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Everything posted by TimGraham

  1. This has been a frequent question, but I haven't been able to find anything out about this. But I'm guessing the Bills at least have spoken to the Broncos.
  2. I'm confident the Bills will keep him. I would say two or four games, with my hunch being the former.
  3. I'd love it if everybody prowled around my AFC East blog on ESPN.com. Leaving comments would be good, too. My bosses seem to notice comment counts more than anything else, and I interact with readers there, too. But don't go out of your way.
  4. Yeah, but you guys get me every day. I usually will be able to sit down and answer most questions at night, but I will try to stop by once or twice during the day.
  5. Based on conversations I've had with people who would know, the Bills are not shopping Marshawn Lynch. He will remain their primary back.
  6. He would be a great addition for the Bills. If he truly is on the market as reported, I'm sure the Bills have looked or are looking into it. We don't know what the Broncos might be asking for in return.
  7. Not sure what the Bills have in mind at receiver. I would agree that Galloway doesn't seem like the best fit for their needs, but that's purely from an outside perspective. I don't know what their strategy is on that position. As for Waters, I have heard the same rumor you have. But I have heard nothing that corroborates it. I did read a Jason Whitlock column that said Waters wouldn't be traded.
  8. I have not lived in Buffalo. I lived in the Town of Tonawanda. But I did have a Buffalo zip code. I did live in Las Vegas. Off of Durango, north of Tropicana. My answer to the last question would be tainted by the fact I interact with Bills fans much more than those of the other three teams. But when it comes to my chats, the Bills fans come out strongest when their team is winning.
  9. I drive past it all the time, but I haven't gone in. I live in Coral Springs, too far away from Davie to be setting up at the bar there.
  10. No relation, but my brother's name is Jeff. As for the football questions, that may be an issue to s certain extent, but I don't know if that has impacted them in the past few days. Fred Taylor and Chris Baker chose the Patriots because they're the Patriots.
  11. It's a great signing for Trent Edwards. Based on Edwards' injury history, you have to assume the No. 2 QB will play a couple games. But Fitzpatrick doesn't have the clout to create a QB controversy if he steps in and does well. Edwards is the clear starter, and you don't need Dick Jauron to tell you that (as you did with Losman). That's why a guy like Jon Kitna would have been a headache waiting to happen had he been brought in. The Fitzpatrick signing was a savvy choice as far as propping up Edwards.
  12. Whatever game plan the Bills have for the draft, they wouldn't be telling me. That info is too sensitive to share outside the organization -- even with people you trust.
  13. Fred Jackson definitely will be back, but the number of years is the question. He wants a long-term deal, but he's closing in on 30, which is when teams usually are getting rid of running backs. I think since he has received his qualifying offer and can't sign with anyone else, the Bills can get to him whenever. That deal might not get hammered out for a few more weeks.
  14. The questions are piling up, but I do have stories to write today ... So I'll probably nibble at a few quickies and then come back to answer the rest later.
  15. Honored, shmonered. ... I'm incredibly flattered that anybody would care enough about my opinion to do this. When Lori suggested it, I said I would be thrilled to do it. I have no other such setup with the other three AFC East teams, but any way I can interact with Bills fans, I'm all for it. Keeping it clean was Lori's rule, not mine. But her judgment is better than mine, so I agree it's a good idea. Just a couple of thoughts ... I'll talk about all sorts of topics here that I might not be prepared to write about, but because my byline is the symbol of whatever credibility and integrity I've built up in this profession, there will be some questions I won't be able to answer. In the Internet Age, anything I post here could be construed as a published story. So the general rule of thumb I'll try to follow is this standard: If you were to run into me at a bar -- the chances are pretty high of that -- and we were to strike up casual conversation, anything I would feel comfortable telling you in that setting, I will tell you here. I'll try to stay on this as much as I can, but there might be long periods between activity. But this site already is part of my daily routine. Thanks for letting me hang around.
  16. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-6-15/...with-Greer.html
  17. It's like a painting. Each set of eyes interprets differently.
  18. Awwww shucks. You're not so bad yourself. Next time, I'm grabbing the bowling ball.
  19. I don't see why not. I do have some restrictions in my contract, but I think those pertain only to broadcast appearances.
  20. What I have learned in the past few minutes is the Dolphins definitely are out for Coles.
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