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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. So the entire argument about God is that he is incorporeal (true) and therefore not provable? I mean why not argue against the existence of society, justice, culture, goodness, etc. because they are all incorporeal too. How about numbers, they are incorporeal abstractions of the singular directed by the abstractions of reason.

    Sagan's (and many non-believing scholars') problem with the concept of God is not that he is not provable, it's that you can't apply the scientific method to God at all. Not only can it not be proved, it can't be disproved (as a whole).


    Just because there are 5 solid proofs that God exists does not mean they do not exist because they are not perceptual, it just means you are not intellectually capable to understand the logic.

    There are? :blink:


    It would be as if you were arguing with an engineering major about gravity and the mathematical basis for such decisions that would go into making a bridge. Imagine you saying "well gravity is not visible and I've never seen a 2 of anything, let alone calculus, why not just say you can't prove it and we are on equal ground ok?"

    Back to the scientific method. You can apply the scientific method to gravity, and show relations that prove calculus works as we express it.


    Metaphysics is the same thing, except you believe because you have equal abilities to reason as others that you must be rational, and therefore we are on equal ground in the debate. Well before we go any further in the argument "if you can't see/taste/feel it" well it's all conjecture just remember that your entire reasoning process is based principally on logic which is also something you cannot taste/see/feel but rationalized based on ideas which are conceptual, not perceptual.

    I don't know enough about metaphysics to say anything here. :wallbash:

  2. Not bad, not bad


    or, instead of a firing squad, family member of those shot should be allowed to be the "firing squad"


    Firing Squad is a bunch of trained marksmen who will kill him with one shot so they done't "suffer". Let some inexperienced shooters get a few shots each until one gets the "kill shot"

    A firing squad is one thing, but I think you're starting to tread on thin ice here. Letting family members get revenge, IMO, only encourages vigilantism.

  3. That's really not that loud. Sounds like a bunch of uptight British prudes who are jeaulous that they're not getting any.


    decibel scale.


    The above scale lists a normal conversation at 50. 47 is much ado about nothing.

    Well when it's still 40 decibels or higher after going through some walls, it must be fairly loud.


    40 decibels is enough to disturb one's reading, at least.

  4. Those are "given" medals, not "earned" medals - pretty much everyone who shows up for work gets them. Makes the fruit cocktail look a little more impressive to the non-initiated but it's a running joke to anyone who has actually done something in the armed forces.

    So it's like the little umbrella? Got it.

  5. almost everyone gets those medals...

    Thanks, it's been said.


    It's odd how medals used to actually mean something and now virtually everyone who has served gets them. I had no clue seeing as how I'm not affiliated with the military in any way. I guess it's one of those "morale boosting" bull **** tactics.

  6. Heavier Americans are pushing back now with newfound vigor in the policy debate, lobbying legislators and trying to move public opinion to recognize their point of view: that thin does not necessarily equal fit, and that people can be healthy at any size.


    Say what? Doesn't the term "obese" imply that you aren't healthy?

  7. Remember, remember the 5th of

    It's funny how different people today celebrate it for different reasons.


    "Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent:

    To blow up the King and Parli'ment.

    Three-score barrels of powder below,

    to prove old England's overthrow!"

  8. I know this is a baseball question, mod's please move it if it bothers. I figured I'd ask it here to get a better and open response.


    Now to the poll questions. I say YES and YES.


    I say A-Rod is the classic example of how these drugs are over-rated. You can see the power of the mind when coming clean, it sets the player free and THEY PLAY BETTER.



    Wait, you say that coming clean makes a player better, but the PED's also make a player better?


    Never mind, you edited it.

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