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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Haven't read many of the posts yet, but you had me at the topic, when I read it, it was like

    that we be just our dumb luck, and it's bound to happen, or should I say, not happen. Of course

    that would be one way to keep the team in Buffalo. We should just prop him up like the weekend

    at Bernie's guy, I think we could get away with it for a couple of seasons, he's not very visible

    latley anyhow, and he has already been inducted into the hall, I don't think anybody will miss him.

  2. I guess we would have had to face one more time anyway, unless they traded to someone else, it really

    doesn't matter, we aren't going anywhere any how, just tired of him abusing our defense(s), and glad to see him go.

    It was a belive a stupid post, but I have already fallen on my sword.

  3. Geez, with Randy treating our secondary like his own personal biatches, and now we still have to

    face him one more time. On a positive note, we won't have to face him at all next year, maybe never

    again. Not sorry to see him go, and I belive that this will hurt the Pats, maybe not against us,and maybe not long term, but at least for a couple of more years, they WILL miss him!

  4. I am also in favor of Maybin getting on the juice.


    If he could add 25 pounds of muscle, he might stand a chance.

    A truckload full of roids is not going to make him any more productive, he is what he is, and

    he is what a lot of us thought he was. A bust.

  5. I see this trade as a mistake but for a different rationale. They have been linked to trading Lynch all off season and into the season. They vehemently denied that they were trying, but as it turns out they were trying to move him. That's fine, I know you don't publicly state you're trying to trade a player.


    But here's my issue. You held onto Marshawn, knowing you were trying to trade him. Started him the last three games pissing off your number one back (Jackson), let Joique Bell walk out the door, so now we are at the very least not as good without him, all for a 4th round pick? That's what you did all that for? Baffling.

    I agree, sounds like the plan is being developed as we progress through time, as opposed to there being

    a plan and executing it.The thing that also baffles me a bit, is that, unless I am mistaken the trade deadline

    is still a couple of weeks away, and there are still teams out there with running back troubles like GB, and Philly

    lost a back as well this past weekend, why not showcase him a little more and drive the value up, it seems like a risk

    worth taking to lose a fourth round pick, or maybe we would have still been able to swing the trade with Seatle at

    the deadline.

  6. I am not unintelligble and I wouldn't be calling me that. I got almost 900 on my SATs so I think you might want to eat your words a bit. I didn't really even go to school much and still got a high score like that.


    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

    Funny, I had you pegged as graduatin all the way plum through 8th grade!

    BTW, where did you get your Avatar, looks like a mug shot after a heavy

    night of drinking and a DUI

  7. I have only and will only ever be a Buffalo Bills fan but does this happen with other teams? Why people keep wanting to get rid of our best players because they are a little rough around the edges or want to be compensated at market value is beyond me. If this board is typical of the average Bills fan no wonder we have been mediocre for years.


    I have beat this drum but some don't seem to get it. You make a team better by acquiring talent not trading it away just to trade it. Has our history shown us nothing if not give us a draft pick and we will screw it up?? Maybin, Whitner, McCargo, Edwards etc.

    Next time that you know that the fans are going to suit up and play, could you let me know, I wouldn't

    want to miss that.

  8. Bad calls happen a lot MORE to teams that play the Pats*, than to the Pats*. No one is saying that all the bad calls go one way, just that the majority go one way. Also, with the Bills being a bad team with no big name coach, they often get bad calls against them in any game. There is nothing they can do about it except get better players so that they can overcome both the other team and the officials. But the Pats* are a special case. Its almost like playing Shula's Dolphins from the 70s again. The referee body language even shows a kind of nervousness to make sure they call things in favor of the Pats*, like it was in the 70s with the Dolphins.


    The only reason I thought it would be nice to get a Shanahan or Cowher was the effect it could have on the refs when the Bills were playing. They might respect the coach enough to be a little nervous about his complaints with bad calls. They obviously don't worry about Gailey at all. Why should they. The NFL is a league that favors the elites and the refs know that. Unfortunately RW is getting a little too old to kick in the officials' door after the game to shout at them like he did in the 70s after an especially badly called game.

    Gotta agree, what other game have you seen a spot challenged and overturned, yet there eyes were good enough to spot the fact Fitzpatrick was just a little short on his first down run, I mean, both plays were challenged, on one we get the benefit of the call on the field being 1rst down, it gets challenged and overturned, yet when the call on the field states

    that the Pats were short on their first down attempt, it gets challenged and overturned in favor of a first down for them.

    So I guess on both plays, there was indisputable physical evidence that both calls get reversed, give me a break. Man, they see 20/20 on replays, possibly even better than that, yet can never get the call right the first time. Replay is a joke, just another manipulative tactic. Not really questioning whether or not correct calls were eventually made, they quite possibly could have been, it just seemed strange to me. Another thing, early in the game Fitz got pressure right up the middle by one of their lineman, who proceeded to hit him with his arms held high, and around the head area, no one can

    convince me that that would not have been roughing the passer had we done this to Marsha.

  9. I agree with most of what you say, however, with the crazy amounts of money being paid to top picks, I don't think Luck would lose major money coming to Buffalo. Peyton went to Indy, not exactly a media hotbed, and became the face of the NFL because he won (and cause he had a goofy charisma).


    He is the guy the Bills would want I think, but there's several factors working against him coming out. 1) He comes from a wealthy family, no need for money 2) Loves school 3) Possibily going to Bills

    We would have to have, pardon the pun, some Dumb Luck for that to happen!

  10. I believe he would have kicked the field goal. With just 26 seconds remaining on the 15 yard line, 3 points is your expected value even if you convert the 4th down. As for the resulting FG by the Patriots, well the defense just let us down.

    Big Cat, my how you have changed, no problem, this is a chat site, but you sir, are full of it.

    You can't actually sit there and say that Belicheat would have kicked a field goal there, not with

    a straight face at least.And my point is, if you are gonna have the gonads to try on on-side kick

    in that situation, then have them to go for a 4th and 1

  11. I was surprised, and it did catch them off guard, just couldn't capitalize on it, not sure it was the right call

    though, even with the element of surprise. We did stop them, so in esseccense it didn't hurt, I would have kicked off

    and got as much yardage back from the penalty possibble. I think a better move, would have been to go for it on 4th

    an one, instead of kicking the field goal earlier in the game, what do you think that Belicheat would have done there?

  12. I actually cahsed in last week by laying 13.5 against the Bills. It was a tough decision which I weighed until the last minute because 13.5 is a big number. I got a pretty good scare in the 2nd quarter but the game played out the way I thought it would and I'm $181.00 richer (risked $200. - vig.) because of it. This week I think I'll take the Bills in a 3 team 10 point teaser and hope that they keep it respectable. BTW I lost a 3 team 10 point teaser last week because of the Cowboys. I had Nebraska and Atlanta Falcons (which both covered easily) then I only needed the Cowboys +1 1/2 at home to cash in. :wallbash::bag:


    Better luck this week. Any suggestions?

    They are still causing you pain, aren't they?

  13. It is simply the right decision here. Trent had a chance. He has the tools, he edged out Fitz in camp, but all along Chan said that was the order they were in at that point, and it could change, and never "Trent is our guy, he is our starting QB, chips fall where they may". Trent was the slightly better performer out of three so-so QBs in camp, and Chan chose the best option at that time. The hope being that Trent could continue to put it together and perform once the season started.


    Trent fell flat on his face, not just with overall results, but with decisions and actions on individual plays. Chan doesn't need to give him six weeks to realize that it isn't working, and a fourth year QB who barely won the competition has a short leash. I'm happy for the spark and change because the first two weeks were pretty embarassing.


    I am disappointed that it isn't Brohm who at least has the mystery potential to be a good NFL QB that we could hope for, while I think we know Fitz's upside limits. Brohm will get his chance, and hopefully he takes better advantage of it than Trent did his. But for now, go Fitz!


    I also do wonder if it might have been a better bet to try to hide things and have the surprise advantage against the Pats, but probably in this age of Twitter it would have been too hard and made it more difficult for the two QBs during practice.



    Nice job, very well thought out and written.

  14. May the Lord Be With You...

    Ya know tbone, I have an issue with you Avatar, why don't you show one where you are actually pumping that weight.

    It's like you are perpetually prepared to pump, but are never quite pumping. I mean geez, there must be a whole

    20 lb.s on that bar!

  15. Mathews(of all people) goes unblocked into the backfield and gets to TE in 1.5 seconds and its TE's fault, Gotcha

    You are totally, IMO, correct sir, let me ask you this, do you agree with my assessment regarding Ben most

    likely being able to allude this? If you do, then why the hell can't Trent? Are you trying to tell me that you feel that

    Trent has this awareness that I am alluding to? I will grant you that Ben is a pretty tough standard to measure

    against, but most of the other decent QB's have this, and , IMO, Trent does not. That combined with his inability

    to forget about the last play, and his playing scared, and I don't know how anybody can't see, that this is the right move.

    This one play might not be the best example, although I feel that it is a perfect example of his lack of awareness, there

    are many, many other plays, where his lack of awaremnness is very apparent. Good QB's make lemonade out of lemons.

  16. OK, I am gonna take a shot here,our OL is bad, or at least not good, granted, but a good QB

    can hide a lot of an OL's deficencies. One glaring example of this was evident on the play agaimnst GB,

    where Trent fakes a hand-off to the left and does a naked bootleg to the right, and runs smack into

    Clay Mathhews. You could see as the play developed, that he had no clue as to the impending doom that

    was about to consume him. Ben Rothlisberger, (and I realize that this a tough comparison), would not only

    have ben aware of Matthews, but would have made a move to allude him as well, or would have just shrugged him

    off, and either got rid of it out of bounds, or most likely even completed it. I am not asking for Trent to suddenly

    morph into Big Ben, but he has absolutley no packet awareness at all, zero. Time to move on.

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