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Everything posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. I agree. It would be nice to actually see an exciting game, despite the outcome...unfortunately, we get a game where there is a whopping 31 yards of Bills offense in the first half. If nothing else, I'm missing halfway decent football on other channels. My Saints fan friend said he actually fell asleep to the Bills game.
  3. Porter is 2nd in the league in sacks, and the Bills can't seeem to adjust....They deserve getting beat on every play they don't help peters
  4. Doubt it. The Bills front office live in some fantasy land that overrates the level of talent of their roster
  5. I tell you one thing. TBD is like free therapy or AA for being a bills fan. Nothing like being able to bithc about the sorry state of my favorite team with others
  6. Nice pass coverage by our DE. Seems that we see that once or twice a game Nice scouting by the otheer team
  7. If I played D for the Bills, I would be pissed. They have to be tired at the end of each game as of late...they seem to be on the field all day long.
  8. Hey, don't give up hope, we are still mathematically in the playoff hunt....
  9. here it goes goes.... the Bills are going to run off 21 unanswered points.
  10. He's in the huddle, so the opposing team doesn't know they're doing the wildcat until they lineup
  11. Wow, anyone who starts Losman is either desperate, doesn't care, or just doesn't know.
  12. How do you know who to cut yet before you actually have a better feel for your team post draft and free agency?
  13. I guess he'd rather have the offense go thru him, and have his team in 3rd or 4th place in the division...idiot! some people just can't handle success. Think of all the players that would sacrifice the individual accolades to be in the position he's in
  14. Nope. Tim Tebow is the man, but we need a DE, DT, center, RT, and another WR. If he's still there, I take Michael Johnson, DE, from GT.
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