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Everything posted by TimGraham

  1. Actually, no. We have a no-edit policy. It's a legal thing that's common for sites that display reader feedback. If we edit anything, we're legally bound to edit everything or else be liable for slander or other such bad things. The comments section at the bottom of stories has a filter for profanity, but the mailbag is open. So either your take will run in full or not at all. So don't try to sneak in any bad words!
  2. True that. Thanks to everybody for dropping a line so far. And for those who think they wrote too much, don't worry. I'll read them all.
  3. I can't get past the Bills' 0-6 record against the AFC East. There isn't much difference between 1st and 3rd, but I think there's a big gap between 2nd and 4th.
  4. Guys: I want to put together a post that gives ESPN's audience an idea of what diehard Buffalo Bills fans think of the Terrell Owens signing. I could've put out this plea on my AFC East blog, but I want to be be sure I'm hearing from legit Bills fans, and this is the place for that. If you'd like to contribute (and I hope you do), please click on this link and leave your thoughts. http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/mailbagESPN?event_id=21506 I'm be looking for more than just "Hell yeah!" or "Go Bills!" Please let me know whether you like this signing and why. Do you think he will make a difference? Do you think his act will be received well in blue-collar Buffalo? How tolerant will everybody be? Will this get them to the playoffs? There are all sorts of angles to considerm positive and negative. I'll collect the best responses and use them in a post on Sunday or Monday, depending on how quickly the submissions come in. This post will be a cool way for non-Bills fans to see what you think of this move. People from around the world will get a glimpse of what you're talking about here. Of course, I will be plugging TBD in the final post. Thanks in advance. Tim
  5. Thanks, wonderbread. I'm never sure where that can be heard.
  6. 1) Pettigrew is the most complete tight end in the draft. He's a great blocker, but he can catch, too. You're right, though, in that he's not all that fast. 2) The Bills would have to give up a first and a third to sign Daniels, who is a restricted free agent and has been given the maximum tender. But I agree with the gist of what you're getting at.
  7. I don't think either can be labeled No. 1 or No. 2. The critical question is whether T.O. will care about a designation, but I don't think he will as long as the ball comes his way.
  8. I won't miss Joey Porter as much now that I'll have T.O. in my new back yard.
  9. I didn't mean that it makes no sense from a football standpoint. I meant it makes no sense in that the scenario doesn't compute. The Bills simply haven't operated this way.
  10. I guess it could. But the ultimate turnaround in the organization's reputation will happen when they win more than they lose.
  11. I'm sure they're not thrilled because of how dangerous he can be on the field, but they also know there's a reasonable percentage the move will backfire. Otherwise, all sorts of teams would have been in the mix.
  12. Makes no sense because the Bills have avoided these types of signings for years.
  13. 6:15 p.m. news conference scheduled. We don't know for what exactly, but I suspect they've either signed him or someone in the front office will explain why they've brought him in. When anybody else has visited and spoken to the press, they've called it "media availability."
  14. I believe it because the reports are from guys I respect, but it makes no sense.
  15. You believe you were "gushing with respect and appreciation," but you leave it as this: "With total respect, as well as appreciation for you spending time with us, I gotta tell ya that this is hard to believe." No matter how you make it look pretty, you were telling me I was full of crap.
  16. Gee, I didn't know you were owed this information. I'll try harder next time. I also didn't know I was here to serve you. Your genuine appreciation makes me want to keep coming back.
  17. If you want details on the dialogue before each pick, I'm sorry. I don't have that kind of inside-the-war room information. Dick Jauron signs off on every move, and everybody answers to Ralph. But based on what I've been told it's a consensus. Modrak pitches the guys he wants. Guy pitches the guys he wants. Jauron approves or disapproves. Overdorf decides who they can pay. Beyond that, I can't help you.
  18. The Jim Kelly/Jack Kemp group has been out there, but I'd like to hear where they're getting their money. And Jack Kemp is said to be quite ill. Ted Rogers was another serious possibility, but he passed away last fall. Ralph might outlive everybody.
  19. Bleu cheese (never ranch) is for the wings. And I prefer carrots to the celery ... I can see the Bills signing more than one linebacker, but their track record is to spend on the first-stringers and skimp on the backups. That's why it's easier to envision them signing a free agent and drafting another. At east to me, anyway. But I'm just guessing.
  20. Nobody makes a decision without Ralph's blessing. But in general, Tom Modrak makes the draft decisions. John Guy makes the free agency recommendations and Jim Overdorf keeps them within the budget.
  21. In 2005 I was covering the Sabres for the Buffalo News. Well, for the second half of 2005 I was. During the first half of 2005 I was looking for ways to justify my paycheck.
  22. I don't think they've consciously thrown in the towel, but they sure seem like an organization that has run out of ideas. When that happens, new blood is needed in the front office. They have declined to bring in new blood.
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