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Everything posted by Defender51

  1. On the Buffalo Game Day program on WGR... "Obviously Josh Reed being out today is a huge loss".
  2. Jeff Gordon's wife's hairdresser has a Bills coffee cup. Happy?
  3. Gordon finds pole at one of his least successful tracks, turning fast lap at Texas http://sports.espn.go.com/rpm/nascar/cup/n...tory?id=3675945 Hehe...he finally found it, did he? OK...I'm done being a 5th grader now. Thanks for stopping by.
  4. Hey, speaking of dogma, practice what ya preach, pal. Keep YOUR dogma off the boards, too.
  5. And I was about to blast you for trying to compare Trent Edwards to Rob Johnson....and then I read the article. It's one thing to mangle someone's name on TV when you don't have the benefit of a do-over, but when you mangle someone's name in print....well, let's just say he might have taken a few too many to the dome in his days with Dallas. Or...maybe he and Mike Irvin shared more than highlights. Seriously, though, couldn't he have at least called him Trent Kelly?
  6. Agreed. Next week will be a good evaluation tool of that, though. I don't yet have a handle on this team as to be able to say whether or not they SHOULD beat the "Bretts", but it's a tough division game that should go some ways towards proving what they may or may not have learned about themselves yesterday.
  7. See, I mostly agree with your post, but not fully. I don't agree that Buffalo lost the division title with this game...yet. Your point about what the Bills need....RIGHT ON. When this season began, I agreed with your point about the Bills being a 9-7 or 10-6 Wild Card team. I don't agree with that now. Because of injury, the division is open and the Bills have a chance to take advantage of that.
  8. I was at the game. When it first started, the stadium was just above half full, but it wound up being about three quarters full or more as the game progressed. It actually was pretty loud at times when the Bills were backed up in their own end, which happened far too much, btw. From the game, I was looking for Lynch on that first drive. He was actually sitting on the table behind the benches where you are normally being looked at if something is wrong with you. I guess that he was a bit dinged up...not really sure. Did they not mention it on TV? Pretty humbling game today. I only hope that maybe they didn't take Miami seriously. As badly as they played today, they were in that game pretty much right up until the end. You can't have a fourth quarter where your possessions end in turnover, turnover, safety, turnover. That's a backbreaker.
  9. Perhaps the logic can begin with YOU then, boy.
  10. My wife and I are coming down from Orlando. I know we are dead center in one of the end zones, row 16. I've never had those seats before, but I imagine I'll be watching most of the game through the goal posts. I believe we are sitting in the end zone right above the tunnel. I'm too lazy to go get the tickets and look. My wife and I did the Miami game last year and were stunned at the number of Bills fans that were there. We won the game, so it was a blast afterwards.
  11. I love the song and the sentiment. I also envy the amount of time it appears you have on your hands.
  12. Good point. I love Trent Edwards right now, but I have a little itch in the back of my mind. How's he gonna play in the second half of the year when the weather is less than desireable, and can he avoid the injury bug? I only worry about these things because he has given reason to. We'll see how it plays out.
  13. Being the alarmist that I sometimes can be, I find myself wondering things like, maybe it's NOT the power. Maybe there was a shooting at the stadium or something. I know, it's out there, but it seems to me that an NFL stadium should be prepared for moments such as this. If not, all I can say is....only in Buffalo.
  14. Probably one of the smartest posts I've seen since the loss yesterday. Look, I can't stand JP Losman, but he didn't start making really boneheaded plays until the game was pretty much out of reach. It got out of reach because the Bills got a taste of a true NFL offense and had no answers for it. So, my disklike for JP aside, he is not the reason the Bills lost this game. When we picked up Marcus Stroud, we assumed that our pass rush would improve. What's going on here is not his fault, either. He's taking on his men, taking on double teams. The problem we have is that Schobel and Kelsay just aren't good enough. If Schobel can't have a field day with Mike freaking Gandy...well, what does that say about him? Back in the days when we actually had a Pat Williams or a Ted Washington in the middle, we also had the Phil Hansens to beat their one on one man. I'm not even talking about Bruce Smith. You don't need a guy like him when you have a beast in the middle like that. You just need a consistent guy on the outside that can beat his man. Schobel and Kelsay just can't get it done. (i.e...we have too much money wrapped up in our DEs) Someone else here said something I thought was pretty smart, concerning the fact that you got the feeling that the Bills were pretty much damned if you do and damned if you don't in that game as far as making the decision to blitz or not blitz. They (the Cardinals) were just as effective with quick hitters as they were with normal passes. I will say this, and I said it last year when they were doing the same thing against Tom Brady and the Patriots*. If they are gonna beat you anyway, why not at least bring some heat? Make the quarterback feel some pain. You never know, especially in the case of Kurt Warner, who tends to get a bit happy footed out there when you start knocking him around. As far as the loss is concerned, yeah it was a straight massacre. They happen. Hell, if you're a Bills fan, we have enough heartbreak losses to go off of and remember forever. Wide right, Music City Miracle to name a couple. But, there were times in the glory days of Bills football that those teams would go out and drop a turd on the road. You don't remember those games, do you? Hell, I have to think real hard myself, and I've been watching every game the Bills played since 1994, when I got my first Direct TV dish, and before then I listened to most on the radio or caught them on TV whenever they were on. I'm not comparing these Bills to those Bills, but I am saying that games like this just happen. There is a true test two weeks from now that will begin to tell the Bills' saga as history will remember this particular team. Call me crazy, but I think the Bills are going to have a statement game against the Bolts after the bye. I've always hated the adage that you learn from a loss, but this might be one of those times. The Bills just found out that they aren't invincible. Let's see how they respond.
  15. HHHmmmmm. Guess maybe we need to evaluate this defense a bit, huh? Trent getting hurt has NOTHING to do with this bomb getting dropped on us today. I'm not doomspelling for the Bills, as I think they are still a good football team, but let's not go buying those playoff tickets just yet, huh?
  16. Ha! Yes...EXACTLY what he said! Ya prick.
  17. Oh me of little faith. I'm man enough to admit I was wrong, and I'm loving every fooking second of it.
  18. I warned about this earlier in the week. Nobody listened. Maybe you'll start as the Bills will get embarrassed today.
  19. The Rams have sucked, sure enough, but are you assuming that the pressure is going to be less because it's the Rams? This is a desperate team with some talent at home. Doesn't Leonard Little still play for the Rams? Is he hurt? A game we should win, but teams that aren't winning sometimes scare me.
  20. I've kinda learned my lesson when it comes to buying jerseys. What you do is up to you, but I have stopped buying jerseys of current players. I really, REALLY want a Marshawn Lynch jersey, but I also really, REALLY wanted a Willis McGahee jersey, a Drew Bledsoe jersey and a London Fletcher jersey. Because I had purchased the previous three, I haven't purchased Marshawn's. Instead, I bought the "throwback" (and by that, I mean the jersey we wore just previous to the ones we wear now) Thurman Thomas jersey. I already had a Jim Kelly jersey. These guys will always be Bills (except for that one forgettable year that Thurman played with the 'Fins, but at least he came back and retired as a Bill) and as a result, I will never have to scramble to sell their jerseys on ebay for pennies on the dollar. You seem to prefer defensive linemen. Why not a Phil Hansen or a Bruce Smith?
  21. Not that you've proven worthy of my reply, but look at the opponents that a HEALTHY Turner has faced. I don't know if you noticed it, but my grandmother went in in the fourth quarter against Kansas City and rushed for 65 yards in clock winding mode.
  22. Nice to know that I don't have to read any more from you to know that I can completely discount anything you ever say again.
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