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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. It appears to me that the "Developing" nations are looking for charity.





    When they say the "developed" countries should contribute $200 Billion a year, guess who they are looking at to foot the majority of the bill?


    It's a global wealth distribution scheme and in a period in time when we are hurting tremendously economically I say they can go !@#$ themselves. :thumbsup:

    IMO, China can no longer call themselves a "developing" or periphery nation. They've come too far industrially, and certainly can go !@#$ themselves. Countries like Rwanda, the DRC, etc. are developing nations.

  2. I am hardly Deb's biggest fan, but she seems to care for BiB. Keep that in mind.

    Yeah, I realize that. I can see where both her and /dev/ are coming from, though, so I'm just not sure if telling /dev/ to shut the !@#$ up is really necessary.


    Also, it's amazing how much this thread has been hijacked in the last 10 or 15 posts :thumbsup:

  3. Difference....your dad has you and your siblings. Paul had no one other than his wonderful wife. Same as I. If I came home and found my wife gone I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as Paul had.


    However...to your Mom and all moms. The toughest job is the world. !@#$ the left, !@#$ the right but the one and only thing we all have in common here is a mother who at some point loved us. Cheers folks.



    Geez louise. Think for a minute the PAIN Paul must have been in to do what he did. Your situation is sad, but you aren't Paul. And you shouldn't judge him. Just think of your pain, and then imagine how bad that pain would have to be for you to decide death made sense. Think about it - And then please STFU.

    I thought chef had it covered pretty well, without the flaming. :thumbsup:

  4. I heard it early this morning, and I was surprised, pleasantly surprised. For a change, he didn't apologize to the world for some of our perceived shortcomings but rather defended our moralism through use of force. I also liked that he implied that they wouldn't be able to sit there, living comfortably if it weren't for countries that had the courage to fight for freedom.


    I'd say up to now, this was his best foreign policy speech. I might add, that this speech could have been mistaken from a GW Bush speech writer as well.

    Is my libertarian middle school band teacher's prophecy coming true? Obama = Dubya? :ph34r:

  5. I have weather.com on my bookmarks toolbar, but I can never figure out how much snow we are supposed to get - and in the summer, I think they pull their precip %s out of a hat..........All I want to know right now is not is it going to snow but how much snow are we going to get. Does anybody recommend a better one?

    I always use weather.gov at home. At my job, we used weatherunderground.com because it has storm tracks (I worked at a country club). Weather.gov is usually pretty accurate, and I'm not disappointed.

  6. While reading the fat thread, I decided it would be a good idea to spoon several hunks of cookie dough down my gullet. It just reaffirmed how much more I like raw chocolate chip cookie dough to actual baked cookies. Am I in the minority here?


    Plus it got me thinking, are there any other 'meant-to-be cooked' foods that are actually better raw? I don't mean things that are cooked optionally like vegetables.

    Cooked, only because I've heard too many horror stories about salmonella from my father.

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