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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. Yes, it is. Look at this board today. Every one is excited we beat Miami. Attitude on the team and fans has improved since Jauron was fired. Players seems to have confidence in the staff and each other. Many are optimistic. Yep, nothing good can come from winning games.


    In all seriousness, and I think it has been said numerous times already, a team that is only 2 or 3 wins away from the playoffs may look better to a high-profile coach.

  2. I was in section 333, and it seemed to me like the intensity in there was turned all the way up. I know the two fish fans in my row motivated me to get up and yell even more than I usually do when the Bills are on D.


    i do agree that the Buffalo-Miami rivalry is pretty much dead, though. Too many mediocre or bad teams over the last 10 years and the cities are just too far apart. Not to mention the Patriots* are becoming more loathed by the week by both fan bases.

  3. My wife is thinking about becoming a Big Sister. The application requires a background check as well as 5 references -- which is more than most of the jobs I've ever had have done...


    I was wondering if anyone has ever volunteered for this organization? Any stories, good or bad?

    My college here has a Big Brothers Big Sisters office and my friend is currently a big brother. He says that it's one of the greatest things he has ever done with his time. His "little brother" is a great kid who was in a bad situation for a while. All the checking and references are justified, I think, due to how closely these "bigs" work with children.

  4. There's no doubt that the above bolded is a specious argument. Clearly you can't see air, yet you breathe it, so it has to be real. My point is: claiming that God doesn't exist because the Scientific Method says so is ALSO a specious argument.


    Either side running around claiming superiority on the other is pointless. Once again, telling me that you are an atheist says nothing about your intellectual ability....as evidenced in this and other threads.


    If you believe in God, do it for the right reasons, recognize that as a personal decision, keep it to yourself when you aren't at church, understand that you can be wrong, and understand that you aren't even close to having an answer on any of this.


    If you don't believe in God, do it for the right reasons, recognize that as a personal decision, keep it to yourself at all times since, according to you, you don't need a church, understand that you can be wrong, and understand that you aren't even close to having an answer on any of this.


    Both sides need to handle their own business first, before they go telling other people what to think.

    I didn't mean to imply that the Scientific Method says God doesn't exist, I was trying to say that it couldn't be applied at all, so many scholars withhold belief for that reason.


    I agree with everything you said in this post. I can't stand people who proselytize, no matter what their beliefs (or non-beliefs) are. If you want to have a healthy debate, that's one thing. Shoving your beliefs down someone's throat is completely another.

  5. As a guy who has dealt with endless "methodologies" I can say this with certainty, and certainty with no absurdity ;): All Methodology is fallible. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is either selling something, naive, stupid or ignorant, take your pick.


    Given that, throwing around the Scientific Method proves nothing. It is quite possible, hell, likely, that the Scientific Method itself will need a major overhaul to understand things like extra dimensions, as in:


    What if an extra dimension's existence is atomic, thereby making it impossible to ever reproduce the data from the single experiment that proves its existence, or modifies/creates it? Does that mean it doesn't exist? If we use the current scientific method as defined, the answer can only be NO, and, we have to "scientifically" not believe our own eyes.


    If we need to modify the Scientific Method just to deal with extra dimensions, think about what we would have to do to it to prove the existence of God....

    I realize that all methodology is fallible, and the Scientific Method cannot be applied to everything. Your example (if it's correct, I don't know because I don't have a physics degree) would certainly demonstrate this. I think, however, that you just reiterated my point, that the existence of God cannot be proven or dis-proven, especially with our current, fallible, methodologies. I was trying to say that believers who try to parody non-believers by saying, "Oh, I can't see gravity, does that exist?" aren't quite following correctly.

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