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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I'll let you in on a little secret: every team has those kind of fans. Yep, even our own Buffalo Bills. The Stillers do not have a monopoly on 'em. I grew up in a household of Stiller fans and none of 'em resemble your description. I also have some good friends who are Stiller fans who allow me to take my wife, also a Stiller fan, to a game @ Heinz Field (they have season tickets) every year. How arrogant of 'em, huh?


    I'll be rooting for a good game. If the Stillers win, that's okay w/ me. If the Jets win, that's fine also.

    Hey carpal, thanks for stating the obvious, you are so insightful, I too live in a household full of Stiller fans, and of course none of them resemble my description either, because they are headed up by an individual who has always preached

    respect, humility, and courtesy. My wife and daughter are diehard Stiller fans as well, and we too get invited regularly

    to games, I was at the San Diego, Denver, and one of the New England AFC Championship games, all of them coutesy of my fine

    Stiller freinds, and business associates, and the reason they do it is beacuse of what I stated above, and they know that I have the utmost respect for their team, am fun to be around, and I do not let my pasion for the Bills override my passion for good football. So yeah, you have a point, my brush was a little too broad in my description, it was more of a generalization, but I stand by my description, for the majority of them. Now get back to your gold and black worship service, sorry to interrupt that.

  2. I will be rooting for the Jets because I work with a ton of redneck Steeler fans!

    I am with you man, I haven't really worked up a real disdain for the Jets like I have for the Pats.

    Plus the Steeler fans are the most arrogant, spoiled little yinzers that you could possibly ever meet,

    I too live there, and work with a bunch of them. No matter how ingratiating you are with them, they still

    have this in your face attitude. I love it when they lose, they absolutley go canibalistic on their own team,

    Cowher is boinking his secretary, Kordell is gay, on and and on and on, remember that, none of it was true.

    Perfect scenario would have the Jets crushing the Stellers, and then the Packers crushing the Jets, not likely,

    but let's hope.

  3. I believe that until there is a new CBA that teams cannot sign free agents in the off season this year, making all of this a moot point. The only activity left under this CBA is the college draft...

    Probably, no doubt, why they hurried and signed Merrriman!

  4. Oh, Jimmy is real. My cousin did time in the joint with him and says Jimmy still pees the bed. :unsure:

    and puts out too!


    Guess I don't share your sense of humor. Some of the posts are funny, but not from this guy. The responses are what's funny. I just find it interesting that people could actually give this guy the time of day. To each his own I guess.

    and what prey tell, are you doing?

  5. You think your real clever huh Wormboy? You think I didn't notice you spelling Jimmy the girl way? I'm not going to let this bother me though because I am going to watch my Jets and smile.


    I will say I was reminded of you yesterday. Remember when the Jets was outsmarting Brady? I remember looking at Brady and it looked like his head was swimming. It was the same look a lot of my "customers" get when they realize what is about to happen to them. For you it was different. I was thinking of that royal flush I gave you when your head was actually swimming in the boss's toilet for an hour. That was fun. Well at least for me it was fun.




    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

    Jimmie, I noticed that all of your posts are edited shortly after you post them, spell much?

    I'll bet you talk as well as you spell you turd.

  6. Beast mode baby, 4 carries for 2 yards, after watching his first carry from the LOS, and even in spite of them

    (Hawks) being in pass/catch up mode most of the afternoon, we witnessed the real Marshawn, two steps to the left,

    a couple to the right, back a few, a small burst ahead for a 1 yard loss. He is not a very good running back,

    but he can sure dance, maybe a stint on DWTS is is his future, and btw, that run the week before, wasn't all that

    impressive, he should have been tackled for his typical 2 yard loss.

  7. Anyone who takes this as a serious post is a fool. This guy is yanking your chain. I only responded because I can't believe anyone would fall for this obvious hoax, just like they did last time. Do yourselves a favor and ignore this guy. It's a waste of time.

    You may very well be right, but what I don't understand, is how the moderators let this fool post in the first place.

    When I did respond last time, with what I thought was a pretty lame, maybe a little bit sarcastically, and the mods

    wipe my response out, what gives? If you are gonna censor responses, then don't let this fool post in the first place.

  8. I am happy your son is home safe, and I certainly thank him for his service. However, my issue is with you, your son is not a Bills fan? I have to question your parenting skills. If you have more children, quickly enroll in a parenting class immediately. :doh:

    We can set up some impromptu tutoring sessions if need be, but if he does convert, he is gonna need every bit of that tequilla. Seriously though, you should be extremly proud of him, as we all are, apparently you did something right.

    Ditto on the thanks from my family and I.

  9. I don't put too much stock in pre-season performances (otherwise Joique Bell would be a Pro Bowler), or what Gailey said after a pre-season game. Spiller was met in the backfield 4 times against the Dols. That's on the O-line, not Spiller.

    Very good point, the offensive line, although a bit better since Wood took over center, has not gotten any push

    in ions, and if that is not obvious to anybody watching a Bills game, then I will let you borrow my glasses.

    Jackson didn't do much better against the fins, or all year for that matter, and that is not an indightment

    on Freddy.

  10. Jimmy (maybe if you was nicer) Spagnola, where are you know, hard to show your allegiance after that beat down

    last night, where the hell are you? Now come on out and show your ugly face again. Jimmy we hardly knew ya. Now go crawl back under your green and white rock

    You have the audacity to come on our site and start spewing venom, and talkin brass knuckles and crap.

    Why don't we hear you now in your broken New York English, the Bills might not be all that, but your JETS JETS JETS SUCK SUCK SUCK. Be a man and come on the site and take your punishment like a man,


    Edited by Chandler#81 to remove personal attacks, name calling.

  11. The Bills deserved to lose today, they played horribly.


    Having said that, the officials should be fined & suspended or fired for the absolutely sh!!tty non-calls against the Vikings.


    Whitner gets penalized for a late hit on Jackson, on what was a borderline call.


    Jared Allen delivers an elbow to the back of Fitzpatrick's head after Fitz is down on the ground, and no flag whatsoever!!!Stevie Johnson makes a big catch over the middle runs down the sidelines for a first down, steps out of bounds and gets clocked by the Vikings safety, AFTER HE WAS OUT OF BOUNDS, and NO FLAG!!!


    No these non-calls did not decide the game, but there is no excuse for missing them either.

    I saw that, what a dirty player that Allen is. Funny that niether one of the announcers even commented on that late hit.

    Although the were all over every other one. I hope that Allen gets his, he may have been a beast yesterday, but I think his ship has sailed. And another thing, were there not two separate horse collar tackles by Minnesota that went uncalled, or were my eyes decieving me?

  12. I totally did not understand the outcome of this play? I do get that a "tie" in possession goes to the offense..fine. But the guys shoulder pads landed out of bounds? I thought on a reception, the receiver has to land with some part of his body in-bounds first? Seemed like a gift to Minnesota to award them a TD on that one.

    We've seen some weird crap happen to the Bills this year. Like Reggie Corner's non-interception vs. Baltimore b/c his foot was on Boldin's foot when they landed. Then the very next week in a random NFL game, I watched the same play get awarded as an interception. Just weird man.

    Exactly what I was thinking, come on, nobody had possesion until they both came down and landed out of bounds, should

    have been an incomplete pass.

  13. Get real dude. I agree with him 100%. Goodell's ruining this league. With all the extending the schedule to 18 games and trying to get 2 London games every year now. Who cares about international play? NObody outside North America cares about this sport. And if you want to eliminate concussions in this game, theres an EASY solution to the problem. Make football a 2 hand touch league.

    From the responses that I have read so far, I think that most people agree with what he his complaining about,

    I think that it's just the guy do the complaining is what most take umberage with. No team has been more favored

    with stupid rules and the like, than the Steelers. They also have a horeshoe surgically implanted in their collective rear ends.

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