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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. maybe they figure one or two are expendable depending on what kind of talent shows up on the waiver wire -- or one or two are headed for special teams?
  2. Wow -- telling the admins how to run their site? You've got a set
  3. I'd hate to be a guy who was cut in favor of someone else's castoffs. But that's life and stuff happens.
  4. Mebbe they were looking at the other teams' castoffs -- to see what might be out there before they commit?
  5. Now comes the burning question of the day: who gets picked up first, Bomar or Leinart?
  6. Yes, but the front of the shirt says "Buffalo Fan Tried and True". The phrase "you dog one of us..." is on the back of the shirt.
  7. Quoting you: "Not sure the reason for your personal attack, but I am certain that it is against forum rules. Button it please."
  8. Let's see, you call Moats a diamond in the rough. Your doppleganger Dr. Zaius calls Rhett Bomar a diamond in the rough. You two must be either the best football scouts in the world -- or jewelers. (sarcasm on) (sarcasm off).
  9. Probably not, but that's because even though it's the same underlying message, it doesn't have the same cache.
  10. I prefer to think of it as celebrating the Head Coach for sticking up for his players.
  11. Was that the game where the fans tore down the goalposts to celebrate the win and passed the goalposts up to the owners box?
  12. I wasn't sure where to slap this link, so I figured the home opener thread is the place. Packers Fan Announces He Will Return To Drinking for Another Season
  13. Agreed -- from what little I saw of the preseason it looked like the Bills were in a 4-3 as often as 3-4
  14. I know what you mean -- but clearly he doesn't share our opinion.
  15. I've been known to start slurring my words by the second half as well. But then I'm usually in front of the TV and not on TV.
  16. You and your doppleganger Dr. Zaius were talking up Bomar like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I thought I'd take a look at him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt -- I said he could have been having a bad day -- but based on his performance he did not look like the "upgrade." On another note, I get the Merle Haggard/Okie from Muskogee/Rhett Bomar/Oklahoma connection, but I can't figure out how Dr. Zaius from the Planet of the Apes figures in the equation. Can you enlighten us?
  17. I'm more inclined to go with something a little more direct and something that strikes a bit more fear into the opposition. I'd like something along the lines of "Your worst motherf***ing nightmare." But, hey, I'm a crude mofo at heart and my tastes might not appeal to everyone.
  18. Good point -- we are guests here at TBD. However, a good host has the responsibility to ensure that the guests are comfortable and well attended to. So, my feeling is that if we guests want to be able to discuss a game in a thread, then the host should do what he can to accommodate his guests.
  19. No, Sonny and Sam are regular-season announcers, although I've usually heard them on the radio in my car. I try to avoid local team broadcasts like the plague. The level of homerism in Washington DC is both alarming and depressing.
  20. To tell the truth I kind of enjoyed listening to Steve Tasker and Ray Bentley these last two weeks. I guess my ears have been completely numbed by 27 years of listening to local announcers for the games played by the Washington football club with the racist nickname. These guys (Sonny Jurgenson and Sam Huff) are the worst in the world. My only question about them is do they spit or swallow.
  21. "You have to properly follow proper protocol."
  22. A lot of companies have personal conduct policies. And a lot of companies that have personal conduct policies will fire your butt in the blink of an eye if they think your behavior is going to cast them in a bad light. The NFL is no different -- or it shouldn't be. So if this bozo Spikes is stupid enough to put himself on the internet getting his rocks off with some two-bit slut then he deserves to be punished. I mean if he wants to have sex with useless tramps, then he can hang out with Big Ben. The NFL has a a good thing going -- and a lot at stake -- financially. It doesn't want some horny jagoff to spoil that.
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