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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. So, the year 2000 was only a dream?


    1. 00

    2. 01

    3. 02

    4. 03

    5. 04

    6. 05

    7. 06

    8. 07

    9. 08

    10. 09


    10 years equals a decade. At leasts that's the decade I think everyone's talking about. Maybe not though.

    I think he's saying that the calendar went from 1 BCE to 1 CE, with no year 0. So the first decade was:

    1. 1 CE

    2. 2 CE

    3. 3 CE

    4. 4 CE

    5. 5 CE

    6. 6 CE

    7. 7 CE

    8. 8 CE

    9. 9 CE

    10. 10 CE


    And so, the current decade would have started with 2001.

  2. Saw it (not in 3-D) and thought it was amazing. Told my brother-in-law immediately afterward that it was a futuristic "Dances with Wolves". I would see it again, but in the 3-D. I read that Cameron wasn't too keen on it being shot in 3-D because the viewer would see a strobe effect with it being shot at 24 frames per second, but from what I have heard, the strobe effect isn't too big of a deal.

    Saw it in 3-D and didn't even notice a strobe effect.

  3. I would agree with you for the most part, but I have noticed more and more hate coming from atheists the past few years. I have been a liberal for most of my life growing up. The liberals of my day are nothing like the liberals of today. I find it pretty funny they call Christians hateful, when all you have to do is read their posts. There seems to be a growing movement against anything Christian or Jewish. They would not dare to insult muslims, they don't have the guts.

    Your little shot at my beliefs being misguided. You atheists just can't agree to disagree without throwing your little comments in. As far as having a bunch of Christians hating on you, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it.

    There is a movement against religion in general, if you want to call that "hate" I would have a hard time seeing why you do. The most prominent members of this movement (the ones who write books explaining why they think religion is bad) are a bit aggressive, but they maintain that they have to be. For some reason, religion is this sore subject that can't be criticized or debated about in our society, and I think that should change. I look at it as I look at any other belief, in that it should be open for discussion among peers without someone having to feel insulted with no good reason to feel that way.

    As far as my "little shot" goes, I think you got me wrong. I have no doubt in my mind that you think my non-belief is misguided, and seeing as how you have a contradictory belief, that comes as no surprise to me. I didn't mean to insult you, but it's just something else most atheists think when it comes to religions such as Christianity.

    :worthy: Speaking of cheap shots, coming out and calling me a liar seems to qualify as one. And so,

    If you really believe what you are saying, keep the cheap shots to yourself.

    Oh, and one more thing: could you please stop lumping me in with liberals? I'm not liberal, at least not by today's standards.

  4. Your last sentence is correct. That's why akhmed whatshisname is president. Their is no "stigma' associated with being a atheist-more a sympathy for people who have to go though life without faith.

    Take a look at this: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=1786422&page=1


    More than 2,000 randomly selected people were interviewed by researchers from the University of Minnesota.


    Asked whether they would disapprove of a child's wish to marry an atheist, 47.6 percent of those interviewed said yes. Asked the same question about Muslims and African-Americans, the yes responses fell to 33.5 percent and 27.2 percent, respectively. The yes responses for Asian-Americans, Hispanics, Jews and conservative Christians were 18.5 percent, 18.5 percent, 11.8 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively.


    When asked which groups did not share their vision of American society, 39.5 percent of those interviewed mentioned atheists. Asked the same question about Muslims and homosexuals, the figures dropped to a slightly less depressing 26.3 percent and 22.6 percent, respectively. For Hispanics, Jews, Asian-Americans and African-Americans, they fell further to 7.6 percent, 7.4 percent, 7.0 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively.

    And I don't need any sympathy, my life is quite full without faith.

  5. How? I have seen and heard a lot of posters who lean to the left of the political spectrum spew there hatred towards Christians. Do you deny that? Do you think atheists don't hate Christians? Do you hate Christians?

    No, I do not hate gays. I just believe marriage should be between a man and a women.

    Just because there is a law in place, does not mean that law oppresses people.

    I wasn't defending Connor by any means. I don't think gays are oppressed. Whether they can marry or not is for another thread.

    :wallbash: Atheists hate Christians? Maybe your limited experience with the militant ones on this board will tell you that, but in real life, it appears to be quite the opposite. I don't mind telling you I'm an atheist, and I certainly don't hate Christians. I don't even hate your views or beliefs, however misguided I might think they are. However, I've met more Christians that hate me, simply because I deny the existence of their god, than I can count on my fingers and toes. Not to mention the Christians I haven't expressed my (non)beliefs to. Also, I have a number of friends who are Atheists, none of which express any sort of outward hatred towards people of any belief.

    So no, I don't think atheists, for the most part, hate Christians. Instead, I would state that the contra-positive is true.

  6. Are you trying to say gays are oppressed because they can't get married? Do you know what the word oppressed means?


    BTW, everything you write on this PPP board makes me laugh.

    Frankly, you equating religious folks hating gays to Atheists hating Christians is laughable.

  7. Religion is neutral- people are good or bad. Many becomes zealots and do very bad things- and it happens a lot more in this country than we want to admit.



    Religion tends to be what you make of it. I see people every day take it and do a lot of good with it, but we see people everyday take it and use it as an excuse to do terrible things.

  8. Clinically speaking, most suicides are attributable to poor impulse control (usually attributable to some affective disorder - major depression, for example). It's a contradiction to say that someone "decides" to follow an impulse.


    Or, to put it more colloquially...It's not that someone decides to kill themselves, it's that in order to not kill themselves they have to constantly make conscious decisions to not follow the impulse.



    Yeah, I don't buy that. Excusing actions for poor impulse control implies a lack of free will, which I don't buy.


    That is not a knock on Paul. What he did is his business, and I hope never to feel the pain he was in.

    If I remember psych correctly, a big part of suicide is learned hopelessness. Their feeling of hopelessness runs so deep that even if an opportunity to change things presents itself they don't act on it because they feel as though there is no point in trying. Perhaps that is where this impulse comes from?

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