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Everything posted by biglukes

  1. Because there is a law that any and all ex patsies who want to go into broadcasting, must be immediately hired by a major network and given a starring role.
  2. I wouldn't say it's getting lulled as much as I think that there should definitely be plays to be made in the passing game. Cleveland has shown to be very opportunistic with all the interceptions early on this year. But as long as Fitz protects the ball, the Browns are susceptible to giving up large chunks of yardage through the air.
  3. Cleveland is ranked 28th against the pass this year. They've given up an average of 300 yards through the air over the first 2 games. Plus Joe Hayden is suspended. Doesn't sound too intimidating. Just don't turn the ball over.
  4. The 7 nation army chant before kickoffs has been going on since last season.
  5. It does seem like the universe conspires to make games against Cleveland as ugly as possible.
  6. Spiller doesn't really strike me as much of a dancer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he pretty much just celebrate with his teammates and jump into the stands. He just doesn't strike me as the personality who would have his own TD dance.
  7. I pretty much never leave early but the guys I go with were nagging me so we left when the Bills knelt it and that loser Crennell kept calling time outs. There was like a minute and a half to go at that point. People leaving early in a blowout doesn't bother me. It's when people bolt out early in a close one that does. Like at Sabres games where it'll be a one goal or tie game in the third and people start racing to the exits with 5 minutes left.
  8. I heard Chuck Lester put in an application for the equipment manager opening.
  9. Yeah this is a pretty clear case of an obvious troll job. Obvious and weak.
  10. The teams that still have the old style or monochromatic collars chose to either not incorporate the flywire collar into the jersey or keep the upper portion the same color as the jersey so everything completely blends. Nike offered a few different variations of uniform designs/materials and teams chose the ones that they wanted. That's why you see a few different jersey styles among all the teams. I hope that clears it up a little bit.
  11. Cutler always either looks like he's ready to go on a stabbing spree or like he's stoned out of his mind. The guy's a nut job.
  12. It's been covered many times. Long story short, the collars have to do with the Nike flywire technology being unable to make the front part any color but the same color as the jersey.
  13. For me, the list begins and ends with George Carlin. I can't think of anyone I could even put as a close second.
  14. Thank you for the smart and level headed response. There seems to be far too few of these around these days.
  15. Freddy's leg broke because he was undrafted, Fitz's ribs got busted because he was a 7th rounder, and Kyle had the Achilles problem because he was taken in the 5th? Actually though, what your saying might have merit for past years when around November we would have guys nobody has ever heard of playing prominent roles. I don't think that was the case at all though last year, when you look at who was hurt and how they got hurt.
  16. It seems that we run better out of spread formations than when we're in more traditional set up. I would anticipate that we spread the field a lot still.
  17. If the picture on Corey McIntyre's twitter is any indication, looks like they'll be wearing blue jerseys tomorrow.
  18. Madden had that as an option last year too but the Bills have never worn them or as far as I know ever said anything about them even having them. Maybe I just missed hearing something, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  19. I hadn't heard of that one until this thread, but it's apparently supposed to be good. 8.7 rating on IMDB.
  20. You're so die hard you're refusing to watch them and crying about a season that actually has some promise and hasn't even started yet. Yet you come to this message board to piss all over people who are excited. Just because your miserable doesn't mean everyone else needs to be or they're look aid drinking fan boys. Get over yourself captain miserable. Besides, what kind of 52 year calls someone a "tardo"?
  21. I might see Trouble With The Curve. If for no other reason than I'm in love with Amy Adams.
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