy fans, but a few dudes get ridiculous. Like, throwing hot dogs at older Saints fans. If it were Pats, Dolphins, Jets, then that's cool, but not Saints fans. Having said that, The Ralph is right there at the top in terms of game day experiences. Anyway, you should come down to a playoff game here. I can take care of a place to stay, if you need. Playoff games are ridiculous here and I can show you some good tailgating. BTW, great observation on the tailgaiting. It's a part of the reason why night games are the rowdier games to go to.
  7. I do find it interesting that John Dellepelle is from Detroit, the home of Mr. Ralph Wilson. You, Mr. Dellepelle, are Deep Throat!
  8. I live in New Orleans now, but I do want to comment on most board member's opinion of Buffalo. Contrary to the negative perception that gets talked about all of the time, Buffalo is actually a great place. I would move there before Raliegh. Raliegh Sucks! I've been a few times and look forward to leaving every time. It has NO soul. Buffalo might be experiencing some economic struggles, but it has a soul and a big one at that. A lot of people on this board downplay the city's strengths and seem to always focus on its shortcomings. This really needs to stop. Take a look again, you might actually like what you see.
  9. I know that Sullivan is a popular topic around here, so I thought it would be interesting to get some opinions on KC's Whitlock. His post game article in today's paper was great. Also, he wrote an editorial on Turner Gill that I found interesting. I'm not capable of adding the links, but just go to the KC articles and read his editorials. If someone can provide the links that would be great. Let me know what you think
  10. He's got my vote, at this point. Somethin seems right about him and he wouldn't cost as much as someone like Shanahan. I think he would be highly motivated to prove his worth. It really could be the perfect partnership.
  11. I was at the game. It is a nice getaway from the reality of being a Bills fan. But, remember one thing: The Saints have sucked for a long time. The fans here have faith and it is finally being rewarded. Our time in Buffalo will come again. In the meantime, the Saints are the perfect ( other ) team for Bills fans to be rooting for at this point.
  12. Uh!? Yeah, it is. Alot spicier. Charlotte is exactly what BDelma says it is. Charlotte is as lame as any city can be
  13. Go to the Allentown section over the Chippewa section of town. They are near eachother, but allentown is more authentic than Chippewa. Nietzche's and The Pink are great places and there are other good spots in the hood'
  14. New Orleans is in a class by itself when it comes to partying. It's in the streets as much as its in the bars. Hell we put the "fun" in funeral is a popular saying down here. But, Buffalo is a great party town, as well. I love partying in B-Lo when I visit. I also tell people in other cities that Buffalo stands with any city in terms of partying. Buffalo's 4 am closing time is huge and people in B-lo are not pretentious when they are out partying. Everyone is having a good time. But, to say B-lo is "better" than N.O. for partying is a misguided statement.
  15. Trent had two game winning drives last year, no?
  16. Yo, Drew Breeeees, You can't dog a good beef on weck, bruh! Have you been to Schwabl's? It's !@#$ing amazing! Think of it like you would Domilise's in N.O. Having said that, I do agree that this Saints team is the real deal. The defense is for real people. Even if it isn't a top D, it's top 15, for sure. Greg Williams is a great D Coordinator ( not good head coach), plus they added Jabari and D Sharper. Add a good D with the top offense in the league and say, "Watch Out". And, having said all that, GO BILLS!
  17. The dome comment is completely pathetic. I am originally from WNY, but live in N.O. now. The people here are amazing and comments like that don't have a place on a board like this. I love trash talk, but that is ridiculous. There are a good number of people from here going to the game, myself included. These are fans worth having some fun with. I am a Bills fan first, but loving the Saints is pretty easy as a Bills fan. We both have the loser tag, rabid fan bases, and we rarely play each other. People down here know football as well as anyone in the country. So, please avoid Katrina trash talk on this board, as well as at the game. I defend Buffalo all of the time down here and any comments like that would go against every good thing I have said about Buffalo. People in Chicago did it during the playoffs 2 years ago and people here are still upset about it. We want people coming back to buffalo, not avoiding it.
  18. WOW! That brings a whole new dimension to the word "FAN". He could be the greatest living NFL fan in the country.
  19. I like your vision Red. I am 100% behind city cores becoming the focus again.
  20. DML2005 , I noticed alot of the same things that you did on a recent trip to Buffalo. I'm actually very impressed with what is happening in Buffalo. Your comparisons to Atlanta are apt. Getting more Googles, adding to the medical corridor in downtown, New Era moving its headquarters downtown, etc., are positives that can't be ignored. Good things are happening!
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