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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I live in the South Hills of Pittsburgh and the entire city was black and gold for much of the playoffs right up to the Super Bowl. The morning after the SB I went to the gym and they had already taken down all of the black and gold balloons and Steeler stuff that had decorated the front desk/entrance area. And while I proudly wore my Bills sweatshirt (as I do virtually every day the weather calls for one) I swear without exaggeration I did not see a SINGLE person with ANY Steeler apparel on whatsoever.


    Me personally, I would take great pride in the fact that my team had just played for the championship of the NFL and would have whole heartedly worn Buffalo Bill gear the day after the loss (hell...I wear it whole heartedly after ANY loss). It just showed me how fickle the fans here are. With all the "Stairway to Seven" and "Knockin on Seven's Door" crap going on and the way I heard the fans talking, it was a given to them they had it won.


    I deal with these fans here every day of my life. I know I'm in the minority here, but I hate the Steelers more than the Patsies*, and it is directly attributed to their obnoxious, ignorant fans. So when I stood on the front porch of my house after the game and let out a primal, inhuman roar that lasted an estimated 15-20 seconds (a lifetime in my mind) while the dejected Steeler fans left the SB party a few houses down the street, I thought to myself the only time I'll scream more euphorically is when the Bills finally bring it home.


    Until then I'll PROUDLY wear my Buffalo Bills gear.

    I live a little further south than you, but your story is exactly my interpretation of Stiller fans,let the canibalization begin.

  2. But if QBs take 2-3 years to develop, shouldn't we grab one now, so that he's developed by the time we've filled all those holes?


    Personally, I don't want either Newton or Gabbert, both of whom I think will bust. But if QBs truly take so long to develop, you can't afford to wait until all your holes are filled before drafting one.

    What kind of a site is this.

  3. I concur. Listening to Dennis Miller is enlightening, because most of his contemporaries don't understand a word he says. Our country has dumbed down over the past three decades and it's refreshing to hear someone so well spoken; although I sometimes need a dictionary myself.

    He is funnier when lit up! Which I think is often.

  4. I know this is slightly off topic, but when I attended the Houston Texans game where Losman hit Price in the end-zone to win, those fans were also very good to us, and even in the stands were the best I have been exposed to. It's one thing to love your team and support them with maniacal passion, and it's another to just take it too far and be a complete douche. It has sadly become the norm at the Ralph, and I really don't like what has become of my game day experience(At RWS). Here's my short list of places where the fans were complete A-Holes to us:






    Add Pittsburgh to this list, as a matter of fact, put them at the top of it.

  5. I also was sent a similiar e-mail by Die-hard Steeler Fan, with the fan at the SB, a Steeler one.

    I responded to him with, he should have went to the funeral, but at least he got to see someone get killed.

    I know, some of you will say it was a close game, and it may have ended up that way, but from my vantage point,

    other than the final score, it was pretty much a Packer beat down.

  6. A-Rod is a tool for getting upset over them cutting to him during the Super Bowl. He's a narcissist who thinks they were out to get an embarrassing shot of him and Cameron when clearly it was just a random cut away to celebs in the crowd. However, the OP is a bigger tool for being so disturbed by a show of affection between two people dating.


    At least that's my take. :pirate:

    Not sure how many times that I have to state this, I belive that it should have been evident from my original post,

    but I have no problem with Diaz feeding him whatever, in any way she wants to feed him, I just think that A-Rod is a tool for being upset at being caught on camera while she was doing it. Since it is pretty evident from most of the posts that I read, that a lot of people have trouble putting two sentences together, or formulating any coherent thought process, why would I be surprised that a lot can't interpret the point of a post.


    As far as Diaz, v Madonna, and the homewrecker comment, yeah I have to agree that this might have been incorrect,

    but I am not a reporter, I am an anonymous poster on an internet chat site, so I don't think that I will be getting sued for

    libel anytime soon.

  7. You've never dated a woman before, have you? Not making fun, just saying it was a shot totally out of context of two people who are dating being "couple-y". It isn't like he only eats when she feeds him ... get a grip.

    Not true, I hooked up with you one weekend, didn't I. You missed the point of the post, I could care less if his squeeze was feeding him regurgitation from her last meal while fanning him with palm leaves. It is his reaction to being caught on film that I take umberage with, and his pompous attitude, now grip this x?1ox>l.

  8. Geez, what is with this guy. Apparently he was very upset about being caught on film with Cameron feeding him popcorn

    like he was some type of Roman Emperor or something. What a tool this guy is, what did he think was gonna happen,

    apparently he was guranteed nobody would take pictures of him and his concubine. What a presumptious jerk he is.

    I say for the rest of his life, nobody should even as much as look at him. She probably wipes his behind for him too.

  9. I went to school in Pittsburgh 1975-1977, everything there was just a bit better than in Buffalo.. The museums, parks, art galleries, botanical gardens, all that stuff... But the football fans were idiots!! Always some guy drunk in a bar yelling "STILLERS!!!!" at the top of his lungs... I really liked those teams with Bradshaw and company, however when O.J. ran all over them I sat back and listened to the Pburgh fans whine and cry...


    Nothing changes they are still the same bunch.. I have many friends still in the area and they talk about the defensive backs and now the offensive line.. Amazing, Buffalo fans hailed their team like conquering hero's after losing Superbowels.. That won't happen in Pittsburgh, ever!!

    I agree with everything that you state, especially the part about their fans, I actually like the team, it's their fans that I can't stomach. One correction though,they do not have any botanical gardens here that I am aware of, and if they did, no way it could be better than Buffalo's. Now, I was a kid when I lived in B'lo, so that could have something to do with it, as everything seemed grander when you are a kid. I don't care how many of them there are, our how loud and obnoxious they get, they do not come close to Bill's Fans.

    I saw some local film when the Steelers returned from Dallas, there were maybe 100 people there to greet them. 90 of them were part of their extended families.

  10. The city was covered in black and yellow but it wasn't anything like 3 years ago when they won their 6th championship. As I watched the game in a Steelers bar on the "Southside" of Pittsburgh - I was thinking about the Bills in the Superbowl - how much TV press they would get - and the respect.


    Buffalo will do it better than Pittsburgh X 100. I know this for a fact.


    I cannot wait until the draft and offseason knowing Fitz will have a WHOLE offseason under his belt with Gailey.

    Where were u at, Fatheads, Mario's, Piper's, Nakama, Doublewide, etc, etc....

    Great places on the Southside, so many to choose from, excellent atmosphere,a little Collegiate, but very fun.

    BTW, I have been to at least three of the AFC Championship games over the last 10-15 years, and I had extra tickets for the

    San Diego one, I couldn't give them away, I was amazed. Don't be fooled, Steeler Nation is a bit of a myth, oh yeah, they travel, and they are loud and obnoxious, but you wouldn't belive the cannibalization that I am hearing down here now.

    One bad loss, and the whole team's sexual orientation comes into question, we will be hearing that Tomlin is boinking his white secretary soon. Spoiled I tell ya!

  11. Okay, here's a comment: They're both dullards, their vocal tone is in the same range so there's no contrast (which is tedious on the listener), Buck outright annoys me with his pompous delivery, and neither announcer has an ounce of poetry. Then again, the majority of sports announcers these days are drab non-entities, completely interchangeable cliche-spouting monkeys, Stepford announcers who are unplugged after a game and stored in a closet until the next time they're needed.


    But what else should we expect? The whole NFL control and presentation of its "product" has become weirdly plastic, inauthentic and animatronic, a manufactured and staged "production" from top to bottom without heart or soul, all based on market studies and consultant input. One example: A league owned and operated for the benefit of greedy billionaire ego-maniac owners sanctimoniously wrapping itself in faux patriotism with the reading of the Declaration of Independence precisely at a time when it is doing all it can to lower players earnings, increase their work load while ignoring the financial and physical suffering of its many "revered" ex-players. It was as cynical as Al Capone joining the Temperance Union, or the Czar reading the Communist Manifesto.


    How's that?

    Pretty Hard to Argue Any of This, Very Insightful, well thought out, humorous, but right on the money.

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