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Everything posted by TimGraham

  1. Doesn't mean they're not working on anything, just quiet for now ... I have reason to believe the report that Miami doesn't want Coles. I don't have any new info on Kendall Simmons.
  2. I've made a couple calls, but all is quiet in Orchard Park for today.
  3. Another thing to consider: If the Bills are Coles' only option, what kind of mood will this guy be in? Disgruntled probably.
  4. Miami might not be as interested as everyone assumed they'd be.
  5. That's exactly true (the story part, not the celebrity part). What I wrote last night was the substance of my radio segment. In fact, the moment I hung up, I wrote that blog while the ideas were fresh in my mind. I had a one-liner about the Dolphins that made the hosts laugh out loud, so I made sure to use it again ...
  6. I don't think so. The first wave of free agency is for the elite players. Losman's options are the same today than they were 48 hours ago. He knows he's not going anywhere to be the starter. Backup QB money is pretty much set in stone.
  7. Losman has been out of the country. His agent hasn't been arranging any meetings until he gets back.
  8. That would have been a serious upgrade.
  9. I did check The Mansion first. It's the only place in Buffalo that should be used to impress celebrities, prominent politicians, etc. I did eventually find out where his room was booked. Without naming it, you would be disappointed in the choice. But before you bag on the team ... the Bills might not have sent him there. He and his agent might have booked it on their own just in case they needed to stay overnight.
  10. That rundown is sort of true ... But everything I said was in response to a question from the hosts about how you sell an organization that hasn't been to the playoffs in nine years. I then went down the list of how losing teams can recruit, and told a story of how I tried to figure out which WNY hotel Laveranues Coles was staying in and thought to myself "He can't be thrilled with his surroundings," because Buffalo hotels are substandard compared to what athletes are used to. When I covered the NHL, Buffalo hotels were a running joke. These guys usually stay in Ritz Carltons and Renaissances. When they come to Buffalo, they stay at the Hampton Inn. I also imagined what it must have been like for Fred Taylor to see Ralph Wilson Stadium and Gillette Stadium on back-to-back days. I said The Ralph is fine, but it doesn't compare to a brand new arena with a cool mall, a Hall of Fame, hospital and movie theater attached to it. I never came remotely close to saying what's in No. 4. Canada wasn't even mentioned during the segment and I never predicted what types of players the Bills would sign or how much they would spend. I also never said Fitzpatrick was going to be their best signing. Hangartner alone is more significant, and as Bulldog and I discussed Friday on WGR, I think they have a legit shot at Laveranues Coles. Not sure where Nightcrawler got all that. As for No. 3, the first part is true, the second part I did not say. I did say Buffalo's best shot of getting free agents is to overspend to compensate for its lack of recent success. They'll have to way overbid to compete with teams like the Patriots. But it's cool that somebody would listen to what I have to say and take notes. Thanks for posting this.
  11. From Western New York native (and my former Palm Beach Post teammate) Brian Biggane ... http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-5-143...o-Dolphins.html
  12. You're welcome, everybody. Should be a lot more over the coming hours and days.
  13. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-5-123...approaches.html
  14. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-5-122...k-McIntyre.html
  15. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-5-120...off-roster.html
  16. Not to be a tool, but I reported it. Rotoworld took it. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-5-93/...pen-market.html
  17. I wrote it wouldn't improve his outlook. I didn't say it would get worse. There doesn't appear to be a significant piece of unreported info out there that will save him.
  18. I'm in Indianapolis. High temp is supposed to be 27 tomorrow. I stand no chance in my fleece. But 92 degrees and 94 percent humidity is no way to enjoy a summer.
  19. Good thing you said "sports media" and not "newspapers." You might have a shot. And thanks for reading my stuff. Given the current job market, I hope you have a chance to keep reading it ...
  20. Don't forget my Joe Mesi coverage. But we'll need a new category for reporters who move on, make a name for themselves and move back anyway.
  21. Sit tight for now. We should know a lot more in 48 hours. And I'm hearing the info won't improve Lynch's outlook.
  22. A funny line today when asking a source how odd it would be to see a black man in a Mercedes in Culver City ... "The officers that arrested him might drive Mercedes." The town is wealthy and loaded with entertainers. These guys aren't backwoods hicks trying to make a name on a celebrity arrest. If anything, they know the scrutiny that comes with it.
  23. I wouldn't get too caught up into the fact nobody was arrested for marijuana possession -- because in California, it's usually not an arrestable offense. Again, this is California, La-La Land, where authorities are pretty lenient on stuff like that. I'm guessing the police aren't going to open up the cigars and painstakingly separate the marijuana from the tobacco and then weigh the marijuana to see if it's a $100 fine or a $500 fine. I don't know this to be the case last Wednesday, but once the cops see a loaded gun, that's all they care about. Cops on patrol don't go around looking to write tickets for marijuana. Had there been no gun, they probably let everybody off the hook with a warning. They didn't write anybody up for the improper plates either. Plus, the fact the police didn't charge anybody for marijuana possession only underscores their justification -- in my mind -- for arresting Lynch on the gun charge. If they truly were trying to railroad anybody or screw the superstar athlete, they would have popped him for the weed, too. Based on what I learned Tuesday, the arrest report will be enlightening once it's made public. But, for the record, this is California law on marijuana possession: Possession of 28.5 grams or less of marijuana is not an arrestable offense. As long as the offender can provide sufficient identification and promises to appear in court, the officer will not arrest the offender. Upon conviction of the misdemeanor charge the offender is subject to a fine of $100 (no incarceration possible). Possession of greater than 28.5 grams is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $500. In other words, why bother once you see a loaded gun?
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