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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. *Heavy Sigh* Magoo, you absolutely kill me... :censored: ...and the best part is that you will never understand just how unintentionally hilarious you are. [/schoolgirl humor]


    So because the article mentions that Ron Paul is a supporter of the ammendment, you decided to bring up other idiotic things he supports?


    Start your own thread for that.



    Awwww, looks like someone's wittle feewings got hewt :censored:


    don't take the schoolgirl jab to heart ok? :oops:

    Can we have a special subsection of PPP just for you two?

  2. You should be.


    Do you guys not understand how much I need this win. An accomplishment such as this would bring meaning to an otherwise dismal life. To be able to say the I was the winner of the TBD "last post wins" thread would give me reason to go on. It would give my children reason to love their father again, my wife reason to let me sleep in the same room as her. All I ask is that you take this into consideration. Like I said, I really need this.


    Yours truly


    I took it into consideration.

  3. Paul Verhoeven butchers a Heinlen classic as only Verhoeven can - with gratuitous nudity and a group shower scene. Oh, and something about giant bugs.





    Henry Hill rises through the mob. People get killed. Bodies are discovered while Derek and the Dominos' outtro to "Layla" plays. Scorcese wins a sympathy Oscar for it 15 years later, after everyone realizes Dances With Wolves really wasn't all that great.



    Next: Cast Away

    Tom Hanks gets stranded on tropical island.

    Tom Hanks goes crazy.

    Tom Hanks gets off island.


    Next: Rocky IV

  4. Creatures invade

    Idiot runs around the northeast with his daughter

    Creatures get a cold and die


    Next: Second Hand Lions

    Boy's mother is a b****, leaves boy with obscure, odd uncles.

    Uncles tell boy stories.

    Much silliness ensues.

    Boy becomes comic book writer or something like that.


    Next: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  5. Never watched it before tonight but its actually pretty funny...Anyone esle see it?

    It is the worst show of all time. Period.


    Kind of kidding. I haven't watched it, but from the advertisements it seemed like it would be incredibly stupid.

  6. Take off the rose colored glasses and get back to me when one of those ethnicities are recognized. P.S. I am Italian and my ancestors came here legally. The melting pot was great back then and they ALL contributed to our society and even learned the language. :wallbash:

    So your ancestors were the guys that pissed my ancestors off :doh::wallbash:

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