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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. he could have spent the same 4 games of experience in the PRE season and let him play the second half or more in each of those games........you do it one way or the other
  2. if they put jp back in they admit to not knowing what the hell theyre doing, the jp experiment should be over if they can evaluate talent........if jp gets another shot with the bills then you can start with removing the head coach
  3. not even 4 games they take him out in the 4th quarter down by less than a td....put a tent over this circus
  4. might get them a few more wins but i'd rather they go 1-7 and maybe get hot at the end then you have something next year.............this way you downgraded from bledsoe to holcomb for what reason??
  5. the name of the position is pressure.......its a confidence thing, without it at the position you fail.......not the same as the giants cause Warner still had them in position to make the playoffs but coughlin being a realist let his guy gain experience who has been handled the way jp has...... pat ramsey joey harrington tim couch who was thrown to the wolves and left in there even after looking terrible aikman jaworski p manning e manning
  6. i think the whole plan was to have some experience at the position backing him up to help bring him along, youre talking about a 27-29 lifetime touchdown to interception guy that they hoped would never see the field and it seems pretty pre-mature ........especially last week in the 4th quarter down by one score....
  7. against that team i'd let my team know i'm lining my 11 up against theirs and expect to come out ahead mularkey tries to get his spark by dumping a bucket of water over losman rubbing sticks together
  8. and short term succeess is no gurantee with holcomb.........first dont take him out down by one score vs new orleans.....he won his maiden easy........he had 15 to go to eclipse aikmans first year wins whats mularkey doing trying to win a few for his own coaching job....the gm should tell the coach we dont expect to win alot..he in turn tells the qb to hang in there and keep plugging, instead they unplug and we have to watch all this and start all over.................pull the plug on filling the stadium
  9. whats the point of letting bledsoe go? did they really expect to win the division with Losman? If they wanted to make a championship run now then keep bledsoe or get someone in here with a better resume. The Losman experiment should be over. Losman won his maiden easily and was in a position to win at new orleans (san antonio) where leaving him in could only bring about positives. Now they must be thinking of tanking the idea completely no matter what they say in the press.
  10. against nfl juggernaut division rivals dolphins and jets could be just what jp needs this to me makes about as much sense as pulling him the 4th quarter down by less than a touchdown .........what a waste of an offseason +4 regular season games
  11. hanging around till the 4th quarter at home, maybe even winning a couple against opponents like the jets and dolphins........what a pipe dream that holcomb is a savior...............now start all over with another new qb next season or try losman again.............mularkey is funny
  12. divided locker room, fans....i dont think it does any good.....i say play losman for the entire game till seasons end or dont ever let him back on the field as a Bill and admit your draft pick stunk...............how do you go all off season not knowing it's possible he's terrible, surely he must have potential ....tap it or get on with it, anything but a qb controversy
  13. you need to trick the dolphins on who may or may not be your starting qb to get an edge at home? desperate
  14. i like moorman.....kept the bills in the game last week with his kicks
  15. good point maybe he was embarrassed and bledsoe was the scape goat......8/10 and 6 in a row with 30 points or more put on the board..........now what though.....i say play jp or end his career as a bill, they are messing with his head too much...............watch how coughlin does it
  16. winless teams off a bye week usually put forth a top effort and Houston lost the game on a bad break........but i'll be willing to wager any amount of money you want care of sds and two bills drive that the bengals will win more than 8
  17. he just basically said mularkey is starting to step on hot coals
  18. seriously think they wont get it done against miami because of coaching mismatch and the regression of JP's learning curve to zero thanks to 4th quarter benching down by less than a touchdown not only a qb who is inaccurate but lacking confidence against a team that is good at stopping buffalo's only offensive strong suit thus far, running........dont see where the points come from.......benching of Losman sent a message to the whole team, and miami 2 weeks to prepare
  19. he's not the bust.....harrington is...not that joey never had talent but sometimes he would get pulled out during the game in favor of mike mcmahon....this seems to have left harrington with zero confidence and he probably wont live up to his potential without a change of cities and that may not do it.........oh yeah mularkey is doing the same thing with his guy Losman
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