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hit and marshawn

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Everything posted by hit and marshawn

  1. 12- 4 wild card team We should sweep miami, and the jets imo, should beat the raiders, cards, broncos, chiefs, 9ers, and rams. This leaves us needing to pick up two games from tough opponents. I think we beat the browns at home on monday night, based on an inferior team last year taking the much superior cowboys to the wire at home on monday night due to sheer adreniline. We are improved and at least evenly matched with the browns imo. I also think this is the year we finnaly split with the pats, I see McKelvin staying with moss, McGee on their No 2, and greer handeling welker in the slot, which is usually a mismatch, greer is a great cover guy and size will not hurt him in this match up. That leaves us at 12-4 with losses to the pats, jacksonville, SD, and the inevitable slip game, where we do something that we shouldnt like lose to the jets, in NJ, One home playoff game and then who knows?
  2. How bittersweet will it be to make the playoffs this year, while we get to celebrate making the playoffs, but a gaurentee that we have to watch replays of the music city miracle before every commercial. Guess we better make it a home game so we wont see it being at the stadium!
  3. I was at the Cleveland game, neither QB could be blamed for a poor preformance. The weather was horrendous, you could litterally have shot a ball out of a cannon and it would not have gone straight, there were times where from my seats i couldnt even see the goal posts, and multiple times my beer froze in my hand, so people need to stop using that game as a barometer for how trent played last season
  4. The bills are winning the super bowl this year and THAT is a fact
  5. I think if you look at his deep passes last year he had a little bit more of a learning curve than JP in trying to adjust to the speed on these throws.There was a 3 week stretch, I remember, where he had lee open deep, and the first time he over threw him, then under threw him, then he hit him in stride in that miami game i believe it was. He has a good arm, and will be just fine once he gets the timing down on that pass
  6. I would entertain the trade at least, we have a lot of corners right now, and so far he has been a bust in a postition that is said to have a reletivly easy transition out of college
  7. mine was 1990 i was 3 years old and we were playing the jets, and i think we got lit up, then i didnt go again untill the season with the flutie jonson controversy, when i was able to have seasons, and ive had them ever sense. My favorite all time game that i have gone to was either the miami game in the snow the first year with bledsoe or the recent monday nighter untill the last 30 seconds
  8. I also used to love when we had both fat pats washington and williams, those guys were beasts in the inside. Also macellous wiley was a beast, and he came into his own pretty soon after we lost bruce so i loved him
  9. Ya i agree i used to love him and fletch togeather, i remember in 04 against kc on prime time when both teams were unbeaten in the start of the season, I think or maybe we had one loss, before a sunday night game and they were both just going nuts. Then we got that safty on a blocked punt, then got blown out, but that linebacking core was narsty that year
  10. My favorite player that we recently got rid of was london fletcher. I loved that guy he was an animal every week, i agree with the decision, seeing as how he was getting old, but i miss his intensity on our defense
  11. Seahawks, lions, panthers, and jags ahead of us? none of them have won anything, and have only been to the big game once and lost for most of them. How are the lions ahead of the bills seriously, one good player ever, and what like one playoff win? Thats a garbage ranking
  12. I dont know if i would pick that guy for the bills, wasnt he one of chicagos super fans
  13. Well i thought maybe the RB thing may work now, maybe a packaged deal since they have recently released benson, and are shopping for a RB in FA. JP i think will be less of a locker room guy with one year left on his contract, and a desire to go somewhere else with a chance to start.
  14. What would you think about trading either JP, or one of our back up rbs since we are newly deep at this position to chicago for some draft pick next year, they are desperate for a qb, and rb after the release of benson, and the constant lack of consitency out of their qb's. While JP hasn't been consistant he may be better than what they have.
  15. Metzalars is the last one to stand out your right, it really has been a long time, I feel like he was allowed to become that guy though based on the WRs around him and the thurmonator , if your a 3rd or 4th option on a play, you get to benefit from the match up and emerge as a star, which is hopefully what a TE in our system can do with Evans, Hardy/ Reed / Rosco, and lynch out of the backfield
  16. I cant even rememeber the last really standout TE we have had here. I was somewhat young when Remersma was here, but i still remember him dropping a bunch of passes, however i dont really think that it is essential to have a star TE if you have some other sort of threat. I feel like the guys we have could step up and just be role players and that would make our offense that much more dynamic
  17. I think we could be ok with what we have at TE, and also if Marshawn or any RB can get more active in the passing game it will allow for our TE to have more oppertunities to get open.
  18. sorry for asking a question ment to get a few laughs, we can go back to talking about lynch hit and runs again, and you can keep touching yourself at work trying to pull potato chip crumbs out of your bush while crying about how the last bleep you touched was when you were coming out of your mom
  19. whats that you got there a naked guy with a bush as your picture
  20. Edwards does not have a noodle arm what so ever, in his first year he couldnt throw the deep ball as accuratly as jp granted, but that will come with timing, he gets a lot of zip on the ball and can make deep throws into traffic as well as the ever illusive 10 yard outs that jp has such a hard time with
  21. Henrys on that one too cause if i was coaching, all of henrys' baby mamas would just be turning leagal age so we could also have some fun fielding cheerleaders
  22. would you rather field a pee wee team with all of travis henrys kids, or eric molds' kids
  23. marshawns drink of choice is anything he can bring from home, or a nice appletini from applebees
  24. i would be more pissed, it prob cost more to replace the bumper than her 7 stitches cost
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